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07/08/24 Meeting Minutes

Board of Commissioners
07/08/24 Meeting Minutes







July 8, 2024



The following were in ATTENDANCE:






Dean W. Villone, President

Thomas G. Vernau, Township Manager

Joshua Nagy

Rebecca L. Davis, Assistant Township Manager

Charles Brown

Steven P. Miner, Township Solicitor

Joseph Swartz

David Holl, Public Safety Director


Alycia Knoll, Finance Director


Isaac Sweeney, CED Director


James Bennett, Township Planner


Nate Sterling, Administrative Secretary


Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary



President Villone called the July 8, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:02 PM. He noted that Vice President Caron was absent with excuse and announced that Proof of Publication for the meeting was available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2024 Regular Meeting. Commissioner BROWN moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2024 Regular Meeting. Commissioner NAGY moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

Resolution 2024-R-27
President Villone requested a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-R-27, recognizing Richard E. Lehigh, Construction Code Official in the Community & Economic Development Department, for his 25 years of service with Lower Allen Township.

Commissioner NAGY offered the motion, seconded by Commissioner BROWN. The motion passed 4-0.

Next, President Villone presented Mr. Lehigh with a commendation letter to honor his twenty-five years of service, and read Resolution 2024-R-27 into the record:




WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township desires to express its recognition and gratitude for 25 years of service provided by Richard E. Lehigh; and 

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh joined Lower Allen Township in 1999 as a Codes Enforcement Officer I in the Community and Economic Development Department; and 

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh has served as a State Board of Directors for PENNBOC since 2001; and

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh was appointed in 2004 as a Construction Code Official; and

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh was appointed in 2006 as an Assistant Township Zoning Officer; and

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh has served as Treasurer for PENNBOC Region 5 since 2010; and

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh has served on committees and continues to serve on various committees; and

WHEREAS, Richard E. Lehigh has received many letters of appreciation for a variety of reasons.

NOW, HEREBY RESOLVE THAT sincere gratitude and appreciation be and are hereby extended to Richard E. Lehigh for his 25 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, and that this recognition be spread upon the minutes and records of Lower Allen Township for perpetuity.

ADOPTED into a Resolution this 8th day of July 2024

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President Villone presented the following employees with commendation letters to recognize their years of service to the Township:

David Ickler – 30 years of service as a Specialist for the Police Department

Justin Kettering – 5 years of service as a Public Safety Officer for the Department of Public Safety

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.
President Villone advised the audience that if there were any items on that evening’s agenda that they wish to comment on, to please indicate as such. Participants indicated intent to address agenda item #10, SLD 2024-03 Final Minor Subdivision Plan.

President Villone stated that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion could do so at that time. There were none.

Items on the Consent Agenda:

a. Check Register of July 5, 2024, in the amount of $303,728.65.

b. Payment of Estimate No. 1 to Kinsley Construction, LLC for labor for the 2024 Paving and Infrastructure Project in the amount of $115,684.07.

c. Payment of four (4) invoices to Pennsy Supply for materials for the 2024 Paving and Infrastructure Project totaling $216,422.64.

d. Moving Police Officer Justin Hartzel from probationary to regular full-time status, effective July 17, 2024.

Commissioner NAGY moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. With no further discussion the consent agenda was approved by a vote of 4-0.

Check register
President Villone requested a motion to approve a manual Check Register of July 5, 2024, to Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellott in the amount of $3,250.00. Commissioner BROWN offered the motion. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

Appointment of Pension Attorney
President Villone requested a motion to accept the proposal of Campbell Durrant, PC to replace Randall Rhoades as the Township’s pension attorneys. Commissioner BROWN offered the motion. Commissioner SWARTZ seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

President Villone noted that if anyone wished to speak at that time on any issue pertinent to the Township, there would be 10 minutes allotted per person to speak at the podium. There were none.

Capital Purchase Lucas 3 Chest Compression System
Director Holl introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to consider the purchase of a LUCAS 3 Chest Compression System at a cost of $24,543.15, exceeding the original budget of $20,000 by $4,543.15.

Commissioner NAGY offered the motion. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC) Report results
Director Holl provided background information on the program, which essentially evaluates ability to respond to a structure fire. He reported that the survey score earned by the Township had risen a full point, which is a significant accomplishment. He also noted that the improved score positively impacts insurance rates in the Township. Commissioner Nagy expressed appreciation for the efforts of staff and the plans for continued improvement.

Volunteer Incentive Program and the Volunteer Station Response Program policies.
Director Holl discussed the draft policies for the Station Staffing Volunteer Stipend Program and the Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment-Retention Incentives. He referenced the earlier discussions in January 2024 regarding these programs. He reported that the policies were ready for adoption and implementation.

Commissioners expressed appreciation for the programs, noting that the Township will be competitively advantaged by them by improving recruitment and retention.

SLD-2024-03 Final Minor Subdivision Plan for 950 Woodland Investments, LLC
Director Sweeney introduced the items for discussion and possible action. The purpose of the plan is to separate the existing lot located at 950 Woodland Street into two parcels. The existing parcel is 2.143 acres located in the General Commercial District (C-2). Lot 1 will contain the existing medical/office facility, while Lot 2 will encompass the existing axillary parking lot that accesses Century Drive.

The applicant is requesting approval of the plan and a waiver of Section 192-57.C.9 requiring sidewalks built to Township specifications along all street frontages. Director Sweeney reported that the Planning Commission recommendation was to defer the requirement.

Commissioner SWARTZ offered a motion to defer the sidewalk requirement pursuant to Section 192-57.C.9. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

a) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on Rettew’s letter dated June 20, 2024.
b) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on the Cumberland County Planning Department letter dated April 9, 2024.
c) Complete all certificates prior to recording the plan.

Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion passed 4-0.

Chapter 65 Animals and Chapter 220-151 Non-intensive Agricultural Uses
Director Sweeney introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to consider a proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 65, Animals and Chapter 220-151, Non-intensive Agricultural Uses to provide for the keeping of fowl as a permitted accessory use in the R-1 Zoning District, and to grant authorization to forward the proposed Ordinance to the Lower Allen Township Planning Commission and the Cumberland County Planning Commission for additional review and comment.

Director Sweeney noted that the proposed Ordinance had been revised based on the comments offered at the prior meeting, which added a sliding scale for the number of fowl permitted based on acreage, and limiting the permit requirement to structures that are regulated under the building and zoning code. Mr. Jim Bennett provided additional details on the requirements.

Commissioner Brown expressed his appreciation for the effort in incorporating the changes to reflect the comments and concerns noted previously. Commissioners Nagy, Swartz, and President Villone each concurred, noting the language was more aligned with the intent, which is to prevent nuisance farming in a residential neighborhood. President Villone noted his belief that the proposed Ordinance was an example of good government.

President Villone requested a motion to forward the proposed Ordinance to the Cumberland County and Township Planning Commissions for review and feedback. He explained that consideration for advertising and a public hearing would be considered at a future meeting before further action.

Commissioner BROWN moved to forward the proposed Ordinance to the Cumberland County and Township Planning Commissions for review and feedback. The motion was seconded by Commissioner SWARTZ and passed 4-0.

Winter Traffic Service Municipal Agreement
Director Davis introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to enter into a Winter Traffic Service Municipal Agreement with the PA Department of Transportation for another five-year term.

Commissioner NAGY moved to enter into the agreement as proposed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner BROWN and passed 4-0.

Manager Vernau referenced the letter from Benecon regarding the insurance premium surplus distribution and reported the Township had received two rebate checks totaling $229,796. Mr. Vernau noted that the Board had reduced employee’s premium share by half due to the first rebate check of $67,391 and had suspended premium shares entirely in the past due to several years of high rebates.

President Villone noted that the Board would recess to Executive Session following Commissioner’s Reports to discuss a retirement.

Commissioner Nagy expressed appreciation to Director Holl and the Public Safety Department regarding their car seat inspection resource.

Commissioner Brown noted thanks to the staff efforts on the volunteer firefighter incentive programs, congratulations again to Mr. Lehigh for his years of service, and to Mr. Bennett for his work on the ordinance related to fowl.

Commissioner Swartz wished residents a belated happy Independence Day.

President Villone thanked all the staff for their ongoing work to get things right and demonstrate examples of good government. He also highlighted upcoming community events, including National Night Out on August 6, 2024 and The Lisburn Community Fire Festival from August 7-10, 2024.

At 6:56 PM, the Board of Commissioners recessed to Executive Session to hear about an employee retirement.

The Board reconvened at 7:24 PM.

President VILLONE announced, with regret, a motion to accept the retirement of Township Manager Thomas Vernau, with an effective date of December 31, 2024. Commissioner NAGY seconded the motion, with regret. The motion passed 4-0.

President Villone expressed to Mr. Vernau both his extreme gratitude for  his service and leadership over the years, as well as his regret. He noted that the Board of Commissioners would convene in two weeks and would discuss the path forward for a Township Manager.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM.