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4-16-19 Minutes

Planning Commission
4-16-19 Minutes


PLANNING COMMISSION:                                             LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

 REGULAR MEETING:                                                      APRIL 16, 2019

 The following were in ATTENDANCE:

Brett McCreary, Chairman

Geir Magnusson, Vice-Chairman

Jay Blackwell

Brian Wickenheiser

Michael Washburn

Daniel Flint, P.E., Township Engineer

Steve Hoffman, Cumberland County Planning Dept

Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary


Chairman McCreary called the April 16, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:02 pm.



Mr. MAGNUSSON moved to approve the minutes from the March 19, 2019 regular meeting. Mr. BLACKWELL seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.



SLD Docket No. 2019-06:  Minor Land Development Plan for PennDel District Council, 4651 Westport Drive

Proposed construction of an 8,689 square foot building addition (one and two-story sections) to the existing 8,220 square foot one story building.

Applicant Presentation

Tim Diehl, President of HD Engineering Solutions, was present to speak to the Planning Commission about the proposed building addition to the PennDel District Council Assemblies of God. He introduced Pastor Don Immel, District Superintendent for the Assemblies of God. Mr. Diehl stated that the current building is in the Westport Business Center in the C-3, Planned Business Center Zoning District. The organization is seeking to expand their facility with a two-story building addition toward the southwest corner of the site, adding a total of 8,700 square feet to the existing structure. This will create a 16,900 square foot building on the site. Due to growth, they are seeking more room for employees, a new meeting room, and a classroom that can hold twenty people. Additional parking spaces will be created along the Westport Drive side of the building, along with improving the driveway access. A rain garden will be installed on the site for stormwater management.

Mr. Diehl stated that the plan will be going before the Zoning Hearing Board to request a reduction in the number of required parking spaces. The calculation of 49 needed spaces is based on a maximum of 23 full and part time employees and 6 visitors per day, as well as possibly 20 classroom attendees. There are 62 spaces provided. The Zoning Ordinance requires 85. He stated that the comments received from the Township and County have been addressed. A waiver of submitting a Preliminary Plan is being requested as the plan was designed to also be the final plan. The other waiver being requested is from providing sidewalks along the frontage of the building as there is currently no pedestrian access in Westport Business Park.

Township Staff Comments

Mr. Flint stated that Township comments have already been addressed. They have addressed stormwater management as required by the addition of impervious coverage. The parking issue will go before the Zoning Hearing Board. Action on the plan is contingent upon the Special Exception being granted by the Zoning Hearing Board. He also said that the applicant could be required to add sidewalks in the future if the need would arise.

County Comments

Mr. Hoffman asked if sewer planning approval was necessary. Mr. Diehl stated that he has a letter from the Lower Allen Township Authority approving the original building plan in 1997. Everything is remaining the same with this addition and actual usage is lower than what was originally predicted. Mr. Hoffman also asked if the plans are going to be sent to the Cumberland County Conservation District and Mr. Diehl said that he has already received the letter of approval.

Commissioner Member Comments

Mr. McCreary asked if there were plans to expand when the building was originally created. Mr. Diehl stated that he was not the engineer at the time but he suspects that there may have been thoughts of expanding in the future due to the additional 23 parking spaces along the street frontage that have not yet been constructed. He also stated that the PennDel District has access to much larger facilities like Christian Life Assembly or the Bongiorno Retreat Center in Carlisle if they are planning for a larger crowd. Mr. McCreary asked Pastor Don Immel more about the intended usage of the addition. Pastor Immel stated that with some of the employees being part-time, they have 14 to 16 people per day in the facility. He stated that their purpose is the credentialing of ministers and providing resources to various departments within their churches. Typically groups do not meet at this location but would utilize the 20 person classroom if needed.


Mr. WICKENHEISER moved to approve the waiver of providing sidewalks along street frontage. Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WICKENHEISER moved to approve the waiver of providing a Preliminary Plan. Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WICKENHEISER moved to approve SLD Docket No. 2019-06, Minor Land Development Plan for PennDel District Council contingent upon granting of the Special Exception by the Zoning and Hearing Board and subject to Township and County comments. Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.

SLD Docket No. 2019-06:  Minor Land Development Plan for SLD Docket No. 2019-05:  Minor Land Development Plan for Verizon Wireless, 3628 Lisburn Road

Proposed construction of a 150 foot tall telecommunications monopole.

This Plan was tabled as the Applicant was not in attendance to present it.

Mr. WASHBURN moved to table the Minor Land Development Plan for SLD Docket No. 2019-05. Mr. MAGNUSSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Mr. Hoffman spoke about FEMA releasing the preliminary updated floodplain maps for the County at the end of April. There will be two meetings following this, one for municipalities and one for the public. It will be more accurate than the previous study done in the 1970’s.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 7:00 pm.


Mr. WASHBURN moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at 7:22 pm. Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.