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4-25-18 Minutes

Recreation and Parks Board
4-25-18 Minutes



 REGULAR MEETING                                                       APRIL 25, 2018

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

BOARD MEMBERS                                                            TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Greg Mahon, Chairman                                                          Wendy Hayden, Township Representative

Susan Parry, Vice Chairman                                                   Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary

Richard Grove, Secretary                                                      

Scott Duncanson

Bob Pelles                                                                              

James Kaiser


Mr. Mahon called the April 25, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Recreation and Parks Board to order at 7:00 pm.


Mr. GROVE made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 28, 2018 meeting.  Ms. PARRY seconded the motion.  Motion carried 6-0.


Pete’s Field

There were no public comments.  Mrs. Hayden stated general park maintenance, as weather allows, is being performed.  The water and the restrooms were opened, and an updated park sign was installed, during the month.


Commissioner Holtzman was unable to attend the meeting.


Mrs. Hayden discussed the following Park Operational Staff Report: 

  • Repaving areas at LACP – Hoping to wrap up the job by the end of the month. The April 20th deadline was pushed back, due to constant inclement weather.
  • The water at LACP, passed DEP inspection, just last week. Typically, the facilities are turned in early in the month, but the water test flunked twice.  Funds are budgeted for upgrades to the well tank and UV lighting system for 2018.
  • The Garden Plots, at Yellow Breeches Park, have been given out for the 2018 season. Black Landscape plowed the plots, at a cost of $250.  Park personnel staked off the plots, and the resident gardeners have been notified.

 Mrs. Hayden discussed the following Activities:

  • A trout release, by a CV High School class, will take place on Thursday, April 26th, at the LACP boat launch.  Lori Glace, with the Cumberland County Conservation District, will be on hand teaching the students.
  • The USA (formally ASA) Softball Tournament was canceled for this weekend.  Only two teams signed up. 


Gardeners Gathering-April 29th

Ms. Parry stated they have the workshops setup for the Gathering.  Mr. Mahon, Mr. Duncanson, Mr. Grove and Mrs. Hayden will help Ms. Parry with the event.  Mrs. Hayden will take care of the refreshments and Ms. Parry will bring the projector, water containers, and coffee maker.  Ms. Parry will pick up the flowers/plants on Friday.  Mr. Duncanson will do the plant swap.  Everyone should be at the barn at 9:30 am.  She will share the event on Facebook.


Summer Park Tours

Mrs. Hayden had a list of the park tours and times.  Everyone should meet at the Township parking lot at 5:50pm for the park tours on May 23, June 13 and 27th.  Ms. Parry will be out of town for the first one and Mr. Mahon believes he won’t be able to make the last park tour.

Rain Garden

Ms. Parry would like to get a committee together for cleaning up the rain garden, but Mrs. Hayden pointed out that there has been no interest from anyone, concerning taking care of the garden.  Mrs. Hayden stated it is full of water again, and she will contact Becky Davis, MS4 Coordinator, about what can be done about it.  Ms. Parry will ask Greg Black, during the Gardner’s Gathering, about what could be done with the failing rain garden.  The Board talked about maybe putting a fountain in to circulate the water.


The Regular Meeting of the Recreation and Parks Board adjourned at 7:28 pm. 

Next meeting is Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 6:00 pm for the park tours.