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5-9-16 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
5-9-16 Minutes



REGULAR MEETING                                           MAY 9, 2016 

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

H. Edward Black, President Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager
Peddrick M. Young, Sr, Vice President Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Richard F. Schin David Holl, Director of Public Safety
Carolyn E. Holtzman Daniel Flint, Community Development
Jack R. Simpson Jr. Richard Grove, Director of Finance
Leon Crone, Lieutenant, Police Department
John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary

President Black called the May 9th, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm with a prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.


Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 25, 2016 meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

RESOLUTION 2016-R-18: Recognizing Linda Hockenberry for 25 years of service

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-R-18 recognizing Linda Hockenberry for her 25 years of service for Lower Allen Township.  Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

President Black read the resolution to Linda Hockenberry and presented her with a certificate.  The Board thanked her for all her work for the Township.

PRESENTATION:  Building Safety Month

Mr. Eby thanked the Board for approving the resolution for May being Building Safety Month.  He spoke about how important the public education and outreach is for the ICC and their department.  He stated that the goals of the resolution are to increase awareness of how a professionally administered I-code program benefits the community.  He stated that his department educate building owners and tenants about proper maintenance, interact with Public Safety/first responders, and help keep the Township safe.

He stated that his department is made up of Linda Hockenberry, who handles not only complaints but some of the maintenance code enforcements; David Yount, who is primarily responsible for Commercial plan review and has over 34 years in the building trades and holds 20 professional certificates; Richard Lehigh, who is primarily responsible for Residential plan review and inspections and has 22 years in the building trades and holds 12 professional certifications, and William Yeagley, who is primarily responsible for enforcing Fire Prevention Ordinances and conducting inspections, zoning permit review and issuance, and has 29 years of field experience and holds 14 professional certifications.  In addition, Stacy Morgan works the customer counter and is secretary for the department.   David Yount and William Yeagley both spoke to the Board and showed some examples of issues they have found while doing inspections.  They emphasized how they educate residents and business owners on issues they find to help keep everyone safe in the Township.  Discussion ensued.

The Board thanked them for their service to the Township.  Commissioner Schin thought their stories and examples of things they find should be published.


There were no comments.


President Black advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request.   There was no response.  President Black asked Mr. Flint to explain the plan referenced in the consent agenda.  Mr. Flint discussed the lot split and each of the waivers requested by the applicant.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

a.  Modification of the requirement in Section 192-57. B(2)(h)[2] to provide additional right-of-way to a width of 30 feet from centerline along the Locust Street frontage (Minor Arterial criteria) to allow right-of-way dedication at 25 feet from centerline (Collector Road criteria) for SLD Docket No. 2016-02, Final Minor Subdivision Plan for 137 and 145 Locust

b.  Modification of the requirement contained in Sections 192-57. B(2)(h)[2] and 192- 57.C(13) to provide pavement width at 18 feet from centerline (Minor Arterial criteria) to allow the existing pavement width of 15 feet from centerline (Collector Road criteria),) for SLD Docket No. 2016-02, Final Minor Subdivision Plan for 137 and 145 Locust Street.  

c.  Modification of the requirement contained in Sections 192-57. B(2)(h)[2] and 192- 57.C(8) to provide curbs on all street frontage, to accept a fee in lieu of curb construction as proposed by the Applicant,) for SLD Docket No. 2016-02, Final Minor Subdivision Plan for 137 and 145 Locust

d.  Modification of the requirement contained in Section 192-57.C (9) to provide sidewalks along all street frontage, to require installation of sidewalk along the Locust Street frontage for both 137 and 145 Locust Street at the time that development occurs on 145 Locust Street, for SLD Docket No. 2016-02, Final Minor Subdivision Plan for 137 and 145 Locust

e.  SLD Docket No. 2016-02, Final Minor Subdivision Plan for 137 and 145 Locust Street, contingent upon the following:

a.  Adding the approved Modification notes to the

b.  Providing the fee in lieu of curb

f. Tax Collector’s Monthly Reports for April 2016

Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Approval of Check Register

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve Check Register of April 29, 2016 in the amount of $159,200.14 and a replacement manual check on April 15, 2016 for $357.75 to Lower Allen Fire Company. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve a manual check on April 28, 2016 for $250.00 to Black Landscape Contracting.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0-1.  President Black abstained as a relative owns the company that the check was issued to.

Ordinance 2016-02- Chapter 151, Parks and Playgrounds.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to enact Ordinance 2016-02, an Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, amending, modifying and changing the Code of the Township of Lower Allen at Sections 151-4 and 151-6, of chapter 151, Parks and Playgrounds.

            Roll Call Vote:             Commissioner Holtzman         – Aye

                                                Commissioner Schin               – Aye

                                                President Black                       – Aye

                                                Vice President Young              – Aye

                                                Commissioner Simpson           – Aye


            Ordinance 2016-02 was enacted by a 5-0 vote.


There was no response.


Police Captain Job Description

Director Holl discussed the new job description for Police Captain.  He spoke about the changes to the educational requirement for the position as approved by the Board.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the presented job description for Police Captain for Lower Allen Township.  Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Police Captain Hiring Process

Director Holl discussed the Manager’s memo outlining the steps in hiring a Police Captain.  He stated that there are three phases to the plan and stated that the next step would be approval from the Board to advertise the position.  One of the steps involves outside assistance with the Leadership profile.  This can be conducted by a consultant or the PA Chiefs.  Each would involve a cost which is unknown at this time.  Commissioner Schin asked if this cost is in the budget and Mr. Vernau stated that it is in the budget.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to adopt the Captain hiring process as outlined in Director Holl’s memo and authorize staff to advertise for the position.  Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


SLD Docket No. 2015-13, Stone Gate Village: PennDOT Decision

Mr. Flint discussed the background of Stone Gate Village and the approvals they received on the plan.  He stated that during the process of obtaining an HOP from PennDOT, PennDOT stated that that curb should not be installed in the location, due to the very flat grade of the road and shoulder.  Their concern is that adequate drainage would not be provided, and that runoff would pond along the curb.  He stated that the Township’s ordinance allows for waiver of curbing based on PennDOT’s refusal.  He stated that no action is necessary and this discussion is informational only for the Board since the plan changed.  President Black asked if the new design requested by PennDOT would work.  Mr. Bob Fisher, RJ Fisher & Associates, stated that their design can handle the change as there is little drainage coming off Lisburn Road.

Alternate SEO vacancy/replacement

Mr. Eby discussed the need for an Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) for the Township as a backup to himself.  He stated that he reached out to three candidates and chose Mr. Gary Morrow.  Mr. Morrow is the SEO for Silver Spring Township.  Mr. Eby described his conversation with Mr. Morrow about the responsibilities and the $50 an hour rate.  Discussion ensued.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to appoint Mr. Gary Morrow as the Alternative Sewage Enforcement Office for Lower Allen Township at a rate of $50.00 per hour.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


2016 Equipment Lease Purchase Financing

Mr. Grove discussed the need for financing for capital equipment purchases of the boom mower and advanced life support equipment.  He stated that eight banks were emailed a RFQ and First Niagara Leasing, Inc. came in with the lowest five-year cost.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to award the financing of the capital equipment to First Niagara Leasing, Inc.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Computer Work Stations Quote

Mrs. Trone discussed the quote received from 3rd Element for the replacement of the budgeted work stations.  She stated that work stations, depending upon their usage, are replaced every 5-7 years and is a budgeted item.  Mr. Vernau stated that the quote of $14,210 includes the municipal rate discount.  Discussion ensued.

Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the replacement of the work stations to not exceed the quote from 3rd Element of $14,210.  Commission SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Council of Governments (COG) -Median Barriers.

Mr. Vernau stated that COG sent a draft resolution asking the Commonwealth to install protection devices in the grassy medians to prevent crashes.  The resolution cites an accident involving the grassy median and a fatality on Route 81.  Cumberland County has adopted the resolution.  Discussion ensued.  The Board agreed to considering the resolution for action at the next meeting.

Council of Governments (COG) -Legislative Redistricting.

Mr. Vernau stated that COG sent a draft resolution in support of a Citizens Commission for Legislative redistricting and Congressional Reapportionment.  Discussion ensued.  The Board agreed to consider the resolution for action at the next meeting.

Letter to Public Utility Commission:

Mr. Vernau discussed the proposed letter he provided to the Board.  He stated that the PUC is issuing Certificates of Public Convenience to Distributed Antenna System (DAS) providers. He spoke about the issues this is causing.  He stated that these providers don’t fit in the definition of a public utility.  He stated that he and Mr. Eby are working with the Cohen group on finishing the Township’s Wireless Cellular Facilities ordinance on this issue.  Discussion ensued.  The consensus of the Board was to send the letter.

Windsor Park

Mr. Vernau provided the Board an aerial photograph the Windsor Park triangular tract.  He spoke about meeting with the residents several years ago and their desire to keep any potential park small and not a destination park.   He showed the Board the location of the park and easements for the park.  He stated that the idea would to have one large field where the kids could play, a tot lot, benches, chess tables, and a loop trail.  He discussed the closeness of Wass Park and the offerings of that park.  Mr. Vernau asked the Board about hiring a consultant to design the park with fee in lieu of funds for recreation.  Discussion ensued.  The Board agreed to hire a consultant in the future for developing the park.

Dodge Charger

Mr. Vernau stated that normally patrol cars are sent out to auction and they can receive around $4,000-$7,000.  He asked the Board to keep the Charger for himself and Director Holl to share for Township business.  President Black stated that he believes the car should be kept and his first choice is for Director Holl to have it for meetings and for responding.  Discussion ensued.  The Board agreed to retain the Charger for Township use.

Resolution 2016-R-19 – Eagle Scout – Corey Bernard

Mr. Vernau stated that Mr. Corey Bernard built new dugouts in Wass Park as his Eagle Scout project.  He stated that his Court of Honor is June 5th at 1pm at Grace Lutheran.  He asked if anyone would like to attend and present the resolution to him.  Commissioner Simpson would like to go and will check his schedule.  The resolution will be ready for action at the next meeting.

Electronic Transmittal of Packets

Mr. Vernau discussed the option of sending the Board packets electronically to the Board.  Discussion ensued.  Commissioners Holtzman and Black stated that they need the paper copies of the whole packet.  Commissioners Schin and Young stated that they would like to receive the paper agenda and minutes on Friday before the meeting, but all else can be electronic.  Commissioner Simpson stated that he doesn’t need a paper copy of the packet.


Mr. Flint stated that the yellow flashing arrow at Rossmoyne Rd and the NB 15 ramp was turned on last Wednesday.

Mr. Eby spoke about the watershed group’s efforts to educate the public.  He stated that a brochure outlines the simple rules for using the creek.  He stated that the plan is for Messiah College to print the brochures and be ambassadors and hand them out.  He stated that he would have more information at the next meeting.

Commissioner Simpson discussed the calls he received from residents concerned about the speeding in Rossmoyne.  Lieutenant Crone stated that he would look into it. 

Vice President Young spoke about concerns he received from residents about speeding in the Lisburn area.  Lieutenant Crone and Director Holl spoke about new speed signs that record the speeds of cars for up to two weeks.  They spoke about the tool and the benefits for both law enforcement and the Township in determining if speeding is occurring and when to inform the residents.  They may ask for them in the budget pending the state decision on local radar use.

Commissioner Schin stated that he received an email about the pending vote on local radar use and he responded to the legislators asking them to support the bills.

Solicitor Miner discussed the LCB’s decision to extend the noise enforcement for the Township for five years.  He thanked the Staff for their work on this issue.

Director Holl stated that he and Mr. Grove are going to the County tomorrow to discuss the costs for winter storm Jonas.  He spoke about the upcoming vote on the local radar use and how he is reaching out to legislators asking for their vote.  He thanked the Board for their support of this issue.

Mrs. Trone stated that the Development Authority received an offer on the old Township building and counteroffered.  She stated that it would be discussed at the Authority’s meeting on Monday.

President Black spoke about the complaints he has received about the railroad crossings especially the one at Highland Gardens.  Mr. Vernau stated that they have been in contact with Norfolk Southern and they have a schedule they are following.  They plan on working on the crossing at Slate Hill Road this year.


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 9:20 pm.