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7-25-16 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
7-25-16 Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                                            LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

                          REGULAR MEETING                                                                              JULY 25, 2016                                      


The following were in ATTENDANCE:

Peddrick M. Young, Sr, Vice-PresidentRichard F. Schin Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township ManagerErin G. Trone, Assistant Manager
Jack R. Simpson, Jr. David Holl, Director of Public Safety
Carolyn E. Holtzman Richard Grove, Director of Finance
John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator
Leon Crone, Lieutenant, Police Department
Greg Thomas, Lieutenant, Police Department
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary

Vice-President Young called the July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm.  He followed with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.  He stated that President Black was absent with excuse.


Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the July 11, 2016 meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.            

Motion carried 4-0.


Mrs. Mary Ellen Banks, Lisburn Fire Company, thanked the Township for helping to pay for the audit, which is done every three years.  She stated that during the off years, the Directors review the financials.  She read the material misstatements as reported and spoke about the depreciation expense.  She stated that the auditors recommended having two people doing pickup of money during the Festival, which they will be implementing pending enough volunteers.  Commission Schin offered to help this year.  She stated that they recommended two people counting the money, which will be implemented this year.  She stated that they met with the auditors and the auditors are comfortable with the way they are handling things for the Fire Company.  The Board thanked her.


There was no response.


The Board of Commissioners recessed at 7:13pm to discuss the following:

  1. Civil Service list – Police Captain candidates


The Board of Commissioner’s meeting reconvened at 7:38pm.


Vice-President Young advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request.   There was no response. 

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

  1. Department Reports for the month of June for Township Engineer, Public Works, Fleet Maintenance, Public Safety, and Assistant Manager.
  2. Resolution 2016-R-23, authorizing signature of PennDOT Reimbursement Agreement for Multimodal Project.
  3. Moving Keegan Toot from probationary to regular full-time employment status in the position of Public Safety Officer.
  4. Moving Jeffrey Brewbaker from probationary to regular full-time employment status in the position of Maintenance Specialist.
  5. Moving Bryan A. Rennie from probationary to regular full-time employment status in the position of Police Officer.

Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.


Approval of Check Register

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the Check Register of July 22, 2016 in the amount of $435,340.28.  Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-0, with Vice-President Young abstaining due to a check written to his wife for a security deposit refund.

Civil Service Commission Eligibility List

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the Civil Service Commission list of top three eligible candidates for the Police Captain position.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.

Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to make a conditional job offer to Leon Crone for the position of Police Captain.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.


There was no response.


SLD Docket No. 2016-04, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Highpoint, Phase 1.3.

Mr. Eby showed the plan for Highpoint Phase 1.3 to the Board.  He stated that the plan will include 18 single family detached dwellings and a walking trail.  He spoke about the one modification they are seeking regarding the slope of the road at Rocky Way.  He stated that the distance of the road is about 200 feet, which will have a slope closer to 7% versus the 4% in the ordinance.  Mr. Anthony Faranda-Diedrich, Charter Homes, stated that this is the last phase of Highpoint and no work has begun on this phase.  Mr. Eby stated that Mr. Flint will review the plan and this may be ready for action at the next meeting.

Commissioner Holtzman asked about Arcona Road being turned over to the Township.  Mr. Faranda-Diedrich stated that they met with PennDOT with Upper Allen and are waiting to hear from them.  Mr. Vernau stated that PennDOT would prefer to turn back the whole road, but if they approve Charter Homes’ design we may not need or want the turnback.

Improvement Security- SLD Docket No. 2000-11- Heights of Beacon Hill, Phase 2 

Mr. Eby discussed the renewal of improvement security for SLD Docket No. 2000-11, final subdivision plan for Heights of Beacon Hill, Phase 2.  This may be ready for action at the next meeting.

Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance

Mr. Eby provided background on the Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance process.  He stated that he and the Manager have conducted extensive review of the original ordinance, staff and planning agency comments, and a revised draft prepared by the Cohen Law Group.  He stated that it is now ready for the public hearing and agency process.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to authorize staff to send the Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance draft to the Township and Cumberland County Planning Agencies for review and recommendations; to establish a public hearing date of Monday September 26, 2016 at 6:00pm; and authorize the Solicitor to advertise a public notice for the hearing.  Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion.  Motion carried 4-0.


Resolution 2016-R-24 -Eagle Scout

Mr. Vernau stated that Resolution 2016-R-24 honoring Richard Joseph Lavery for the attainment of his Eagle Scout Award will be presented at the next meeting.  He stated that his court of honor is on August 13th at 11:00am.  Commissioner Simpson stated that he would attend.

Use of the Carlisle Sentinel for advertising requirements.

Mr. Vernau discussed the possibility of moving public notices to the Carlisle Sentinel from the Patriot News.  He spoke about the increased circulation of the Sentinel as the Patriot News is down to three days a week.  He stated that one of the public notices for recent ordinance would have been $231.00 for the Patriot compared with $164 for the Sentinel.  Vice-President Young stated that the Sentinel doesn’t deliver daily but is mailed to residents so it is a day late.  Solicitor Miner spoke about the concerns with the Patriot News and recent delivery issues and hopes the legislature will change the law to allow electronic advertising.  Mr. Vernau stated that this could be tabled until next meeting so he can obtain circulation numbers.  The Board agreed to table it until next meeting.


Mr. Eby thanked the Township for their support of the recent cleanup of the Yellow Breeches Creek.

Mr. Simpson spoke about a concern with the gravel wash-outs along the gas line installations in Allendale.  Staff will look into this.

Mr. Schin asked about the Cumberland County Tax Bureau.  Mr. Vernau discussed the idea of bringing in a third party to help determine the LST tax base.  Commissioner Simpson spoke about the fact that Act 32 requires the checks to remain with the bills during processing, which can take weeks during the busy period. 

Commissioner Holtzman asked about the branches on Lisburn.  Mr. Vernau stated that they would be taken care of before Festival.  She asked about what can be done about feral cats.  Mr. Vernau discussed the Township’s ordinance and Nobody’s Cats trap, neuter and return program.  She spoke about some properties and a parked car in Rossmoyne Manor.  Staff will look into them.  She asked about fines and hearing about the district justice excusing them.  Mr. Vernau spoke about how the DJ gives them many changes before levying fines.  He stated that they continue to do what they need to in the Township but it is up to the DJ to levy the fines.  He isn’t sure how the DJ will react to the potential fines for the snow shoveling and parked cars during snow storms.

Director Holl spoke about the upcoming National Night Out on August 2 from 6-9pm.  He thanked the Board for their support of the officers during the recent national events.  He said the public has responded positively with donations of food and notes.

Mrs. Trone stated that the Development Authority has signed the sales agreement for the Hummel Avenue property for $590,000.  It has been for sale for nine years.  The agreement has been signed by both parties.  She spoke about the wellness grant received from Benecon which will be used for flu shots for the employees in September.  She reminded the Board of the Public Works tour on August 10th.  She stated that Yappy Hour will be held at LACP dog park on August 4th from 5:30-7:00pm.  She spoke about several business coming to the event.

Lieutenant Crone thanked the Board for the vote of confidence.

Vice-President Young thanked Mrs. Trone for all her work with selling the building.


The Board of Commissioners meeting adjourned at 8:38pm. 

  1. Police safety issues
  2. Police step increase issue