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09/09/2024 Agenda

Board of Commissioners
09/09/2024 Agenda



September 9, 2024 6:00 PM


1. Call to Order by President Villone. Proof of Publication.

2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Approval of Meeting Minutes: August 26, 2024 Regular Meeting

4. Audience Participation: Any item on the agenda.

Any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion can request so now. Is there a request for the removal of an item(s) on the Consent Agenda?

Accept motion to approve the items on the Consent Agenda, which are listed as follows:

a. Check Register of September 6, 2024, in the amount of $1,420,150.80.

b. Payment of Estimate No. 3 to Kinsley Construction, LLC for labor for the Weis/UMHC Basin Retrofit Project in the amount of $97,964.56.

c. Payment of Estimate No. 2/FINAL to Kinsley Construction, LLC for labor for the Bethany Village Basin Retrofit Project in the amount of $39,076.99.


a. Accept a motion to approve the manual Check Register of September 6, 2024 in the amount of $2,075.00 for legal services to Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellott.

b. Accept a motion to adopt RESOLUTION 2024-R-34, requesting a Category 4 Facilities Local Share Assessment (LSA) grant in the amount of $270,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to acquire a leaf turner.

7. Any business pertinent to the Township. Discussions will be limited to ten (10) minutes per person.


a. Discussion and possible action: Request to activate the Civil Service Commission to create a new eligibility list.


a. Discussion: SLD 2024-04 Preliminary/Final Subdivision & Land Development Plan for Arcona Neighborhood 8.3 and Revised Subdivision & Land Development Plan for Arcona Neighborhood 8.2.

1. Action: Discussion of the following waivers:
a) Section 192-24.C. – Preliminary Plan before final approval
b) Section 192-57.B.(2)(h)[2] and 192-57.C.(13)(c)[1] – Additional right-of-way and cartway along the frontage of Rossmoyne Road
c) Section 192-57.C.(1) – Street right-of-way width requirement of 50’
d) Section 192-57.C.(8) – Curbing along the frontage of Rossmoyne Road
e) Section 192-57.C.(9) – Sidewalks along the frontage of Rossmoyne Road
f) Section 192-63.A.(3) – PennDOT Publication 408 curbing requirements
g) Section 192-68.B.(3) – Minimum center-line radius requirement of 165’

2. Action: Approve SLD 2024-04 Preliminary/Final Subdivision & Land Development Plan Arcona Neighborhood 8.3 and Revised Subdivision & Land Development Plan Arcona Neighborhood 8.2 with the following conditions:
a) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on Rettew’s letter dated September 5, 2024.
b) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on the Cumberland County Planning Department letter dated April 23, 2024.

3. Discussion and possible action: Accept a 30-day extension for SLD #2024-04 Preliminary/Final Subdivision & Land Development Plan Arcona Neighborhood 8.3 and Revised Subdivision & Land Development Plan Arcona Neighborhood 8.2.

b. Discussion: SLD 2024-07 Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan for Tru By Hilton Rossmoyne Business Center.

1. Action: Discussion of the following waivers:
a) Section 192-30.A. – Submission of a Preliminary Plan
b) Section 192-58.E.(10) – Parking lot planting islands designed to collect stormwater
c) Section 192-59.C.(2) – Additional 2’ for parking spaces adjacent to an end of row island

2. Action: Approve SLD 2024-07 Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan for Tru By Hilton Rossmoyne Business Center with the following conditions:
a) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on Rettew’s letter dated September 6, 2024.
b) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on the Cumberland County Planning Department letter dated July 1, 2024.

c. Discussion and possible action: Accept a 90-day extension for SLD #2024-05 Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Capital City Mall.

d. Discussion and possible action: Accept a 60-day extension for SLD #2024-06 Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Neighborhood 9.

e. Discussion and possible action: Accept a 30-day extension for SLD #2024-04 – Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Neighborhood 8.3.

f. Discussion and possible action: To advertise a public hearing on October 14, 2024 for the adoption of Ordinance #2024-02, which amends Chapter 65 Animals and Chapter 220-151 Non-intensive Agricultural Uses to provide for the keeping of domestic fowl as a permitted accessory use in the R-1 Zoning District.


a. Discussion: Amendment to Non-Uniform and Police Pension Fund Investment Policy Statements.



a. Solicitor’s fee for 2025

13. Adjourn.