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12-28-2020 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
12-28-2020 Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                    LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

 REGULAR MEETING                                                      DECEMBER 28, 2020

 The following were in ATTENDANCE:

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                     TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Dean W. Villone, President                                                  Thomas G. Vernau, Jr., Township Manager

Edward Black, Vice President                                               Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager

Richard F. Schin                                                                    Richard A. Grove, Finance Director

Thomas H. Kutz                                                                     David Holl, Public Safety Director

                                                                                               Daniel J. Flint, Township Engineer    

                                                                                               John M. Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator

                                                                                               Leon G. Crone, Police Captain                 

                                                                                               Tony Deaven, EMS Captain

                                                                                               Helen R. Grundon, Township Secretary         

                                                                                               Steven P. Miner, Solicitor

                                                                                               Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary                                                                                           


President Villone called the December 28, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm. He explained that this meeting was being held virtually on the Zoom platform and announced it was being hosted by Mrs. Trone and Mr. Vernau. He instructed any members from the public wishing to speak to notify the hosts. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. Commissioner Holtzman was absent from the meeting.



Vice President BLACK moved to approve the minutes from the December 14, 2020 Regular Meeting. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.

There were no public participants who wished to speak at that time.



President Villone asked that any Commissioner, staff member or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion request so now. There was no response:

  • Department Reports for the month of November for Community Development, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance (October and November), Township Engineer, Public Works, and Public Safety.
  • Resolution 2020-R-42, authorizing the Township Manager to delegate expenditure approvals up to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to Directors.
  • Resolution 2020-R-43, the 2021 Fee Schedule Resolution.
  • Tax Collectors November Monthly Report.


Commissioner Schin noted that the printed copy of Resolution 2020-R-42 is incorrectly written as 2021-R-42. This will be corrected before it is signed by President Villone.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the correction mentioned, and Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. President Villone had a question about the monthly report for Community Development. He pointed out that the revenue is currently at $275,000 but budgeted to be approximately $375,000. He asked if this would cause a budgetary shortfall. Mr. Grove responded that the shortfall of revenue will be balanced out by the shortfall in expenditures and will level itself out. Motion carried 4-0.



Check Register

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the Check Register of December 18, 2020 in the amount of $715,437.25. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.



Commissioner SCHIN moved to reappoint Ann Moran to the Lower Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 2021. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. President Villone noted that Ms. Moran was in attendance and thanked her for her service.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to reappoint Dennis Shatto, Esq. as Solicitor to the Lower Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 2021. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to reappoint Richard F. Schin to the Lower Allen Township Authority for a term of five years, beginning January 1, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Schin abstaining.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to appoint Timothy Johnson to the Lower Allen Township Authority to finish the unexpired term of Gordon Wilson, such term to expire on December 31, 2021. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to reappoint Richard F. Schin to the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority for a term of five years, beginning January 1, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Schin abstaining.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to appoint Robert Edwards to the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to finish the unexpired term of Gordon Wilson, such term to expire on December 31, 2021. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Vice President BLACK moved to reappoint Salvatore Marone to the Lower Allen Township Development Authority for a term of five years, beginning January 1, 2021. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to reappoint David Clovsky to the Lower Allen Township Planning Commission for a term of four years, beginning January 1, 2021. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. President Villone noted that Mr. Clovsky was also in the audience and thanked him for his service.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to reappoint Michael Washburn to the Lower Allen Township Planning Commission for a term of four years, beginning January 1, 2021. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to reappoint David Harmon to the Lower Allen Township Civil Service Commission for a term of six years, beginning January 1, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Swearing in of Ann Moran and David Clovsky

Mr. Vernau said that the two committee members present on Zoom tonight could be sworn in by the Township Secretary, Helen Grundon. President Villone wanted to go ahead with the swearing in process. Mrs. Grundon delivered the oaths of office.


Ordinance 2020-09:  Traffic Control Device Ordinance

Commissioner SCHIN moved to enact Ordinance 2020-09, Traffic Control Device Ordinance.

Roll Call Vote:            Vice President Black              -Aye

                                    President Villone                    -Aye

                                    Commissioner Schin               -Aye

                                    Commissioner Kutz                -Aye


Ordinance 2020-09 was approved by a 4-0 vote.


Resolution 2020-R-44

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve Resolution 2020-R-44, a resolution of the Board of Commissioners to hire Bradley E. McCullough as Township Engineer and Public Works Director, effective January 18, 2021 at a salary not to exceed Ninety-Two Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($92,000.00). Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


President Villone asked for clarification of what the process would look like for Mr. McCullough taking over for Mr. Flint. Mr. Vernau said that Mr. Flint is still the Township Engineer as he was appointed to in the beginning of 2020. Mr. McCullough will be officially appointed at Township Engineer when Mr. Flint leaves. In response to President Villone’s question about taking time off, Mr. Flint said that he does not anticipate taking any significant time off prior to his departure at the end of April. He said that most of Mr. McCullough’s time with him would be spent in orientation to Township practices.


Resolution 2020-R-45

Vice President BLACK moved to appoint Douglas L. Foltz to the rank of Lieutenant of the Lower Allen Township Police Department, effective January 11, 2021. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Resolution 2020-R-46

Vice President BLACK moved to appoint Donald J. Sentman to the rank of Lieutenant of the Lower Allen Township Police Department, effective January 11, 2021. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Resolution 2020-R-47

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the hiring of Michael P. Lightner as a Police Officer for the Lower Allen Township Police Department, effective January 11, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.



There was none.



Invoice No. 5 to TRC

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the payment of Invoice No. 5 to TRC in the amount of $10,296.72 for Construction Inspection services on the Gettysburg Road Relocation Project. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.



Resignation of Molly Curtis

Mr. Holl spoke about Ms. Curtis having recently achieved her nursing degree. She is resigning her full-time EMT position to seek a position in nursing. She would like to stay on as a part-time EMT until she can finish getting certified as a medic. Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the resignation of Molly Curtis as a full-time EMT. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and said that he appreciated her very nice resignation letter. He thanked Mr. Deaven for his leadership as EMS Captain, as referenced in the letter. Motion carried 4-0.


Approval to hire Full-Time EMT

Mr. Holl said that an open position will be created by this resignation and he requested permission to hire to fill it. He said there are some internal candidates interested and he will provide a list to the Board at the next meeting. Vice President BLACK moved to approve filling the position of Full-Time EMT and Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.



Years of Service and Performance Awards

Mr. Vernau mentioned several employees who will be honored at the next meeting for years of service. He also spoke about two nominations for Performance Awards for a member of the Fleet Maintenance Department. He said that Mr. Aaron Duncan is nominated for creating a rear step into the prisoner transport van which saved the Township $3,000 and for replacing the engine in a police car, saving an additional $3,000.


Extension of Township’s Declaration of Disaster Emergency

Mr. Vernau spoke about the Township’s Declaration of Disaster Emergency having been extended until December 31, 2020 to cover as many COVID-19-related costs as possible with grant money. He said that the Governor has now extended the state’s declaration until February so the Township should extend ours as well due to ongoing costs for protective equipment until the end of May if needed. It can be ended sooner if the COVID-19 pandemic is declared to be over before then.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve extending the Lower Allen Township Declaration of Health Emergency Recovery until May 31, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.



President Villone noted that the Board would be adjourning to Executive Session following Commissioner Reports for a Lower Allen Commons Update.


Mrs. Trone spoke about the question regarding the Community and Economic Development report discussed earlier in the meeting. She said that CED is currently at $234,000 for the month of November and budgeted to be at $373,000. She said that due to less development due to COVID-19, a shortfall is anticipated. She added that the hotel had been estimated to bring in $100,000 in revenue but is now on hold due to COVID-19. Other developers have not been undertaking projects. Mrs. Trone noted that there has been a lot of residential activity but that does not bring in revenue like commercial activity. Mr. Grove said he was speaking about the General Fund grant line items which are expenditure driven.


Mr. Clovsky thanked the Board for voting him in.


Mr. Miner expressed his appreciation of the Township moving along with him to his new law firm. He also spoke about Mr. Yetter who had been his mentor before passing away in 2000. Mr. Miner wished everyone a Happy New Year.


Ms. Moran wished everyone a Happy New Year and thanked them for reappointing her.


Captain Crone said that he will see everyone when he is back at work on January 4th.


Director Holl thanked the Board for their support as it has been a tough year for Public Safety with COVID-19. He wished everyone a Happy New Year.


Captain Deaven also thanked the Board for their support and wished everyone a Happy New Year.


Mr. Eby thanked Mrs. Trone for clarifying the budget issue. He agreed there is a lot of residential activity which is keeping the Codes Department busy. He wished everyone a Happy New Year.


Mr. Flint spoke about the upcoming advertisement for bids for the long anticipated Fun Fort reconstruction. He said that they are hoping to have work underway in early 2021.


Mrs. Grundon thanked the Commissioners for their support and for keeping the employees safe.


Commissioner Kutz noted that this is the end of his first year of serving on the Board. He thanked the Township staff who have helped him understand and acclimate during this time. He is looking forward to continuing to serve the residents of Lower Allen Township. He wished everyone a Happy New Year.


Vice President Black spoke about the new agreement reached with the Police Association. He said the process went smoothly and professionally. He feels that the process of candidate selection is solid and participation in CALEA is money well spent. He thanked the officers for their service.


Commissioner Schin spoke about working with the bargaining team on the negotiations and he appreciated being part of the process. He also asked about the recent house fire on Gettysburg Road. Mr. Holl responded that it was a structure fire which started in the carport. He said that other residents notified the homeowner and helped them evacuate. The fire spread quickly, and additional fire departments were called to respond. Mr. Holl added that they are hoping to present the residents with letters of recognition for their assistance. Commissioner Schin thanked staff for their hard work and said that the residents of the Township are appreciative as well.


President Villone noted that 2020 has been a difficult year. He thanked staff for helping to get the Zoom meetings up and running. He said that residents and businesses are being served well. He added that he sees Police, Fire, and EMS all the time out doing their jobs during the pandemic and thanked them for their hard work along with all Township staff. He wished everyone a Happy New Year and is looking forward to what is going to take place in 2021.



The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned to Executive Session at 8:04 pm.