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6-15-2021 Meeting Minutes

Planning Commission
6-15-2021 Meeting Minutes


The following were in ATTENDANCE:  
Brett McCreary Brad McCullough, P.E., Township Engineer
Jay Blackwell Erin Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Brian Wickenheiser Michelle Kilgore, Recording Secretary
Michael Washburn  
David Clovsky  


Chairman McCreary called the June 15, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Planning Commission to order at 7:00 pm.  He announced that proof of publication was available for review. 



Mr. CLOVSKY moved to approve the minutes from the May 19, 2021 Regular Meeting.  Mr. BLACKWELL seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.



There was none.



SLD Docket No. 2021-04:  Minor Subdivision Plan for 701 Belmont Street

Chris Hoover from Hoover Engineering presented on the plan.  He was accompanied by Richard Hart, owner and developer of the property of discussion.  He explained that Mr. Hart purchased the property at 701 Belmont, and an adjacent piece of ground to the rear of the property.  The plan is to combine both parcels together and create two lots from both by splitting them in half.  Five waivers were requested for the completion of this project.  He said that during a prior Planning Commission Meeting, Mr. McCullough indicated the proposed plan did not meet the density requirements for R-1 Single-Family Established Residential District, and so the business was tabled at that time. Additionally, Mr. McCullough requested Mr. Hoover complete additional stormwater management calculations as required in Chapter 184 of the Township Ordinances.

Mr. McCullough discussed the following comments from the Stormwater Management calculations provided by Mr. Hoover:

  1. Replace inspection and maintenance notes with notes provided in the Operations and Maintenance Plan for Stormwater BMPs document provided on the LAT (Lower Allen Township) website.

Mr. McCullough advised Mr. Hoover he would send the website information.

  1. Regrade the area in front of the properties, between the proposed driveways, to eliminate the low spot and ensure ponding does not occur over the proposed utilities.

Mr. McCullough stressed the need for runoff from all new impervious areas to flow to the proposed stormwater management BMPs in the back of the property.  Mr. Hoover suggested he could work with Mr. McCullough on the construction of a collection system that would redirect water back to the BMP.  Mr. McCullough agreed.

  1. Stormwater Management Report:

a.  Remove references to capturing the 2-year storm runoff. The calculations indicate capturing 2-inches of runoff from all new impervious surfaces, which is consistent with the volume control requirements.

Mr. Hoover agreed to the changes.

b.  The Simplified Method requires stormwater facilities to capture the first 2-inches of runoff from all new impervious surfaces. The proposed stormwater facilities only capture approximately two-thirds of new impervious areas for these properties. Redirect runoff from all new impervious areas to the proposed SWM BMPs.

Mr. Hoover agreed to the changes.

Mr. Clovsky asked Mr. McCullough if the five requested waivers are for improvements to be deferred at this time.  Mr. McCullough stated the waivers are requested based upon existing conditions of the neighborhood.  In lieu of requiring the developer to perform these improvements at this time, a deferral of these requirements is requested until such time as the installation of these improvements has been deemed necessary by the Township for the health, safety or welfare of the general public.  Mr. McCullough noted that if the requested waivers are approved, it may be more difficult to require these improvements for future redevelopment.

Mr. McCreary clarified that generally if a waiver is given, it does not mean that the work would not be required later, particularly if the rest of the neighborhood is required to complete the work.

Mr. Wickenheiser added that the applicant should be made aware that the work may be required in the future.  Mr. McCullough agreed, and stated that verbiage to this effect could be worked into the plans.  Mr. Hoover added that he has seen examples of wording within other LAT plans that could be used here.

Mr. Blackwell asked if emergency vehicles can easily maneuver this portion of Belmont Street considering its current narrow state.  Mr. McCullough stated he spoke with the fire department and no issues were voiced.

Mr. Wickenheiser asked if there is street parking currently on Belmont Street.  Mr. Hoover stated that there are no posted signs restricting on-street parking, but he hasn’t observed on-street parking activity.  He added that the road widens further down, and that the plans for 701 Belmont include off-street parking, and a two-vehicle driveway and garage.

Mr. WASHBURN motioned to grant the waiver to install sidewalks to the frontage of the property, and that it will be deferred for now, and that LAT has the right to request sidewalks be put in later, should circumstances change.  Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WASHBURN motioned to grant the waiver to forego curbing along the frontage.  Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WASHBURN motioned to grant the waiver to forego cartway widening along the Belmont Street frontage.  Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WASHBURN motioned to grant the waiver to forego providing additional right-of-way on Belmont Street.  Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WASHBURN motioned to grant the waiver so that the applicant will not need to provide street trees along Belmont Street.  Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WASHBURN motioned to approve the final minor subdivision plan contingent upon addressing the comments from the Township Engineer and Cumberland County and the waivers being deferred until such time as the installation of these improvements has been deemed necessary by the Township.  Mr. WICKENHEISER seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.



Cumberland County Planning Grant Application for Zoning Ordinance Update

Ms. Trone explained that she is seeking support to prepare a grant application for a Zoning Ordinance Update.  The grant program is through Cumberland County and if awarded, they will cover $25,000 (50%) of the $50,000 update.  She would like to form a committee with various LAT board members to develop a plan and scope of the project.  She explained that updates will encourage redevelopment in areas where appropriate, create a more hospitable regulatory environment for business and residents, help reduce the number of variance and waiver requests, clarify requirements with illustrations, and improve staff efficiency.

Mr. Blackwell inquired as to when the last time the ordinances were updated.  Ms. Trone advised approximately 2006.  Mr. Blackwell recommended Mr. Trone review Derry Township’s ordinances for their easy-to-understand graphics.  Ms. Trone added that the LAT BOC authorized the funding, and that they recommended representation from all LAT boards for the committee.  She requested the Planning Board sign a letter of support that she would include with her application, and she expects the line item to fall in the 2022 budget.  The Planning Board expressed their intention to advocate for the project and would be willing to sign the letter of support.


Gettysburg Road Corridor Study Update

Ms. Trone stated there were 700 responses to the survey, and 10-15 people attended the design sessions.  She went through some of the ideas that were brought up by the attendees.  This included improved lighting on underpasses, improved stormwater management/beautification on PennDOT basin, designated bike lane throughout the corridor from a road diet, shift to form based and transect zoning with design standards, installation of pedestrian refuge islands to aid crossing at key locations, trail connection to Camp Hill, more public space and beautification under 581.

There were additional comments regarding the trail connection to Camp Hill.  Ms. Trone stated Camp Hill is between managers right now, and that a feasibility study would still need to be done.  Mr. Washburn asked, with Hemp Brothers selling, could that impact this project.  Ms. Trone stated it is a possibility.  Mr. Clovsky asked if the railroad would have an influence on the outcome of this initiative.  Ms. Trone said yes, that would need to be considered.  She added that planning for an improved bike path through the area may give LAT more leverage in clearing some obstacles with the railroad, and that working with Camp Hill, Lemoyne, Shiremanstown and Hampden as a unified group with the same goal may further advance the cause.

Ms. Trone went over the next steps.  Vet the possibilities, focus on best projects, develop a timeline and funding strategy for each project, draft plan in August, present to Planning Commission in August, adoption by Board of Commissioners in early September.

Ms. Trone offered an update on the old Bon-Ton.  She stated construction has started, and York excavating is there putting in a public sewer.  She added that unit 3 is required to be ready for the specialty grocer to begin their buildout by November 30th.



Mr. WASHBURN motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 PM.  Mr. BLACKWELL seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.