Stormwater Authority
10/03/24 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Timothy Johnson, Chair | Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director (via phone) |
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chair | Steven P Miner, LATSA Solicitor |
Alison J Shuler, Secretary | Barbara Arnold, Environmental Coordinator |
Robert Edwards | Benjamin Peters, Public Works Project Manager |
Richard Schin | Commissioner Charles Brown |
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary | |
Chair Johnson called the October 3, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to order at 8:10 pm. He announced the meeting had been duly advertised for publication.
Ms. SHULER moved to approve the minutes from the September 5, 2024, Regular Meeting. Mr. EDWARDS seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
Borough of West Chester v. Pennsylvania State System
Mr. Miner reported that the case was argued on 9/11/2024 but noted he did not expect any decision would be made until Spring 2025.
Mr. Schin reported the total cash balance, as of August 24, 2024 was $2,777,195, an increase of $26,216 since the prior meeting.
Below is a summary report of Stormwater billing accounts deemed “Uncollectable” with total balances through 9/25/2024. These balances include past due principal amounts plus penalties through the last billing period (2024-Q3). Late penalties for 2024-Q3 are reflected in the figures.
Delinquent accounts
Property Owner | Accts | Balance |
Commonwealth of PA | 8 | $12,542 |
PennDOT | 4 | $1,314,173 |
PA Turnpike | 3 | $160,366 |
PA Industrial School (SCI/Prison) | 1 | $470,594 |
TOTALS | 16 | $1,957,675 |
In response to an inquiry from Mr. Schin, Ms. Arnold explained the process Portnoff follows for collection of delinquent accounts. Mr. Schin also asked about the progress made regarding those collections. Ms. Arnold noted that regular collections are being received and using Portnoff is saving significant staff time and resources.
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
Credit and Appeals Monthly Report
Ms. Arnold reported there had been no credits or appeals since the prior meeting.
Payment of Estimate No. 3 to Kinsley Construction, LLC – Weis/UMHC Basin Retrofit Project
Mr. Peters presented for consideration payment of Estimate No. 3 to Kinsley Construction, LLC for labor for the Weis/UMHC Basin Retrofit Project in the amount of $97,964.56. He noted that township staff had inspected the work and is retaining 5% of the contract price until the project is complete.
Ms. SHULER offered the motion to approve, seconded by Mr. BUCHER. The motion passed 5-0.
Payment of Estimate No. 2 to Kinsley Construction, LLC – Bethany Village Basin Retrofit Project
Mr. Peters presented for consideration payment of Estimate No. 2 (Final) in the amount of $39,076,99 for labor for the Bethany Village Basin Retrofit Project. He noted the estimate represented the work performed, inspected and approved by the Township. Work is complete.
Ms. SHULER motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. BUCHER. The motion passed 5-0.
USG Television Estimate – Appleton Street
Director Davis presented for consideration an estimate in the amount of $9,300 from the Utility Services Group to televise the stormwater infrastructure on Appleton Street. She explained that the street had been moved up in the paving schedule and staff recommend television so that if repairs are necessary, they can be done in a timely manner in coordination with paving. Staff seek approval of the estimate at a cost not exceeding $12,000.
Ms. SHULER motioned to approve the estimate at a cost not to exceed $12,000, seconded by Mr. SCHIN. The motion passed 5-0.
Weis/UMHC Pump Replacement
Mr. Peters presented information regarding a failing duplex pump system at the Weis/UMHC Basin. The issue was discovered by Kinsley Construction during a recent heavy rain event. Kinsley’s electrician was able to repair the pump but only to work manually at the control panel. Kinsley submitted a change order for $120,000 to replace the pump. Staff consulted with Geiger Pump Supply (COSTARS vendor) and are waiting for a quote to repair or replace the system.
Director Davis requested consideration by the Authority to give approval for staff to move forward with the purchase if a reasonable quote is received from Geiger Pump Supply, and then ratify the approval at the next meeting.
Mr. Miner advised that to address the pump in a timely manner, if members of the Authority feel comfortable, they could give authorization to Chair Johnson to approve the purchase order and then ratify the action at the next meeting. He noted the public safety component of the current situation as well as the requirement for a change order to not exceed fifteen percent of the project cost. The change order estimate from Kinsley Construction was eighteen percent.
Members expressed consensus around approving authorization at a “not to exceed” amount of $100,000.
Mr. EDWARDS made a motion to authorize Chair Johnson to approve an estimate at a cost not to exceed $100,000. The motion was seconded by Ms. SHULER and passed 5-0.
Ms. Arnold presented the item for consideration and possible action, to reappoint Ms. Alison Shuler to the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority for the term starting January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2030.
Mr. SCHIN made a motion to reappoint Ms. Shuler. The motion was seconded by Mr. BUCHER and passed 4-0 with Ms. Shuler abstaining.
Nonstructural BMP Credit Program
Ms. Arnold introduced the item for discussion regarding the Nonstructural Best Management Practice (BMP) credit program criteria and credit allowance. She explained that staff seek feedback and direction from the Authority. Non-structural BMPs would allow property owners to participate in programs that would permit application of a credit to their quarterly stormwater fee. Ms. Arnold reviewed several suggestions for credit possibilities along with a maximum credit that would be applicable if programs are property reported for property owners. She explained that the credit and appeals policy would need to be amended, definitions added and reviewed by the Authority prior to outreach and implementation. The six possible credit ideas are:
- Education Credit – available to public and private schools or school systems
- Fertilizer Management Credit
- Adopt-an-Inlet Program (residential)
- Adopt-an-Inlet Program (commercial/institutional)
- Inlet Art Design Program
- Institutional Organizational Credit
Members discussed the suggestions and expressed some concern regarding impact on revenue, noting the need to limit how much credit could be earned. Director Davis confirmed that the intent was not to exceed a 50% credit reduction and noted intent to prepare a financial report that illustrates existing credit reduction and impact on revenues. Members expressed appreciation for the staff effort and leadership in considering these ideas and noted their desire to not burden staff time and energy to manage programs. Chair Johnson asked members to share additional feedback with staff prior to the next meeting.
Proposed 2025 Meeting Dates
Members reviewed the proposed list of meeting dates. It was determined that a decision to approve the schedule of meeting dates would be addressed at the next meeting.
With no other business pertinent to the Authority, the Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority adjourned at 9:17 PM.