Stormwater Authority
4-1-2021 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Timothy Johnson, Chairman Rebecca Davis, Stormwater Program Manager
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman Steven P. Miner, LATSA Solicitor
Richard Schin, Treasurer
Alison J Shuler, Secretary
Chairman Johnson called the April 1, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority to order at 7:51 pm. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. He noted Board member Mr. Edwards was absent with excuse.
Mr. Bucher moved to approve the minutes from the January 7, 2021 meeting of the Stormwater Authority. Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
LATSA Financial Reports:
Mr. Schin stated the March 26, 2021 cash balance of the Fund was $1,884,077.93. This balance doesn’t include interest due to it not being posted at the time of the report.
Mr. Schin made a motion to offer this as the Treasurer’s Report. Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Request for Transfer of LATSA Funds to General Fund:
Mr. Schin stated there was a transfer to the General Fund. Mrs. Davis stated Mr. Grove made two transfers to the General Fund last year and the outstanding balance to the Fund is $34,647. She provided an explanation of the revenues and expenditures report and answered questions about the report from the Board. She stated she would have the completed audit and first quarter transfer at the next meeting. She and the Board discussed street cleaning, costs, and credit available, when, and how it is done within the Township.
Mr. Schin made a motion to authorize the transfer of $34,647 to the Township’s General Fund. Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Credit and Appeals Summary:
Mrs. Davis stated there were seven stormwater appeals filed by the Beacon Hill Homeowner’s Association for their common area. The requested appeals were granted last month.
LAT and LATSA Agreement:
Mrs. Davis stated at her meeting with the auditors (Brown, Shultz, Sheridan & Fritz (BSSF)) in January, they recommended there be an agreement created between the Township and the Stormwater Authority. This agreement would be for the bidding process and would need to be approved each year by both entities. She stated the Township would open the bids for the Stormwater Authority’s projects while the financing component of the projects would be furnished by the Authority. She stated there is a change to the agreement with item #2 (The Board of both the Township and Authority). The word “and” should be changed to “or”.
Mrs. Shuler made a motion to approve the LAT and LATSA agreement with the word changed from and to or in item number two. Mr. Schin seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
CBT Grant Application-Commitment of Funds:
Mrs. Davis stated there was a letter signed by the Chairman approving a commitment for a percentage match for this grant. If the grant is received the match would be $35,000. This is for the permeable pavement and the bioretention area in the Shireman Manor.
Mr. Bucher made a motion to ratify the decision of the commitment letter signed by Chairman Johnson on February 16, 2021. Mrs. Schuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Mrs. Davis is hoping to hear about the grant in June.
Stormwater Inspection Job Position:
Mrs. Davis has been very busy with applying for grants and with the collection of the stormwater fees and hasn’t had the time she had hoped to be in the field. She spoke with Mr. Vernau who encouraged her to work with Human Resources and create a job description and salary for the position of Stormwater Inspector. She noted the position isn’t budgeted however the Stormwater fund has $1.8 million in it. She stated there are five grants worth over $500,000 which will need this Inspector. In addition, she spoke about the GIS mapping and projects and the need for this position. Mr. Bucher asked if there would be work these projects for this position. Mrs. Davis stated with the next permit process, there will be additional requirements for the Township. She doesn’t see the workload going down as the state and federal requirements increase versus decrease. She stated there are 160 inspections that need to be done annually. Mr. Schin asked if the inspections aren’t done would there be fines assessed and she said there would be fines. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Schin made a motion to a motion to recommend the hiring of Stormwater Inspector at a salary of $41,000 +/- dependent upon qualifications. Mrs. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Chairman Johnson stated he would sign a letter recommending the position.
Stormwater Television Quotes -Costars:
Mrs. Davis stated they did about 900 linear feet of television last year. She stated $15,000 was budgeted for this year. She met with the Township Engineer who identified 12,000 linear feet of pipe that need to be televised this year. They need to be flushed and reviewed for potential repairs. She received quotes from USG and Mobile Dredging & Video Pipe, Inc. After reviewing the quotes, USG provided the best pricing and timing for the project. Discussion ensued.
Mrs. Shuler made a motion to approve contracting with USG for televising project at a rate of $215 per hour, if needed, the jet vac truck with operator at $185 an hour and traffic control for a two men crew at $95.00 an hour. Mr. Schin seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Mrs. Shuler made a motion to approve contracting with USG for the televising project not to exceed $50,000 and requiring approval by the LATSA if it exceeds $50,000. Mr. Schin seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Moreland Basin Updates:
Mrs. Davis provided an update on the Moreland Basin. She stated the Board of Commissioners awarded the contract to All Star Ecology, the lowest bidder, after Solicitor Miner reviewed the documents. The work begins the week of May 17th.
Mrs. Davis stated there is a need for a meeting next month.
Mr. Johnson adjourned the Stormwater Authority meeting at 8:52 pm.