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Board of Commissioners Minutes – 2-22-2016


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                       LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                                       FEBRUARY 22, 2016

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

Peddrick M. Young, Sr., Vice President Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager
Richard F. Schin Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Carolyn E. Holtzman Frank Williamson, Director of Public Safety
Jack R. Simpson Jr. Daniel Flint, Community Development
Richard Grove, Director of Finance
Leon Crone, Lieutenant in Charge
John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary

Vice President Young called the February 22, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:02 pm with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.  President Black was absent with excuse.


Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2016 meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.


There was no response.


Vice President Young advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request.   There was no response.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

  1. Department Reports for the month of January for Township Engineer, Public Works, Fleet Maintenance, Public Safety, and Assistant Manager.
  2. Purchase of two (2) M7200 VTAC and two (2) XG75 mobile radios from Harris Corporation for the Police Department.
  3. Purchase of a John Deere X754 mowing tractor from Smith Implements off COSTARS for the amount of $11,185.83
  4. Approval of Drainage Plan No. DP 2016-01 for Cedar Cliff High School Stadium Turf Improvements.

Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.


Approval of Check Register

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve Check Register of 2/19/2016, in the amount of $332,196.55.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.

Cpl. Claeys Full-Time Status

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve Cpl. Matthew Claeys to regular full-time status at the rank of Corporal, as he has successfully completed his 12 month probationary period.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.


There was no response.


Replacement of Car #2

Mr. Williamson discussed his memo involving the accident of Car #2 which was totaled.  He spoke about replacing it with a Ford SUV.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the replacement of Car #2 with a Ford SUV not to exceed $30,856.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.

Civil Service Rules and Regulations

Mr. Vernau stated he received the changes requested by the union on Friday and hasn’t had an opportunity to review them.  The Board agreed to keep this tabled until a complete review can be done.


SLD Docket No. 2015-13: Land Development Plan for Stone Gate Village

Mr. Flint discussed the plan for Stone Gate Village which proposes construction of 88 single-family attached (townhouse) units, a clubhouse and pool, on 7.821 acres at the northeast corner of St. Johns Road and Lisburn Road.  He showed the Board the location of the Village and the proposed curbing and sidewalk.  After the January 25th Board meeting, the Board remanded the plan back to the Planning Commission because of two changes proposed by the Developer.  These changes were reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on February 16th.  The Planning Commission recommended that the proposal for modifications regarding the curb and sidewalk construction be approved.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve SLD Docket No. 2015-13: Land Development Plan for Stone Gate Village SLD Docket No. 2015-13: Land Development Plan   for Stone Gate Village with the following waivers and conditions:

  1. Waiver of the requirement contained in Section 192-24.C to submit a Preliminary Plan for SLD Docket No. 2015-13, Land Development Plan for Stone Gate Village.
  2. Modification of the requirement in Section 184-13.A regarding infiltration of the 2-year storm event volume, to substitute water quality BMPs in lieu of a portion of the infiltration volume, for SLD Docket No. 2015-13, Final Land Development Plan for Stone Gate Village.
  3. Modification of the requirement in Section 192-60.I to provide the Fee in Lieu of Recreation Land prior to recording of the plan, to allow fees to be paid at the time that building permits are issued.
  4. Modification to the requirements in Section 192-57.C(8), to allow construction of curb for a portion of the St. Johns Road frontage as shown on the plan, and providing a fee in lieu of curb for the remaining frontage.
  5. Modification to the requirements in Section 192-57.C(9), to allow construction of a bituminous trail in lieu of sidewalk along the Lisburn Road frontage.
  6. Modification to the requirements in Section 192-57.C(9), allow providing a fee in lieu of sidewalk construction for the St. Johns Road frontage.
  7. Approval of SLD Docket No. 2015-13, Final Land Development Plan for Stone Gate Village, contingent upon the following:
  8. Providing and executed Developers Agreement and Improvement Security.
  9. Obtaining a PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit.
  • Lower Allen Township Authority approval.
  1. Lower Allen Township Development Authority approval for stormwater discharge onto adjacent property.
  2. Cumberland County Conservation District approval.
  3. Providing an executed Standard Stormwater Facility and BMP Maintenance and Monitoring Agreement.

Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.

SLD Docket No. 2016-01: Land Development Plan for Weis Market Store No. 125, Gas and Go:

Mr. Flint discussed the proposed construction of fuel service facilities and canopy with a 6-pump capacity, and associated kiosk, at the existing Weis retail store at 1195 Lowther Road.  He showed the Board the location on the map.  Mr. Swander, HRG Engineer for Weis, stated there is 60 feet between where the underground gas tanks are located and the property lines.  He stated there would still be enough parking for the store after the Gas and Go is installed.  He stated they have received the Township’s comments and would address them.  Mr. Alex Ororbia, Weis, stated the hours of operation would be the same as the store from 6AM to 11PM.  He stated there would be an attendant for the hours of operation.  He spoke about the lighting and how it wouldn’t go past the property lines.  Mr. Flint stated this should be ready for action at the next meeting.

Purchase of a new Coneqtec 24-inch Universal Cold Planer attachment

Mr. Flint discussed the budgeted purchase of a new Coneqtec 24-inch Universal Cold Planer attachment from Groff Tractor at a cost of $14,700.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the purchase of a new Coneqtec 24-inch Universal Cold Planer attachment from Groff Tractor at a cost of $14,700.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.

SLD Docket No. 2015-10 – Arcona, Phases 2.1 and 2.2

Mr. Charlie Courtney, McNees & Wallace, provided background on the approval of the Arcona phases.  He stated they are asking the Board to approve the recording of the plan without posting the financial security.  He stated the Township ordinances require the posting of financial security before a plan can be recorded.  Charter Homes asked to record the plan and then post the financial security before any permits are issued or any ground is moved.  He stated they are closing on the land needed for the Arcona phases on Wednesday and need to be able to record the plan by Friday for a partner for a tax deadline.

Commissioner Schin expressed concerns about this proposal and the setting a legal precedence for the Township.  Mr. Courtney stated this is not like any other development plan and the circumstances are different and wouldn’t be a legal precedence.  Commissioner Schin expressed concerns about monitoring the location to ensure no work is being completed.  He stated the Township has spent time and effort for the ordinances they have passed.  He stated the Township treat everyone the same.  Vice President Young agreed with Commissioner Schin with his concerns and asked if a paragraph could be included that no equipment be stored or moved on the land.  Mr. Courtney stated the Township wouldn’t have to monitor the location as they need a permit to perform any work and a financial security would be posted at that time.  Commissioner Schin stated there are some residents that aren’t happy about this development and asked if there would be another request like this in the future.  Mr. Anthony Faranda-Diedrich stated there would not be another request like this one.  Mr. Flint stated the financial security is setup to ensure if a project is started and isn’t finished that the infrastructure can be finished with the security.  He stated if they were asking to start construction before the financial security is posted that would be an issue.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve Re-approval of SLD Docket No. 2015-10, Final Subdivision and Lane Development Plan for Arcona, Phases 2.1 and 2.2, with modifications to the conditions of approval.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.

Update on Yellow Breeches Resource Management Steering Committee

Mr. Eby discussed his meeting with the Steering Committee.  He stated Messiah College, Cumberland County, Upper and Lower Allen Townships, Monaghan Township, and the Yellow Breeches Watershed Association were represented at the meeting.  He discussed some of the issues the participants had encountered this past summer with the users of the creek.  He stated they came up with long and short term goals to address the issues.  Their goal is to have things setup for the busy season which will start on Memorial Day.  He stated their next meeting will be in March.  They are going to reach out to America Rivers, PEC/Water Trail Program for technical assistance, brochure examples and case studies.  They will begin to draft an educational piece for all parties to provide to the users of the creek.  Discussion ensued.  Mr. Eby will update the Board as the Committee meets.


Commissioner Simpson discussed a resident’s concerns with trucks using their Jake brakes on the exit ramp for Rossmoyne and Route 15.  Mr. Flint will contact PennDOT about their concerns.

Commissioner Schin thanked Mr. Flint and Mr. Eby on the handling of the Wesley Mews situation and the weekly updates.

Commissioner Holtzman spoke about concerns about the trash cans being put in the driveway so residents can’t park.  She praised everyone again for their work during the snow storm.

Mr. Williamson stated Pennsylvania met the threshold for a Federal disaster declaration for the snow blizzard.  He stated once the declaration is received, they can include more costs of the storm in their totals.

Vice President Young praised staff for their handling for the Wesley Mews issues and the Yellow Breeches situation.


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners recessed to Executive Session at 8:23 pm.   President Black joined the meeting via speaker phone to discuss the following item:

  1. Offer of employment to Public Safety Director Candidate.


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners reconvened at 8:50 PM.  President Black joined the meeting via speaker phone.

Commissioner Simpson made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-R-05 appointing David Holl as Public Safety Director.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:53 PM.