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4-11-16 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
4-11-16 Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                   LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

 REGULAR MEETING                                               APRIL 11, 2016                                    

 The following were in ATTENDANCE:

H. Edward Black, President Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Peddrick M. Young, Sr., Vice President David Holl, Director of Public Safety
Carolyn E. Holtzman Daniel Flint, Community Development
Richard F. Schin Richard Grove, Director of Finance
Jack R. Simpson Jr. Steven P. Miner, Solicitor
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary

President Black called the April 11, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. 


Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 28, 2016 meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0-1. President Black abstained as he was absent with excuse from the meeting.


Several residents asked to speak on the Cliffs stormwater runoff situation.


President Black advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request.   There was no response.

Vice President YOUNG moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

  1. Adopt Resolution 2016-R-09, a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County Pennsylvania, proclaiming May 2016 as Building Safety Month.
  2. Adopt Resolution 2016-R-10, a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County Pennsylvania, recognizing, commending and honoring Chad Patrick Morris for the attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.
  3. Adopt Resolution 2016-R-11, a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County Pennsylvania, recognizing, commending and honoring Robert McCoy Vera for the attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.  
  4. Adopt Resolution 2016-R-12, a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County Pennsylvania recognizing, commending and honoring Michael Francis Smith III for the attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.


Approval of Check Register

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve Check Register of April 1, 2016, in the amount of $103,770.48 and March manual check register of $650.00.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


There was no response.


Resolution 2016-R-14 Support for Radar Use

Director Holl discussed a Rally for Road Safety he attended last week for local use of radar.  He discussed the Rally’s support of Senate Bill 535 and House Bill 7.  These bills support the language change of the current laws from “only members of Pennsylvania State Police” to by any police officer.  He stated that Pennsylvania is the only state that doesn’t allow local radar for speed enforcement and has the worst record for speed-related fatalities.  He stated that 87% of those fatalities are on municipal roads.  He stated that Resolution 2016-R-14 would support the current bills being considered.  Discussion ensued.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-R-14 in support of Senate Bill 535 and House Bill 71, enabling municipal police to use the same motor vehicle speed-timing equipment as the Pennsylvania State Police.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


The Cliffs Stormwater Runoff Situation

Mr. Flint stated that the Township received a letter from the residents of The Cliffs about concerns of stormwater runoff.  He showed the Board pictures he had taken of the pipe, foot bridge, holes in the concrete, and of the water from the rain last week.  He stated that Allendale’s stormwater discharged into the Cliffs before they were developed.

Mr. Jim Ramsey, Cliffs Association, showed the Board the location of the concerns on the map.  He described the location of the pipe, where it runs off to, and provided a history of how they have been dealing with this issue.  He spoke about the common area the Cliffs Association owns and the location of this area.  He spoke about the work that EK Services had done for them with rip-rap.

Mr. Steve Gonas provided some history of going for bids and realized some of the properties belongs to Allendale.  He believes the holes can’t be ignored.  He and the Cliffs Association are concerned about animals or children getting into the holes in the concrete. Mr. Bradley spoke about working with the Township four years ago on the one hole which is getting bigger.  Mr. James Byerly approached the Board and showed them a map from 1970s of the Cliffs and spoke about the right-of-way.  The Board discussed the map with him and the others at the Board.  Discussion ensued. 

Solicitor Miner stated that the Township can’t use public funds on private property.  He stated that temporary and permanent easements would be necessary for any work to be completed by the Township. 

Mr. Flint stated that if they are directed by the Board to take action, there is a limit of what the Township’s equipment can do. He stated that the property would need to be surveyed and staked and the appropriate easements would need to be granted before any work could be done.  In addition, with the current projects scheduled this year, nothing could be done until next year.

President Black stated that a survey needs to be completed to determine property lines, and Mr. Flint can come up with a plan showing corrective actions.  He would prefer that the homeowners take care of the survey and staking since some of it is on private properties.  Mr. Ramsey stated that the Association would be willing to make a $4,000 contribution toward the work if they knew that when/if completed the work would improve the area.  Mr. Flint stated that he would need to see the survey and the property staked to determine a plan and costs. 

Meeting with PennDOT on the possible turnback of Arcona Road.

Mr. Flint spoke about the request from PennDOT for the turnback of Arcona Road.  He stated that Upper Allen agreed to take the next step and are willing to meet with PennDOT.  PennDOT will need a letter of interest from the Township as the next step.  President Black asked what the advantages are of this request.  Mr. Flint stated that they won’t know until they meet with PennDOT and see what they are offering.  Mr. Anthony Faranda-Diedrich, Charter Homes discussed the request.  He stated that turning back the road to the Township would allow more access along Arcona Road for the development and allow more flexibility for design.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to authorize Staff to setup a meeting with PennDOT to discuss the possible turnback of Arcona Road.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Hampden Township Proposed Adoption of Official Map

Mr. Flint received a letter and map from Hampden Township.  He stated that a number of intersection improvements were suggested as part of the CLASH study that was conducted several years ago.  He showed the Board on the map the location of one of the improvements affecting the Township with the extension of Sporting Hill Road.  He stated that they would need to cross the railroad to Simpson Ferry Road.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to table action on the Hampden Township proposed Adoption of Official Map until the Planning Commission has reviewed it.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Reduction in Improvement Security:  SLD Docket No. 2014-01, Highpoint, Phases 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4:

Mr. Flint stated that there was a request for reduction in security improvements from Charter Homes for Highpoint Phases 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4.  He stated that this should be ready for action at the next meeting.

 Resolution authorizing Township signature on PennDOT Reimbursement Agreements for Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) projects.

Mr. Flint spoke about the two projects involving the trails for Beacon Hill and Cedar Run and TAPS funds.  He stated that they need two agreements with PennDOT and they require a resolution for someone to authorize signatures for the projects.  He stated that this would be ready for action at the next meeting.  He stated that at the HATS meeting they authorized their staff to send a letter to Norfolk Southern and copied their Congressional delegation. 

Additional items.

Mr. Flint stated that a security reduction from The Manor at Fair Oaks should be ready for action at the next meeting. 

Mr. Flint stated that there should be a resolution for the replacement of Linda Hockenberry at the next meeting.


Renegotiate the Comcast Cable Franchise Agreement

Mrs. Trone spoke about the possibility of entering into a group negotiation through CapCOG with Cohen Law Group to renegotiate the Comcast Cable Franchise Agreement that expires in 2018.  She stated that they were last negotiated in 2007/2008.  She spoke about the benefits the Township receives from this agreement including revenue and a few free services.  She stated that there could be a discount on fees depending upon how many municipalities participate in the negotiations.  Discussion ensued.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to authorize staff to enter into group negotiations through CapCOG with the Cohen Law Group to renegotiate the Comcast cable franchise agreement.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Advertise Ordinance 2016-02 amending Chapter 151, Parks and Playgrounds

Mrs. Trone discussed the request to advertise Ordinance 2016-02.  She stated that the ordinance would change the hours of operation of Township parks to dawn to dusk except for lighted courts, and would prohibit swimming at posted areas.  Solicitor Miner stated that this could be voted on May 9th which would allow enough time for advertising.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to authorize staff to advertise Ordinance 2016-02 amending Chapter 151, Parks and Playgrounds, by changing the hours of operation of Township parks and by prohibiting swimming at posted areas.  Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Director Holl discussed adding a Bachelor’s Degree to the requirements for the position of Captain.  He stated that the Civil Service Commission will meet next week to discuss this change.  The revised Rules and Regulations should be ready for action at the next meeting.  He stated that on Wednesday, an inspection on the ambulances will take place.  He stated that he met with the ambulance manufacturers and now the third ambulance can go into production.  We hope to have it by the end of the summer.

Solicitor Miner stated that the Liquor Control Board hearing was held on March 31st.  He thanked Mr. Vernau and Director Williamson for their testimony.  He stated that he asked for a three-year extension.  He stated that the extension expires on April 30th and there should be enough time for the LCB to act on the request.

Mrs. Trone spoke about sending out some dates for strategic planning.  She did hear back from some but asked if those who haven’t could please respond.  She spoke about the Boy Scouts Eagle Award ceremonies and stated that she would send out the locations and dates.

Mr. Flint spoke about the yellow flashing arrow for the Route 15N ramp.  He stated that PennDOT would be doing some driver education and a “ribbon” cutting ceremony.  He stated that the tentative date is April 27th.


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:25 pm.