Winter months bring a need to be prepared for ice and snow removal. The Highway Department plows and salts approximately 60 miles of Township roads and 16 miles of State roads during inclement weather. Township personnel man a fleet of snow removal vehicles and similar equipment to handle bad weather conditions in the winter and spring. Snow removal involves the use of plows and loaders. During icy conditions, the Township is equipped with salt and anti-skid equipment to apply to streets to help provide safer travel.
Mailboxes at the roadside must be at least 36 inches high and 6 to 8 inches behind the road edge. The Township will only replace a mailbox if it is contacted by the truck or plow itself. If a mailbox is hit by a plow, the Township will replace it with a standard 4 inch by 4 inch wooden post and standard PVC mailbox. If you live along a street without curbs, it is recommended that you place reflective markers along the edge of your lawn to prevent damage from the snowplow.
Residential and business property owners and tenants are required to clear sidewalks and make them safe for pedestrian use. Snow is to be removed from the full width of all public walks within 24 hours after the snow has stopped falling. Anti-skid materials must be placed on icy walkways.
Here is a way to prevent the end of your driveway from accumulating more snow as the streets are cleared.
Another way to look at it is to always shovel “downstream” and leave a pocket for the snow.