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01/13/2025 Agenda

Board of Commissioners
01/13/2025 Agenda



January 13, 2025 6:00 PM


1. Call to Order by President Villone. Proof of Publication

2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Approval of Meeting Minutes:

• December 09, 2024 Regular Meeting
• December 23, 2024 Regular Meeting

4. Presentation: Employee Recognitions for Years of Service and Performance Award.

5. Audience Participation: Any item on the agenda.

Any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion can request so now. Is there a request for the removal of an item(s) on the Consent Agenda?

Accept motion to approve the items on the Consent Agenda, which are listed as follows:

a. Check Register of December 31, 2024 in the amount of $147,924.73.

b. Check Register of January 10, 2025 in the amount of $160,281.85.

c. Credit Card Register of November 2024 in the amount of $8,820.06.

d. RESOLUTION 2025-R-01, requesting that the PA State Association of Township Commissioners add to their legislative agenda the removal of restrictions by the Commonwealth of PA for line of duty death benefits for Pennsylvania residents employed as first responders outside of the Commonwealth. (Joshua Laird law).


a. Accept a motion to enact ORDINANCE 2025-02, updating Chapter 209 of the Township Code, Vehicles and Traffic, known as the Traffic Control Device Ordinance.

b. Accept a motion to accept the retirement of Donna J. Paul, Human Resources Coordinator, effective February 28, 2025.

8. Any business pertinent to the Township. Discussions will be limited to ten (10) minutes per person.


a. Discussion and possible action: Approval of proposed Civil Service Rules changes amending service requirements in “Section 3.7 General Qualifications Applicants Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain for service requirements for applicants” as detailed in the Public Safety Director’s Memorandum dated January 13, 2025.

b. Discussion and possible action: Accept a motion to adopt RESOLUTION 2025-R-02, appointing Wyatt Pierce as a full-time Paramedic in the Emergency Medical Services department, effective January 27, 2025.


a. Discussion and possible action: Authorization for the Township Solicitor to attend the February 20, 2025 Zoning Hearing Board Meeting and to represent the Township and Board of Commissioners in the matter listed on the agenda as Docket No. 2025-01.

b. Discussion and possible action: Permission to advertise for the hiring of a full-time administrative position in the Community & Economic Development Department. This is a budgeted position.

c. Discussion: SLD 2024-10 Wal-Mart Supercenter #05888-214 Final Land Development Plan.

1. Action: Discussion of the following waivers:
a) Section 192-30.A. – Submission of a Preliminary Plan
b) Section 192-57.C.(9) – To provide sidewalk along the lot frontage of Capital City Mall Drive

2. Action: Approve SLD 2024-10 Wal-Mart Supercenter #05888-214 Final Land Development Plan.
a) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on Rettew’s letter dated December 16, 2024.
b) Satisfy all remaining comments listed on the Cumberland County Planning Department letter dated September 25, 2024.

3. Discussion and possible action: Accept a 90-day extension for SLD #2024-10 Wal-Mart Supercenter #05888-214 Final Land Development Plan.

d. Update: Minor revisions to proposed Ordinance 2025-01 Fowl Keeping.


a. Discussion and possible action: Permission to advertise for the hiring of a full-time Maintenance Specialist in the Public Works Department. This is a budgeted position.

b. Discussion and possible action: Approval of the Job Description for the Environmental Program Manager. This is a budgeted position.

c. Discussion and possible action: Accepting a motion to adopt RESOLUTION 2025-R-03, appointing Barbara Arnold to the position of Environmental Program Manager, effective January 1, 2025.


13. Executive Session

a. Update on Police Collective Bargaining.

b. Personnel matter.

14. Adjourn