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11/21/2024 Meeting Notice

Zoning Hearing Board
11/21/2024 Meeting Notice

The Zoning Hearing Board of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, PA, will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 7:00 PM, at the Lower Allen Township Municipal Services Center, 2233 Gettysburg Road, Camp Hill, PA, to consider:

  1. Docket #2024-07 for James A. Lamancusa regarding 141 Creek Road, in the R-1 Zoning District of Lower Allen Township.  The applicant seeks a special exception pursuant to Lower Allen Township Zoning Ordinance Section 220-222.B.(5) to change the use from an auto body shop to an indoor sports training facility.
  2. Docket #2024-08 for Reedlee Leasing, Inc. regarding 702 Nailor Drive, in the R-3 Zoning District of Lower Allen Township. The applicant is appealing the decision of the Zoning Officer pursuant to Lower Allen Township Zoning Ordinance Section 220-269.B.(8) that the proposed 9-unit townhome plan is substantially similar to the 10-unit apartment proposal. If the appeal is denied, the applicant seeks a variance pursuant to Lower Allen Township Zoning Ordinance Section 220-202.A.(1) for relief from the 25’ width requirement for a buffer yard, and relief from Section 220-46.A. for the location of off-street parking spaces.
  3. Docket #2024-09 for William F. Hubler regarding 702 Lisburn Road, in the R-3 Zoning District of Lower Allen Township. The applicant seeks a special exception pursuant to Lower Allen Township Zoning Ordinance Section 220-222.B.(5) to change the use from church school to an art center.
  4. Docket #2024-10 for Jameson Stone, LLC regarding 1013 Saint Johns Road, in the C-2 Zoning District of Lower Allen Township. The applicant seeks a variance pursuant to Lower Allen Township Zoning Ordinance Section 220-244.B.(3)(f) for relief from a tangential arc with a minimum radius of 20’, and relief from Section 220-244.B.(7) for all access drives cartway construction to be in accordance with the local street standards of Chapter 192.

Materials regarding this application may be examined at the Lower Allen Township Municipal Services Center during normal business hours and on the date, time and place of the hearing.

By Order of
Lower Allen Township
Zoning Hearing Board
Ann Moran, Chairperson