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Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Home»Best Management Practices (BMPs)
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Best Management Practices include designed stormwater management systems as well as non-engineered facilities like keeping areas as open space for stormwater management.

The goal of BMPs is to reduce the impact of development and impervious cover on downstream properties, streams, and lakes by:

  • Minimizing runoff
  • Slowing down runoff
  • Runoff Infiltration and filtering
  • Evapotranspiration of runoff (Vegetation)

Some examples of BMPs include:

  • Rain Gardens (Bioretention Areas)
  • Infiltration Trenches
  • Pervious Pavement
  • Vegetated Swales

If you have a BMP on your property you are required to make sure that it is functioning properly. This includes yearly inspections and maintenance to the BMP.  Typically, a maintenance agreement for the BMP is recorded and would be discovered during the title search for your property.  The Township will send yearly inspection reports for completion and return to ensure that the BMP is being maintained as required. A guide for BMP maintenance is included below as well as a BMP Reporting form.


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BMP Reporting Form

BMP Reporting Form

Reporting Form

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