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9-19-17 Minutes

Planning Commission
9-19-17 Minutes


PLANNING COMMISSION:                                             LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP 

REGULAR MEETING:                                                      SEPTEMBER 19, 2017


The following were in ATTENDANCE:

Brett McCreary, Chairman Daniel Flint, Community Development
Geir Magnusson, Vice-Chairman Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary           
Brian Wickenheiser  
David Clovsky  
Michael Washburn  
Dr. Jean Dyszel  
Samuel T. Bashore, Secretary  

Mr. McCreary called the September 19, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:00 pm.


Approval of Minutes

Mr. MAGNUSSON made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 15, 2017 meeting.  Mr. CLOVSKY seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


SLD Docket No. 2017-05: Subdivision Plan for Arcona Neighborhoods;

Proposed lot line adjustments and subdivision of four existing tracts, resulting in 10 lots, with a combined total of 185.23 acres.  No development is proposed with this plan.

Applicant Presentation

Mr. Dave Kegerize, Town Square Engineering, engineer for Charter Homes, stated the plan was a simple administrative exercise to adjust lot lines.  He showed the Board the plan on the screen and the location of the railroad.  He spoke of the parcels including Highpoint, Arcona Apartments and Strong Road.  He spoke about the ownership of the tracks and adjusting for future development plans.  He stated the goal of this plan was to clean up the parcels to make individual neighborhoods for the TND.

Township Staff Comments

Mr. Flint stated this is an administrative plan and no construction is being proposed.  He stated they are setting property lines and setting the stage for future plans.

County Planning Commission Comments

Mr. Hoffman was not at the meeting tonight but Mr. Flint did speak to County and their comments were administrative.  He spoke about comment No. 6, that setback lines should be shown on the lots and labeled.

Commission Member Question and Answer

Mr. Clovsky asked about the waivers and future plans.  Mr. Flint stated the requested waivers would only be for this plan and not for future development.  Mr. McCreary asked when the next plan would be coming to the Board, and about the status of the roundabouts.  Mr. Kegerize stated they are working on Phases 2 and 3 and will be meeting with staff this week to discuss them.  Mr. Flint stated they have received an updated schedule and construction of the Arcona and Rossmoyne roundabouts should be substantially completed in 2018.  The Strong Road roundabout will be at a later time.

Public Comments:

There were no public comments offered.

Action:  Recommendations on requested waivers and on the Plan

Mr. WICKENHEISER made a motion to approve the requested waiver from the requirement to submit a Preliminary Plan.  Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WICKENHEISER made a motion to approve the requested waiver from the requirement to dedicate additional right-of-way adjacent to streets.  Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WICKENHEISER made a motion to approve the requested waiver from the requirement to construct curb and pavement widening along existing streets.  Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WICKENHEISER made a motion to approve the requested waiver from the requirement to construct sidewalks along street frontages.  Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. WICKENHEISER made a motion to approve the Plan for SLD Docket No. 2017-05, Subdivision Plan for Arcona Neighborhood, subject to Township and County comments.  Mr. WASHBURN seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.


Mr. Flint stated County is looking at their process for reviewing municipalities’ plans and we may see less of them at our meetings.  They will continue to provide comments on the plans.  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 7:00 pm.  He stated there will be a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Update for the Commission.  The members should receive the plan electronically and he stated if they need paper copies, let him know.


The regular meeting of the Planning Commission adjourned at 7:15 pm.