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Emergency Management

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Hurricane Sandy EOC Activation

Activation during Hurricane Sandy.

The Office of Emergency Management is a division of the Department of Public Safety.  The Township’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is maintained and updated through the Director’s office.  Since 9/11, this function has taken on significantly more importance to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our citizens and the first responders who protect them.

Additionally, compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Incident Command System (ICS), along with PEMA and Department of Homeland Security mandates have made maintaining the EOP a priority.  If the Township does not maintain compliance with these mandates, grant funding and disaster funding could be jeopardized.

The office is also charged with maintaining a nuclear response plan.  The Beacon Hill, Allendale and The Cliffs neighborhood developments in the Township fall within the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) for the Three Mile Island (TMI) Nuclear Generating Station.  Annually, members of the Township’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) attend a training, specifically related to our TMI preparedness.  Every two years, the EOC staff participates in a Federally mandated exercise to test our plan, along with other “risk” municipalities, school districts, County and State officials.

In our “links” section, you will find links to County, State and Federal websites, providing information on preparing yourself and your family for natural and man-made disasters.  It has been well publicized that in major disasters, public safety providers will be overwhelmed.  It is recommended that you prepare a “survival” or emergency kit for your family with food, water, medications, clothing, etc. that will last you a minimum of 3 days.  Click on the link to learn more about planning and emergency preparedness http://www.pema.pa.gov/planningandpreparedness/readypa/pages/readypa.aspx#.VBbqXPldWUQ

The Office of Emergency Management also maintains a listing of our residents who line within the flood plain of the Yellow Breeches.  We ask residents to update their information annually, so we can maintain contact during times of potential flooding.  This can be done using our Community Alerting System Portal. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Department of Public Safety at 717-975-7575 ext 1601. Coordinator: David L. Holl.

Click Here to download the Township’s Basic EOP.