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10-8-18 Meeting Minutes

Board of Commissioners
10-8-18 Meeting Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                         LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                                           OCTOBER 8, 2018

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                      TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Edward Black, President                                                     Thomas G. Vernau, Jr., Township Manager

Jack Simpson, Vice President                                                David Holl, Public Safety Director

Richard F. Schin                                                                     Richard Grove, Finance Director

Dean W. Villone                                                                     Dan Flint, Public Works Director                                                                                                 

                                                                                                John Eby, Building & Zoning Coordinator

                                                                                        Steven P. Miner, Solicitor

                                                                                                Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary


President Black called the October 8, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at           7:00 pm.  At this time he announced that the Board of Commissioners had just finished a closed Executive Session prior to the start of the meeting tonight regarding a blighted property. President Black requested that Solicitor Miner speak on this. Mr. Miner stated that he was requesting a motion from the Board to bring an action on behalf of the Township against Connie Still, executrix of the estate at 5226 Royal Drive. Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the action and Commissioner VILLONE seconded it. Motion carried 4-0.

Mr. Black then announced that Proof of Publication is available for review if anyone cares to see it. This was followed by a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Commissioner Holtzman was absent with excuse.


Commissioner VILLONE made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 24, 2018 meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION There was no response.


Mr. Flint introduced the final report from Arcadis US, Inc. He announced that Tony Dill from Arcadis and Tom Wilson from K&W Engineering were present tonight to present the results of the fee study. They were previously at the June 11, 2018 meeting to explain the project. The main part of the project was using digitized aerial photography to evaluate township parcels and calculating the Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs). Scope and budget were also developed for the stormwater program. Fee structure was analyzed over a 5-year period. Mr. Dill referred to a handout highlighting the MS4 permit requirements and Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan, which has been completed. The scope of the program is operation and maintenance of stormwater infrastructure as well as capital projects. When the Chesapeake Bay requirements have been met, extra money will go toward pipe maintenance and proactive inspection of pipes. The five-year budget is projected to be around 1.2 million dollars per year, with the majority of the money going toward MS4 compliance.

The rate structure is as follows: residential = flat fee, non-residential and multi-family units = impervious area, and undeveloped lots = flat 1 ERU. An ERU is equivalent to 3,115 square feet of impervious area. This is based on the digitized study of buildings, sidewalks, and driveways. Stormwater Fee = stormwater program cost divided by impervious area (total ERU’s). Ten properties in Lower Allen Township are larger than 200+ ERU’s. For commercial properties, the calculation is based on the total impervious area divided by 3,115 sq. feet.  The result is then multiplied by the residential ERU. The Township has 526 commercial parcels which equals 12, 458 gross ERU’s. Approximately 10% may be lost to credit programs which yields 11,212 net ERU’s. Individual properties have not yet been assessed.

Residential properties will pay a flat amount due to it being less complicated, easier to administer, and more consistent with other fees like trash and sewer. There are 5,354 parcels in the Township which would equal 5,354 ERU’s. If a 5% credit loss is assumed, the ERU’s would come out to 5,086. There are 287 undeveloped properties in the Township which equals 287 ERU’s. The total ERU’s is 16,585. This equates to $19.00/quarter for residential properties. Mr. Dill stated that Lower Allen Township is on target with other local municipalities. As the program begins, we won’t be spending the money right away. As construction begins of the BMPs, we will be spending more money than we are taking in.

Next steps are to develop a credits and appeals policy, deliver the GIS database, pass an ordinance to implement the fee, and update the billing system.  Mr. Miner requested permission to advertise granting the Stormwater Authority permission to enable an ordinance for fee collection. Commissioner SIMPSON made the motion and Commissioner SCHIN seconded it. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Schin commended the MS4 staff on the stormwater presentation at the Stormwater Authority meeting. Mr. Flint stated that he hopes a mailing can go out this November to make commercial property owners aware of the upcoming fees, so they can budget for them.


Check Register

Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to approve the Check Register of September 28, 2018 for the amount of $244,614.78. Commissioner VILLONE seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2018-R-38

Commissioner VILLONE made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-R-38, approving the transfer of restaurant liquor license No. R-9473 into Lower Allen Township. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded it. Motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2018-R-39

Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-R-39, approving the hiring of Matthew K. Reynolds to the position of Maintenance Specialist in the Public Works Department, effective October 22, 2018. This was seconded by Commissioner VILLONE and the motion carried 4-0.


There was none.


Time Extension for SLD Docket No. 2018-07

The land development plan for the Rossmoyne Elementary School was tabled in July of 2018 to give the                applicant more time with transportation issues. Jeff Shyk is present from K&W Engineers and a representative from the West Shore School District. Mr. Shyk relayed that information received from PennDOT just required some improvements not studies. They are hoping to resubmit the final design plan to PennDOT by the end of the month. Ground breaking could take place in February of 2019, depending on the winter weather. Commissioner VILLONE made a motion to accept a time extension for the applicant until the December 3, 2018 Board of Commissioners meeting. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion and it carried 3-0, with Commissioner Schin abstaining due to being an employee of the West Shore School District.


ZHB Docket #2018-07

Coming up at the October 18th Zoning Hearing Board meeting, Perfect Match Boutique at 1180 Lowther Road, Camp Hill, is requesting a variance from Section 220-53A(1) to encroach into the front yard setback. This is to accommodate an addition to their store. They will be submitting a land development plan for this.

Docket #2018-08

Richard and Pat Zulaica have requested a variance from Section 220-150B(1) to encroach on the side yard setback of their home to construct a detached garage. Construction with fire-resistant materials will be required due to minimal side yard setback. Neighbors have been notified by letter and it was advertised in the paper.

Mr. Eby is not requesting the Solicitor’s presence for either docket.


Street Light Fund

Mr. Richard Grove explained that we have nearly exhausted our fund balance in the street light fund. In 2013 the Street Light assessment was reduced to allow the fund balance to deplete. Currently the rates are 44 cents/linear foot for seated property and 11 cents / linear foot for unseated property. The fund has fallen below the 15% minimum required by Township fund balance policy. Recommendation is to raise this to 55 cents and 13.75 cents, respectively.

Sanitation Fund

Money will be getting transferred from the MS4 fund into the Sanitation Fund. This represents their share of bill preparation and mailing. As well, reimbursement into the General Fund for street sweeping is no longer coming from the Sanitation Fund but rather from the MS4 fees. Our sanitation contract is up for renewal at the end of 2020. We may go out for bids depending on what our current provider offers us.

Highway Aid Fund

Mr. Flint confirmed that the highway fund will stay the same for snow removal, but there is a slight increase for electricity for the traffic signals. Under bridge maintenance, there is a decrease due to not having to install ADA ramps next year. Street paving is decreased due to large paving projects being every other year. There is money in the budget for repaving in Fair Oaks due to a sewer line installation. There is money included in the budget for rental of a crack sealing machine. Commissioner Villone complimented the Highway Department for the excellent job they do with snow removal with their budget.


Commissioner Schin spoke about a resident telling him about a positive encounter he had with Lower Allen  Township.  He was looking for police help after 4 pm. He saw a Township employee leaving the building after work. The employee helped the resident by going back into the building to find a police officer who then helped him with his problem. He was very appreciative.

Mr. Schin also mentioned that we put 10% down on the Bon Ton property.  President Black mentioned that he was part of a group who toured the Bon Ton building and it was left very clean and in very good condition by the previous owner.

Vice President Simpson mentioned that he was asked to replace Mr. Lloyd Bucher as Treasurer of the Central Pennsylvania Township Commissioners Association.

Mr. Eby stated that the Occupancy Permit has been issued for Dave & Busters. It will be having a grand opening on October 22nd at 11 am.

Mr. Vernau stated that he, Mr. Grove and Commissioner Simpson will be interviewing investment and actuarial firms for the Township pension plans.  Our pension attorney, Randall Rhodes, will also participate.


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:31 pm.