Board of Commissioners
7-24-17 Minutes
The following were in attendance:
Peddrick M. Young, Sr., Vice President | Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager |
Richard F. Schin | David Holl, Director of Public Safety |
Jack Simpson, Jr. | John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator |
Carolyn Holtzman | Leon Crone, Police Captain |
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor | |
Richard Grove, Finance Manager | |
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary |
Vice President YOUNG called the July 24, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:03 pm. He followed with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. President Black was absent with excuse.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 10, 2017 meeting of the Board of Commissioners as presented. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
There was no response.
Vice President Young advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request. There was no response.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the following items:
a. Department Reports for the month of June for Community Development, Township Engineer, Public Works, and Public Safety.
b. SLD Docket No. 2017-02: Revised Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phases 2.1 and 2.2; and Highpoint Phases 1.1 and 1.5, contingent upon the following:
i. Providing an executed agreement with the Township for owning and maintaining the structure over the pipeline within the street right-of way.
ii. Providing an executed Developers Agreement and related Improvement Security.
iii. Approval by Cumberland County Conservation District.
iv. Approval by Lower Allen Township Authority.
c. Drainage Plan No. 2017-01, 3432 Lisburn Road.
Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval of Check Register
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the Check Register of July 21, 2017 in the amount of $201,433.28. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Adjudication of Ordinance 2017-03, Indoor Agricultural Growing Operations
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the Adjudication prepared by the Solicitor pursuant to the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 2017-03, Indoor Agricultural Growing Operations. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner SIMPSON moved to approve Ordinance 2017-03, an ordinance of the Township of Lower Allen, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania; amending the code of the Township of Lower Allen, Chapter 220, Zoning, by adding specified indoor agricultural growing operations to the lists of permitted uses in the C-2, C-3, I-1, and 1-3 zoning districts.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Holtzman – Aye
Commissioner Schin – Aye
Vice President Young – Aye
Commissioner Simpson – Aye
Ordinance 2017-03 was ENACTED by a 4-0 vote.
There was no response.
Civil Service Commission Eligibility List for the rank of Corporal
Director Holl discussed the process for the promotions to Corporal. He spoke about the testing and interviews. He spoke about the list provided by the Civil Service Commission and the four eligible candidates.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to accept the Civil Service Commission Eligibility List for the rank of Corporal. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Edward C. Curtis and Jeremy E. Read for Promotion to the Rank of Corporal
Director Holl discussed the list of eligible candidates for Corporal. He spoke about Detective McNair and his respectful decline of the promotion.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve Edward C. Curtis and Jeremy E. Read from the eligibility list for promotion to the rank of Corporal. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution 2017-R-20 Promoting Officer Edward C. Curtis to the Rank of Corporal
Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-R-20 promoting Officer Edward C. Curtis to the rank of Corporal in the Lower Allen Township Police Department. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Resolution 2017-R-21 promoting Officer Jeremy E. Read to the rank of Corporal
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-R-21 promoting Officer Jeremy E. Read to the rank of Corporal in the Lower Allen Township Police Department. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Improvement Securities
Mr. Eby spoke about a request for a reduction in Improvement Securities for SLD Docket No. 2015-08-Highpoint Phase 1.5. He stated that Mr. Flint will conduct an inspection and this may be ready for action at the next meeting.
SB663/HB1469 – 3rd Party Building Inspection
Mr. Eby spoke about his memo regarding the current bills in the PA Senate and House. He spoke about the potential negative impact these bills would have on the local administration of the Uniform Construction Code (UCC). He went over each version and his concerns. He spoke about how they are trying reign in excessive fees charged to UCC customers by some municipalities, although most municipalities solely cover their costs from these fees. He spoke about how he feels they are punishing Townships who have certified code personnel and believes it is the opposite of the legislation enacted years ago for inspections. Discussion ensued. The Board asked Mr. Vernau to send a letter to Senator Regan and Representative Delozier.
HB 1013, EMS Reimbursement for Non-Transport Services.
Mr. Vernau discussed the CapCOG’s resolution in support of House Bill 1013, which would amend the Insurance Company Law by requiring reimbursement for emergency services provided when there is no transport of a patient. He detailed the current situation with many calls involving time and resources and not being able to bill for services because the patient wasn’t transported to the hospital. Ms. Marie Calaman, EMS, spoke about some of the calls they receive, including simple blood pressure checks. Director Holl stated that in 2016, there were 126 calls to a location where the ambulance couldn’t bill because there was no transport. There have been 50 for 2017 so far. He spoke about lost revenues. He stated that if there are no services provided and no transport there would be no charge. Discussion ensued. Mr. Vernau will prepare a resolution for the Township in approval of this bill for the next meeting.
Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Right-Of-Way In Lieu Of Condemnation
Mr. Vernau spoke about the draft resolution he provided to the Board. He stated that it is part of the Gettysburg Road relocation project. He stated that the purchase price is around $9,900. Solicitor Miner stated that it can be done this way to avoid the transfer tax. Discussion ensued. This will be ready for action at the next meeting.
Mr. Eby spoke about the Yellow Breeches Creek cleanup that took place this past weekend. Mr. Vernau spoke about the $1,000 donation Lower Allen provided to Cumberland County for their recycling of hazards household waste. They have asked if a Commissioner would like to attend the August 10th County Commissioners’ workshop to present the check. Mr. Vernau will send an email to the Board about it.
Commissioner Simpson spoke about the Eagle Scout presentations he attended. He spoke about Troop 312, who has partnered with Lisburn Fire. He thinks this is a great idea and suggested Lower Allen Fire partner with a troop as it could help attract future firefighters.
Commissioner Schin spoke about trucks being parked in the former Stephenson Flower’s parking lot. He asked about a property on 30th Street and Mr. Eby stated that it was being addressed. Commissioner Holtzman asked if it is legal to park on your front lawn and provided an address. Mr. Vernau stated that it is not legal to park in the front yard, and Mr. Eby will look into it.
Director Holl spoke about the upcoming National Night Out on August 1st, Lisburn Fire’s Festival on August 9-12th and stated that phase one of the fencing for Public Safety would start Monday.
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned to executive session at 8:10 pm to discuss the following:
a. Fire Captain candidates.
b. Triple Crown Corporation potential action.