Board of Commissioners
05/28/24 Meeting Minutes
May 28, 2024 |
The following were in ATTENDANCE: |
Dean W. Villone, President |
Thomas G. Vernau, Township Manager |
Jennifer Caron, Vice President |
Robert Diehl, Assistant Solicitor |
Charles Brown |
Rebecca Davis, Assistant Township Manager |
Joshua Nagy |
David Holl, Public Safety Director |
Joseph Swartz |
Alycia Knoll, Finance Director |
Isaac Sweeney, CED Director |
Nate Sterling, Administrative Secretary |
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary |
President Villone called the May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:00 PM. He announced that Proof of Publication for the meeting was available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2024 Regular Meeting. Commissioner BROWN moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: Any item on the agenda.
President Villone advised the audience that if there were any items on that evening’s agenda that they wish to comment on, to please indicate as such. There were none.
President Villone stated that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion, could do so at that time. There were none.
Items on the Consent Agenda:
a. Department Reports for April 2024 for Community and Economic Development, Facility Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance, Public Works, and Public Safety.
b. Tax Collector’s Monthly Report for April 2024.
c. Check Register of May 20, 2024 in the amount of $66,045.14.
d. Check Register of May 24, 2024 in the amount of $213,953.33.
e. Paying Utility Services Group Invoice No. 32753 in the amount of $22,885.00.
f. Moving Police Corporal Alex Milletics from probationary to regular full-time status effective May 23, 2024.
Vice President CARON moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner BROWN seconded. With no further discussion the consent agenda was approved by a vote of 5-0.
Manual Check List
President Villone requested a motion to approve a Manual Check List of May 15, 2024, in the amount of $440.00 for payments to Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott and the Commonwealth of PA. Commissioner NAGY made the motion, seconded by Commissioner SWARTZ. The motion passed 4-0 with Commissioner Caron abstaining.
Retirement of ZHB Solicitor
President Villone requested a motion to accept the resignation of Dennis Shatto as Solicitor for the Lower Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board due to his retirement. Commissioner SWARTZ made the motion, with congratulations. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Appointment of ZHB Solicitor and Alternate
President Villone requested a motion to appoint Michael J. Pykosh of Dethlefs Pykosh Law Group LLC as Solicitor for the Lower Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board for the remainder of the three-year term that began on January 1, 2024. Commissioner BROWN offered the motion. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
President Villone requested a motion to appoint Michael J. O’Connor of Dethlefs Pykosh Law Group LLC as Alternate Solicitor for the Lower Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board for the remainder of the three-year term that began on January 1, 2024. Commissioner SWARTZ made the motion. Commissioner NAGY seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Appointment of Police Officer
President Villone requested a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-R-26, appointing Nathan R. McDowell as a Police Officer in the Police Department, effective June 10, 2024. Commissioner BROWN offered the motion, seconded by Vice President CARON. The motion passed 5-0.
President Villone noted that if anyone wished to speak at that time, there would be 10 minutes allotted per person to speak at the podium.
Former Township Commissioner, Mr. Richard Schin, expressed gratitude and appreciation to Officer Nicole Boldosser for her efforts in handling a situation. Mr. Schin’s written comments were submitted for the record:
Last Saturday, May 18th while casually walking in my neighborhood, Rossmoyne Manor, returning from a visit with my daughter, an unpleasant, potentially very critically harmful event unfolded. My wife was severely bitten by a neighborhood dog, which was being walked by its owner.
Thinking, based on the owner’s comment— “It’s okay [to approach the dog],” we cautiously interacted with the dogs and their owner. The smaller of the two dogs bit my wife. It left a deep wound, leaving me no other action to take than making it to the ER at Holy Spirit Hospital as quickly and safely as I could, which we did.
Upon arriving home after four hours, I called the Township non-emergency public-safety number. This is when I had the privilege of meeting Officer Boldosser at my home. Officer Boldosser entered my home and very caringly and meticulously took statements from us to begin an official file regarding the incident.
Since we had no idea who the owners of the dog were (having to go to the ER, we were unable to exchange names and addresses) all we could do was tell our story to the officer. We were so impressed by Officer Boldosser’s extraordinary level of professionalism throughout our interaction, as she walked us through the protocols involved with this ordeal. She took the time and steps necessary to aid us as we considered exactly where everything happened. Officer Boldosser discovered a blood trail along the sidewalk (giving us the exact location). At the end of the evening, we felt very confident that all was being carefully handled by Lower Allen’s Finest, thanks to Officer Boldosser.
The next day, Officer Boldosser contacted us to explain how the investigation was progressing. Even though Officer Boldosser had spoken to a neighbor who had a doorbell camera, unfortunately the angle was insufficient and was not helpful to us—but the point there is that the officer left no stone unturned, being the professional she is. The report from the Dog Warden was also communicated to us.
At the very end of the day, we were able to reach the dog’s owners, my wife is on the mend without having to undergo the awful anti-rabies injections, and we are able to go on. The Schin Family have one more reason to be so thankful that we reside in Lower Allen Township—her name is Officer Nicole Boldosser.
SALDO #2023-02 Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Cedar Run Business Park
Director Sweeney introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to accept a ninety (90) day extension for SALDO #2023-02 Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Cedar Run Business Park.
Commissioner BROWN offered the motion to accept the extension, seconded by Commissioner SWARTZ. The motion passed 5-0.
SALDO #2024-02 Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Kindt Properties
Director Sweeney introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to accept a ninety (90) day extension for SALDO #2024-02 Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Kindt Properties – 1013 Saint Johns Road.
Commissioner NAGY made the motion to accept the extension, seconded by Commissioner BROWN. The motion passed 5-0.
Bid Award – Lower Allen Community Park Parking Lot Paving Project
Assistant Manager Davis presented the item for discussion and possible action, to award the 2024 Lower Allen Community Park Parking Lot Paving Project to E.K. Services, the lowest responsible bidder on bid contract items 1 (Fun Fort), 2 (Boat Launch), and 5 (Access Drive) with a combined total cost of $33,480.00.
Ms. Davis noted the joint bidding program through the CapCOG for the project materials and that items 3 and 4 of the project would be recommended for funding in 2025. Responding to an inquiry from President Villone, she stated the difference in cost between the budgeted and quoted amounts for the entire project was $36,000.
President Villone suggested that when projects are quoted at an amount over budget, and the funds are available, that the Board consider investing in projects that are designated as priority.
Commissioner NAGY moved to award the project to EK Services as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner BROWN. The motion passed 5-0.
Job Description – Public Works Project Manager
Assistant Manager Davis presented the item for discussion and possible action, to approve the Job Description for the Public Works Project Manager. Presenting background information for the position, she noted the need to restructure the department with this position best fitting the needs. This position is budgeted to start on June 1, 2024.
Commissioner NAGY moved to approve the Job Description as presented. The motion was seconded by Vice President CARON. The motion passed 5-0.
Resolution 2024-R-25
Assistant Manager Davis presented the item for discussion and possible action, to accept a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-R-25, appointing Benjamin Peters to the position of Public Works Project Manager, effective June 3, 2024. She explained that Mr. Peters had been training in the role within the department for approximately nine months, and gaining experience in managing contracts, determining payment estimates and working with grant applications.
Commissioner NAGY offered the motion. The motion was seconded by Commissioner BROWN and passed 5-0.
Ordinance prohibiting tobacco use in Township parks and playgrounds
Mr. Vernau introduced the item for additional discussion, to consider a proposed policy and Ordinance prohibiting tobacco use in Township parks and playgrounds. Three versions of a draft Ordinance were provided for review. One adds the prohibition to an existing section of the parks ordinance and defines tobacco products. The second is a separate ordinance and the third adds a new section to the existing parks ordinance. All versions adopt language recommended through the Young Lungs at Play Tool Kit.
Commissioner Nagy explained that the issue originated within the Parks and Recreation Board, which was supportive of both policy and ordinance to provide guidance on the issue. He expressed his feeling that the third option, adding a new section to the existing parks ordinance was the best way to structure it.
Commissioner Swartz also expressed support for the third option and offered to provide input on definitions.
President Villone noted his preference for option #3 and expressed his support to have smoke-free parks and playgrounds but noted some hesitation on the inclusion of chewing tobacco. He also stated support to include whatever language met the expectation of the Young Lungs at Play program requirements.
Concluding the discussion, Board members expressed consensus to move forward with the third option, and to consider additional input from Commissioner Swartz on the included definitions.
President Villone announced that the meeting would adjourn to Executive Session for discussion of personnel items.
Commissioner Brown expressed gratitude to staff for the time and effort taken in preparing department reports. He also thanked Public Works crews for their attention to the baseball fields in preparation for championship games.
Commissioner Swartz noted his hopes that everyone experienced a meaningful Memorial Day and thanked former Commissioner Schin for sharing his recent experience with the Board. He also shared library updates about the blueberry sale through June 2 and the bike raffle through June 3.
Vice President Caron expressed intent to coordinate with Captain Crone on the next Coffee with Commissioners event. She also noted appreciation to Assistant Manager Davis for her preparation on agenda items, exploring creative solutions to addressing the project budgets, and forethought in creating the project management role within Public Works.
President Villone noted appreciation to all the recent commerce activity resulting from the work of the Development Authority and Township staff, and the ongoing efforts to grow into the future. He also expressed thanks to the Parks and Recreation Board for their attention and focus on advancing Township amenities for the benefit of residents. Concluding his remarks, he gave a shout out to Public Works for the work in the pollinator garden at Yellow Breeches Park.
Hearing nothing further, President Villone announced a meeting adjournment to executive session.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 PM.