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11-14-16 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
11-14-16 Minutes



                                 REGULAR MEETING                                                                                        NOVEMBER 14, 2016                         


The following were in ATTENDANCE:


H. Edward Black, President Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager
Peddrick Young, Vice President Erin Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Richard F. Schin David Holl, Director of Public Safety
Jack R. Simpson, Jr. Richard Grove, Director of Finance
Carolyn E. Holtzman-by phone John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator
Leon Crone, Captain, Police Department
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary


President Black called the November 14, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm.  He followed with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.


Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2016 meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-0.  Commissioner Schin and Vice President Young abstained as they were absent from the meeting.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 3, 2016 budget meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


There was no response.


President Black advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request.   There was no response. 

Vice President YOUNG moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

  1. Reducing the Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2015-13, Final Land Development Plan for Stone Gate Village, establishing a new amount of $41,889.34, and a new expiration date of November 14, 2017.
  2. Reducing the Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2015-08, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Highpoint Phase 1.5, establishing a new amount of $695,933.94, and a new expiration date of November 14, 2017.
  3. Tax collectors Monthly Report for October 2016.

Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.



Approval of Check Register

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the Check Register of November 2, 2016 in the amount of $219,512.66.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the voided check of October 11, 2016 in the amount of $75 and manual check register of October 13, 2016 in the amount of $109.91.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.  President Black abstained, as a relative of his is on the check register.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the check register of November 11, 2016 in the amount of $195,680.24.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Ordinance 2016-04- Wireless Communication Facilities

Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to approve the Adjudication prepared by Solicitor Miner pursuant to the public hearing on the proposed Ordinance 2016-04, Wireless Communications Facilities. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Ordinance 2016-04-Wireless Communications

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to enact Ordinance 2016-04 , an ordinance of the Township of Lower Allen, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; providing for the amendment of the zoning ordinance of the Township of Lower Allen;  providing for purposes and findings of fact related to the adoption of the amendment; providing for definitions; establishing certain general  and  specific  standards  relating  to  the  location,  placement,  construction  and maintenance of tower-based wireless communications facilities and non-tower wireless communication facilities; providing further for the regulation of such facilities within the  public  rights-of-way  and  outside  the  public  rights-of-way;  providing  for  the enforcement of said regulations; and providing for an effective date.

Roll Call Vote:                         Commissioner Holtzman        – Aye

                                                Commissioner Schin               – Aye

                                                President Black                       – Aye

                                                Vice President Young              – Aye

                                                Commissioner Simpson          – Aye


            Ordinance 2016-04 was approved by a 5-0 vote.

Advertise a Notice of Adopted Ordinance for Ordinance 2016-04

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to authorize the Solicitor to advertise a Notice of Adopted Ordinance for Ordinance 2016-04.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


There was no response.


Zoning Hearing Board Report

Mr. Eby spoke about the Zoning Hearing Board meeting for Docket #2016-03.  The applicant, located at 310 Pinewood Drive, Shiremanstown, wants to establish a home occupancy hair salon at her residence.  Staff will be requesting, on behalf of LATA, a condition that wastewater generated by the salon be of residential character.  LATA requested water consumption of the hair salon be separately metered for billing purposes.  He stated that staff believes the Solicitor is not needed for this Docket.

Mr. Eby spoke about Docket #2016-04.  The applicant is New England Motor Freight, 2800 Appleton Street Camp Hill, PA.  They need to expand for truck maneuvering, storage and increased customer service demands.  They are requesting a variance to increase the impervious coverage from 70% to 79% for an expanded parking lot.  The applicant proposes to install stormwater management facilities that will reduce the rate and volume of stormwater runoffs to levels so they are comparative with a lot that is 70% impervious.  Mr. Flint has a few questions to be answered before the plan is final.  Staff believes the Solicitor isn’t needed for this meeting.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment Docket 2016-01

Mr. Eby discussed zoning ordinance amendment Docket 2016-01.  The applicants, the owners of 3045 Lisburn Road, and 3101 Lisburn Road, are requesting the zoning map designation of their properties be changed from R-2 Single Family Rural Residential to R-3 Multi-Family Residential.  He showed the Board the location and parcels of land involved in this request.  He stated that the third parcel of land is owned by the Commonwealth.  The properties to the south and west are identified on the Arcona master plan for development as part of the Core Neighborhood.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to begin the public review process for Zoning Ordinance Amendment Docket 2016-01, with a public hearing to be held on January 9, 2017 at 6pm.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Appointment of Auditor – 2016 Financial Statements

Mr. Grove spoke about the process of recommending the appointment of auditors for the 2016 audit.  He discussed the memo he provided to the Board on the rating system he used for rating the proposals.  Based on the rating system, Brown, Schultz, Sheridan & Fritz of Camp Hill ranked the best.  He stated that they are available to advise or consult with the Township on other issues.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to appoint Brown, Schultz, Sheridan & Fritz of Camp Hill for a first-year cost of $24,500, and with an annual escalator of 2.5% for the succeeding four years.  Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

2017 Budget Update

Mr. Vernau outlined the non-budgeted items that were added to the budget.  He stated that three items needed to be decided tonight for the budget to be completed.  The items were ambulance subscriptions, a 22nd police officer, and audit expense, which was just decided.  President Black asked if an additional officer was in the budget.  Captain Crone stated that the 20th officer will be graduating from the Academy soon and the 21st officer is currently in the background process.  Since there is an executive session discussing the County’s request for an additional officer, the Board chose to wait for a decision on the 22nd officer.


Tiered Ambulance Subscriptions

Mr. Vernau provided background on the previous discussions about limiting the number of ambulance copays the Township writes off for individual residents with subscriptions.  He reminded the Board that currently, anything not paid by insurance, including copays, is written off for each medically necessary ambulance trip.  He suggested 100% written off for the first trip, 50% written off for the second trip, and each trip after this, the resident is billed for the copay or unpaid balance.

Commissioner Holtzman asked if we could put a lien on a property for unpaid bills.  Mr. Vernau explained how the Township can’t put a lien on for these bills.  She stated that she hates punishing some when a few use it and are causing the issue.  Mr. Vernau stated that the Township can get a judgement for payment for those who don’t pay.   He stated that in 2015, approximately $26,000 was written off through subscription and copays.   Commissioner Simpson suggested a tiered subscription purchase model and spoke about the issue where the resident is getting the check for the ambulance ride and we don’t get the full payment from them right away.  Commissioner Schin is concerned that some may not be able to pay the unpaid balance from the insurance companies.

Director Holl stated that, with the current billing system, there is no way to track a tiered subscription.  Mr. Grove spoke about the current billing system and issue with Medicare this year as the Township must use a third-party administrator to bill Medicare directly.  He stated that it would be approximately $16,000 to cover the new software for the ambulance billing and allow us to bill Medicare directly.  Discussion ensued.  The Board agreed to write off 100% of the copays for the first ambulance trip, 50% for the second trip and 0% for the third trip and all other trips after the third, but for each family member separately.  The Board agreed to put the cost of the ambulance billing software in the budget.


Mr. Eby spoke about an upcoming Stakeholders of the Yellow Breeches group to review any issues from this summer.

Vice President Young expressed his concern about emergency vehicles using Beaver Road when cars are parked on both sides of this road.  Director Holl stated that they would look at his concern.

Commissioner Holtzman spoke about the weeds on the Slate Hill Road ramp.  Mr. Vernau will contact PennDOT again about this issue.  She asked about the sink hole at Mr. Wolfe’s house.  Mr. Vernau stated that they need to see water moving in the sink hall and suggested that Mr. Wolfe speak to him about it.

Director Holl stated that the newest officer will be sworn in on November 22nd


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned to executive session at 8:28 pm to discuss the following items:

  1. Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Recovery
  2. Board & Commission re-appointments
  3. County request for a full-time Drug Task Force officer