Stormwater Authority
10-1-2020 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Gordon E. Wilson, Chairman Rebecca Davis, Stormwater Program Manager
Timothy Johnson, Vice Chairman
Lloyd Bucher, Treasurer
Alison J Shuler, Secretary
Richard Schin, Assistant Secretary
Also in attendance: Steven P. Miner, Esquire, LATSA Solicitor, and Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary
Chairman Wilson called the October 1, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority to order at 8:15 pm. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. Tina Thomas completed a Roll Call of the Board members present.
Mrs. Shuler moved to approve the minutes from the September 3, 2020 meeting of the Stormwater Authority. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Miner spoke filing 30 municipal liens this past month. He noted that all but one were residential. Mr. Miner said that liens cannot be placed on commonwealth entities, which includes the state of Pennsylvania, the prison, and the Turnpike. He hopes that residents will decide to pay the fee now as costs will continue to increase. Chairman Wilson asked if the process would be delayed due to Covid-19 and Mr. Miner said that it is already completed.
LATSA Financial Report
Mr. Bucher provided the Treasurer’s report. In response to Mr. Bucher’s question, Mrs. Davis said that transfers are still being done based on budgeted amounts. She would prefer that transfers be made based on actual expenditures and the Authority agreed. Mrs. Davis offered to prepare a letter to the Financial Director for the Chairman to sign asking for the change.
Mr. Johnson moved to authorize Mrs. Davis to draft a letter requesting that transfers from the Stormwater Authority to Lower Allen Township be based on actual expenses rather than budgeted expenses. Mr. Bucher seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Bucher moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Mr. Schin seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Credit and Appeals Summary
Mrs. Davis stated that no new credit or appeal applications have come in this past month.
Proposed Meeting Dates
Mrs. Davis said that the dates for the Stormwater Authority meetings in 2021 will be the same as those which were just approved by the Sewer Authority. The Board was in agreement with these dates. Mrs. Davis noted that the dates would be advertised by the Township.
Mr. Schin moved to approve the 2021 LATSA meeting dates and Mr. Bucher seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Draft 2021 Budgets
Mrs. Davis referred to the Draft Budgets for 2021 that were included in Board member[s’] packets. This includes MS4, street cleaning, and storm sewers/drains which all receive money from stormwater revenue. She noted that the major expenditure for the MS4 account is the construction of two more bioretention facilities in 2021, budgeted at $400,000. Lining of pipes and inlet replacement is also anticipated and accounts for $150,000 under infrastructure. Mrs. Davis said she had reached out to Mr. Brossman regarding using their equipment for televising pipes but it will not work. She also noted that there are no major budgetary changes in street sweeping or storm sewers and drains. Mrs. Davis said that the draft budget will be presented to the Board of Commissioners next. She feels that the $19 fee charged is meeting the needs for stormwater infrastructure repair and replacement.
Revised LATSA Fee Resolution
Mrs. Davis spoke about changing the language in the fee resolution to a year and 6 quarters for unpaid bill notices, and a notice of delinquency at 8 quarters. She noted that commercial accounts will receive notice at one year or $250.00. After 8 quarters or $500.00 they will receive a notice of delinquency.
Mr. Bucher moved to approve LATSA Resolution 2020-A-03 and Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Stormwater Television Services
Mrs. Davis spoke about receiving quotes for televising pipes and flushing if required at Norman and Sussex Roads from Utility Services Group (USG) and Mr. Rehab. USG was the less expensive of the two. They offered $4,100 for Norman Road and $2,460 for Sussex. Mrs. Davis added that the Sewer Authority has also used this company in the past and that this is a COSTAR Contract.
Mr. Schin moved to approve hiring USG to televise pipes at Norman Road and Sussex. Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
Stormwater Basin Updates
Mrs. Davis provided the Board with updates and pictures of work on the stormwater basins. She noted that both projects are 95% complete and have come in $45,000 under bid. Mrs. Davis spoke about issues with geese eating the new plantings in the basins which makes installation of exclusion fencing necessary. She said this is anticipated to cost $8,000. Until the fencing is installed, coyote decoys are being used to deter the geese. Mrs. Davis plans to create story maps to show the public how the stormwater fees are being used on the basins. There are also signs at the basins showing what kinds of plants are there.
Mrs. Shuler moved to approve Change Order #001 for goose exclusion fencing. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Davis spoke about being contacted by PMAA about being part of a monthly work group. She said that several municipalities are part of the group and were also on a phone meeting with her. The topic of discussion was what municipalities are doing to try to get payment from the state. Mrs. Davis said everyone is still billing the state but no one has gotten paid. She said that some members of PMAA are planning to talk to legislators and have spoken with the DEP. Mrs. Davis added that the West Chester case won the right to assess a fee at the lower court but this has been appealed.
There was none.
There being no more business, Mr. Wilson adjourned the Stormwater Authority meeting at 8:47 pm. The next meeting of the Stormwater Authority will take place on Thursday November 5th.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Thomas
Recording Secretary