Stormwater Authority
01-07-2021 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Timothy Johnson, Chairman Rebecca Davis, Stormwater Program Manager
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman Steven P. Miner, LATSA Solicitor
Richard Schin, Treasurer Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary
Bob Edwards, Assistant Treasurer
Alison J Shuler, Secretary
Chairman Johnson called the January 7, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority to order at 7:33 pm. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. Tina Thomas completed a Roll Call of the Board members present.
Mrs. Shuler moved to approve the minutes from the December 3, 2020 meeting of the Stormwater Authority. Mr. Bucher seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0, with Mr. Edwards and Mr. Schin abstaining due to absence.
Mr. Miner requested to carry out the Executive Session during the meeting due to no one from the public being in attendance. The Board agreed with this decision and the Peiffer Memorial Arboretum and Nature Preserve’s Petition for Appeal of Court was discussed. The Executive Session took place from 7:35 to 7:42 pm.
Mr. Schin noted that the cash balance of the Stormwater Authority as of January 4, 2021 is $1,569,370.79. Mr. Schin moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Mr. Bucher seconded it. Motion carried 5-0. Mrs. Davis added that a transfer is coming up in April and the Board will receive an itemized list of actual expenditures. The audit should be finalized in May and then a final reconciliation will be done between the General Fund and the Stormwater Fund.
Credit and Appeals Summary
Mrs. Davis stated that there was one credit (#93) was issued to Sheetz this past month. They have rain gardens, a water quality insert in their stormwater inlets, and infiltration. They received a 39% credit from their fee. She said that the two-year mark is coming up March 1st where all the properties who have received a stormwater credit must reapply and their BMP’s must be inspected. Anyone not maintaining their BMP is in danger of losing their credit. Mrs. Davis said that she sent the BMP inspection reports out at the end of December and property owners are supposed to self-report. She said that if she does not hear back, she will have to inspect the BMP’s herself and they are billed for this. Chairman Johnson requested to be updated on the findings as the process goes along.
Grant Application Summary
Mrs. Davis spoke about the Township’s Pollution Reduction Plan, or PRP, and the requirement to reduce pollutants by 10% in five years. She said that there are ten basins which must be retrofitted and two have been done so far. Each of the two completed was covered by a grant. She has received three additional grants, one of which is Growing Greener. Mrs. Davis noted that the Sheepford West Basin cost less than the awarded grant. She requested that the state allow her to use the grant money for additional projects. They approved use of part of it for a GIS storymap and part to be used for quarterly maintenance of the basins. She said that the GIS storymap will show the detail of how the stormwater basin was retrofitted and be accessible to the public.
Mrs. Shuler asked Mrs. Davis what she thinks about the Cumberland County WIP stormwater plan. Mrs. Davis said that Lower Allen is not included in their priority area. She said that the County can only meet 30% of their required reductions from the DEP. She noted that the County does not have funding to accomplish projects as they do not have a county stormwater fee. They also do not have a way to enforce cooperation.
Part-time Position for Stormwater and Finance
Mrs. Davis said that the Sewer Authority has a staff of people, but all of the Stormwater Authority work is done by her with some help from the Finance Department. Therefore, she and Mr. Grove are looking for a part-time employee to share between stormwater and finance for 20 hours per week for $13 per hour. The salary cost would also be split between these two departments. Mrs. Davis noted that this position is included in the budget and there are enough funds in the stormwater budget to cover this position. The position would help with the lien process and billing, as well as the administrative work required for grants. Mrs. Shuler felt that the salary being offered was low and Mr. Edwards suggested that the position be re-evaluated at the end of the five-year permit period. Mrs. Davis said that if the Board agrees, the position will be presented at the next Board of Commissioners meeting.
Mr. Edwards moved to support the hiring of a part-time assistant for stormwater and finance, and Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Schin asked if there is a possibility of the Stormwater Authority meetings moving from monthly to quarterly. Mrs. Davis said that it is being considered and would align better with the Stormwater Authority transfers. The next meeting would be held in April. She said that since the meetings have already been advertised, they can just be canceled if they are not needed. It would be noted on the website and the electronic board in the parking lot.
There being no more business, Mr. Johnson adjourned the Stormwater Authority meeting at 8:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Thomas
Recording Secretary