Stormwater Authority
11-4-2021 Meeting Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Timothy Johnson, Chairman | Rebecca Davis, Stormwater Program Manager |
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman | Steven P Miner, LATSA Solicitor |
Alison J Shuler, Secretary | Michelle Kilgore, Recording Secretary |
Richard Schin, Treasurer | |
Robert Edwards, Assistant Treasurer |
Chairman Johnson called the November 4, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to order at 8:01 pm. He announced that proof of publication was available for review.
Mr. EDWARDS moved to approve the minutes from the October 7, 2021 Regular Meeting. Ms. SHULER seconded. The motion carried 4-0-1 (Mr. Schin abstained from the vote, as he was not present for the November 4th meeting).
There was none.
Lien Report
Mr. Miner reported that he filed 5 quarterly liens and presented the board with a document outlining the addresses where the liens were placed.
Authority Board Compensation
Mr. Miner presented the board with a letter from his firm, Caldwell & Kearns, P.C., outlining the current law regarding compensation of an Authority Board.
Mr. Edwards inquired as to whether the Authorities have the power to vote annually on compensation. Mr. Miner said yes, but later added that it is something that must be considered in the budget; therefore, it would generally make sense to start January 1st of any given year. Ms. Shuler asked if the Stormwater Authority wished to launch the process to begin receiving compensation, would it be the time to act. Mr. Bucher indicated he did not have an opinion one way or another, that he would not be opposed, but that receiving compensation for the other board he serves on was sufficient for him. Ms. Shuler stated that each Board’s compensation would pull from a separate revenue stream, and that each Board is structured differently. Mr. Johnson suggested the LATSA Board draft a letter to the Board of Commissioners stating LATSA’s position on the matter, so that the BOC can provide input. Mr. Schin stated he sees similaries between LATSA and the Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board. Mr. Edwards stated he sees the LATSA like the Recreation and Parks Board, but if the LATSA roles begin to expand to the same level as the Sewer Authority, he felt another discussion would be justified. Mr. Schin suggested revisiting the topic annually during budget time to assess the evolution of the LATSA roles. The LATSA agreed to forgo a letter to the BOC and discuss again before the budget talks of 2022.
LATSA Financial Reports:
Mr. Schin stated the October 27, 2021 cash balance of the Fund was $2,637,600.00. This balance does not include interest due to it not being posted at the time of the report.
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve this Treasurer’s Report. Mr. EDWARDS seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Request for Transfer of LATSA Funds to the General Fund
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve a transfer of $246,734.00 from the LATSA Fund to the General Fund. Ms. SHULER seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Credit and Appeals Monthly Report:
Ms. Davis noted upgrades to the financial software that allows for easier reading, and then summarized some 3rd quarter expenditures.
Mr. Bucher asked if there is yet a provision for uncollected bad debts. Ms. Davis replied that would be a question for Richard Grove. She indicated she would double check to make sure that was reflected in the 2021 audit report.
Ms. Davis stated there were no credit or appeal applications since the last meeting.
LATSA 2022 Proposed Meeting Dates
Ms. Davis presented the meeting dates for vote. Ms. SHULER motioned to approve and publish the 2022 LATSA meeting dates. Mr. EDWARDS seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
2022 Budgets: MS4, Street Cleaning, and Storm Sewers and Drains
Ms. Davis presented the budget reports for MS4, Street Cleaning, Storm Sewers and Drains. These were outlined in detail in the LATSA October meeting and were ready for a vote, in preparation for the November 8, 2021 BOC meeting. Ms. SHULER motioned to approve the presented budget. Mr. BUCHER seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Moreland Basin Update and Payment Request
Ms. Davis stated that the contractor replanted all of the plants that did not make it. Because the plantings have been rectified, payment that was previously withheld is now ready to be paid in the amount of $30,763.08. Ms. Davis recommended payment in full. She noted LATSA has a letter of credit from the contractor for 5% of the total project cost, set to expire July 16, 2022.
Mr. EDWARDS motioned to approve the payment of $30,763.08 to AllStar Ecology. Ms. SHULER seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Ms. Davis noted that now that the payment has been approved, she expects to close the grant and receive the money back from the Fish and Wildlife Foundation sometime in 2022.
Rettew Engineering Proposal – Basin Survey and Design
Ms. Davis announced that the Township engineer, Bradley McCullough had resigned effective the end of October. With that, she stated she needed to have 4 basin retrofit projects approved. These include survey, infiltration testing and design. She added that the projects are required to go out for bid in 2022, and that the work is time sensitive due to grant deadlines and the Pollution Reduction Requirement. She presented a proposal from Rettew noting that the two additional firms she contacted were unable to supply proposals due to staffing issues. $100,000 was budgeted for design for all four projects.
Beacon Hill – Will be grant funded
Bethany Village – Applying for Growing Greener grant, will know if funded by end of 2021
United Methodist Home for Children (UMHC) – Applying for Growing Greener grant, will know if funded by end of 2021
Sheepford East – Will be grant funded
Mr. Johnson asked if the grants include design and construction. Ms. Davis replied yes.
Mr. Schin referred to page 10 of the proposal and inquired on the section labeled “Expenses”, particularly the travel expenses. Rettew is a local company. Ms. Davis speculated that the language is considered standard in this section of the proposal.
Mr. Edwards asked if the project would move forward regardless of the grant application for Bethany Village and UMHC. Ms. Davis replied yes, they are part of the approved Pollution Reduction Plan from PADEP.
Ms. SHULER motioned to accept Rettew’s proposal for the Basin Projects’ Survey and Design. Mr. BUCHER seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Ms. Davis stated her intern (Leon) is working out well. She thought she was getting 40 hours of work per month for 3 months. Rather, she is getting 40 hours of work per week for 3 months. He is working on the credit and appeals policy.
The Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority adjourned at 8:50PM.