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Recreation and Parks Board
1-25-17 Minutes



REGULAR MEETING                                                       JANUARY 25, 2017

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

BOARD MEMBERS                                                            TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Greg Mahon, Chairman                                                          Donna Paul, Township Representative

Susan Parry, Vice Chairman                                                   Wendy Hayden, Township Representative

Richard Grove, Secretary                                                       Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary

Bob Pelles-arrived at 7:04                                                      Dan Flint, Community Development.

Scott Duncanson                                                                                

Mrs. Paul called the January 25, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Recreation and Parks Board to order at 7:02 pm.


Mrs. Helen Grundon swore in Mr. Mahon in as a member of the Recreation and Parks Board.


Mr. PELLES made a motion to elect Mr. Greg Mahon as Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Board. Mr. DUNCANSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. PELLES made a motion to elect Ms. Susan Parry as Vice Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Board.  Mr. GROVE seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. DUNCANSON made a motion to elect Mr. Richard Grove as Secretary of the Recreation and Parks Board.  Mr. PELLES seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Mr. GROVE made a motion to approve the amended minutes from the November 16, 2016 meeting.  Ms. PARRY seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Mr. Flint showed the Board Arcona’s master plan.  He showed the location of the Terra Park.  He spoke about the plan and showed the Township lines with Upper Allen.  He stated the park would be dedicated to the Township.

Mr. Anthony Faranda-Diedrich, Charter Homes, stated the Terra Park would be two acres and would be in the shape of a horseshoe.  He showed the Board the outline of the park.  He is here tonight to provide an update on the plan and construction of the park which should be completed by Spring. 

He spoke about how the park would be a natural unique type of park.  He spoke about the 25-foot buffer that would be around the park with trees.  He spoke about the following features of the park: three created hills with 12-13 feet heights, sandbox, trail, climbing wall, and a flat recreational area.  This flat area could be used for walking dog, Frisbee, playing and for other activities.

Mr. Mahon asked about the parking and water access.  Mr. Flint stated this wouldn’t be a destination park but one where residents would walk to the park.  Mr. Duncanson asked about handicap parking and accessibility.  Mr. Flint stated they may need to start using the park to see the parking needs.

Mr. Grove asked about benches, pavilions, picnic areas, lightening and tot lots.  Mr. Faranda-Diedrich stated they will work with Community Development and Public Safety on a lighting plan.  He stated a water fountain could be put near the trail and Mr. Flint stated they will consider it.  Mr. Faranda-Diedrich doesn’t believe this park is made for a tot lot.  He stated there would be other parks built as Arcona is developed and a tot lot would be planned at that time.  Discussion ensued.  The Board thanked him for coming and updating them.


Wass Park

There were no public comments.  Mrs. Paul spoke about storage for the park.


Commissioner Young was not present at the meeting and there was no liaison report.


Mrs. Paul discussed the following activities from her monthly memo: 

  • Purchase of new playground equipment in the Fun Fort is in the budget for 2017. The plan is to replace the old equipment.  Bids will go out in the late spring and the replacement will take place in the fall.  R&P Board will be updated on the design.
  • Landscape work to take place at parking area of Barn entrance. Replacing old wall and adding stone for drainage.  New plantings will also be added.
  • Work is planned to be done in the Barn to allow heat to flow better in the lower restrooms. Currently, there is minimal warm air that flows through the duct work.
  • Tot playground equipment will be purchased for Sheepford Crossing Park. Pictures will be made available during the February R&P meeting.  Chianos will also be here for the meeting.
  • Cedar Spring Run Park will receive playground equipment sometime this year. The equipment will be purchased from the plans.
  • Field request forms for the 2017 season have been sent out and returned. The fields will be used for softball, baseball, soccer and lacrosse.

Mrs. Paul discussed the following tasks that were completed in November and December:

  • Work was started on the new drainage pipe installation for the sand box in the Fun Fort.  This project will be completed in the Spring.
  • Leaves were collected in the parks and flower beds were wood chipped for the winter.
  • Play equipment and bench repairs at LACP.
  • Tree trimming took place at LACP.
  • Barn maintenance of floors, table and lights.


Gardeners Gathering-April 29th

Ms. Parry spoke about some of the ideas discussed at a prior meeting.  She came back to rain barrels.  She spoke about partnering with a company to help provide the barrels at a cost.  She will pursue funding with PA American Water Company to help defer the cots.  The barrels were $20 last time the session was offered.  Discussion ensued.

Ms. Parry spoke about the rain garden.  She stated there were funds available to help plant in the spring.  Mr. Flint spoke about the issues with the rain garden and the adjusting of the draining of the garden.  He will talk with to Mr. Chinos about draining the rain garden.

Easter Egg Hunt-April 8th

Mr. Duncanson will act as the Easter Bunny.  Mrs. Paul stated assistance will be needed for the stuffing of the eggs for the hunt.  In addition, donation letters will need to be done along with asking business to help with the egg hunt.  This can be an agenda item for February. 


Adopt-A-Park Program

Mrs. Paul spoke about the Adopt-A-Park program and provided background on the program.  She stated a resident is interested in adopting Sheepford Crossings Park.  She stated the resident completed all the paperwork.  Mr. Mahon suggested they invite this resident to the park tours.

R&P Board – Township Representative

Mrs. Paul discussed how her role has changed for the Township with focusing more on Human Resources for the Township.  She introduced Wendy Hayden who will be taking over for Mrs. Paul for the Board.  Mrs. Hayden handles all the rentals for the Barn and Pavilions and is more involved with the parks.  She asked the Board to forward all their concerns and comments to Wendy going forward.  Ms. Parry thanked Mrs. Paul for all her years of service.

The Board asked about the revenues from the rentals within the parks.  This information can be shared with the Board next meeting.


Mr. Duncanson asked Mr. Flint about the fee in lieu of fees and the Comprehensive Plan.   Mr. Flint stated they are receiving the fees and they are being used for new parks and trails including Cedar Spring Run Park.  He stated some paving may take place at LACP depending upon the receipt of these fees to cover the costs.  He stated there is a steering process for the Comprehensive Plan that will include public events and vision week.  Things should start rolling out in April.  He stated the last one was done in 2006.  The plan, when completed, should include 5-10 things to do which may not just include land issues and include who, actions and funds for the implementation of the ideas.

Ms. Parry asked about the attendance with the Board members.  Mrs. Paul stated she spoke with Mr. Vernau and the Board must wait till someone resigns to replace a member. 


The Regular Meeting of the Recreation and Parks Board adjourned at 8:28 pm. 

Next meeting is Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 7:00 pm.