The major objective of this program is to maintain all highway features and components in the best possible condition which involves: improving sub-standard features, provide proper maintenance devices for a minimum of traffic disruptions, and hazards to traffic, locate and report inadequate safety features, identify needs, establish priorities and procedures, and maintain a regular program of maintenance for all aspects of highway maintenance.
- Routine Maintenance: Routine maintenance include operations such as cleaning and debris removal from pavement, shoulders, and roadside clear zones, mowing and other vegetation control operations to provide a smooth recovery area and to maintain proper sight distance, cleaning and inspection of gutters, ditches, and other drainage structures, replacement and maintenance of traffic control devices, inspection and maintenance of pavement and shoulders, with particular emphasis on maintaining shoulders flush with the pavement.
- Potholes and Patching: To maintain road conditions and service life to a road, it is important to assess and make minor repairs to road segments through overlays and pothole patching. The Public Works Department does this repair work on an ongoing basis by responding to citizen requests for service and identifying potholes during routine road assessments.
- Paving: Following preparation activities related to base repair and drainage, the Township contracts local vendors to complete roads and streets resurfacing to a finished condition.
Pavement maintenance requires a substantial portion of the total maintenance budget for streets and highways and is needed to ensure highway safety. It is recognized that a comprehensive preservation program is expensive. Adequate financing is required to successfully carry out these activities. The establishment of appropriate budget priorities and careful planning can assist in developing and conducting a pavement maintenance and preservation program that will, within a reasonable number of years, bring substandard pavements up to the required level.
All reflective street name signs and traffic control signs on Township streets are the responsibility of the Public Works Department. Traffic control signs include directional signs, stop signs, speed limit signs, warning signs and reflective markers, signals and markings.
Traffic Signals
The Township owns and maintains traffic signal equipment at 28 intersections throughout the Township. These signals are operated in strict accordance with detailed permits which are issued to the Township by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. These permits require semi-annual maintenance according to industry standards, which the Township contracts to certified technicians. Call the Public Works Department to report damaged or missing signs.
Pavement Markings
The Public Works Department is responsible for all traffic pavement markings on township streets such as crosswalks and stop bars. Line painting is done by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation as part of an Agility Agreement with the Township. In return for line-painting, the Township conducts winter maintenance on select State roads within the township.
The Public Works Department is responsible for sweeping on all township public streets and roads. Street sweeping not only is helpful in keeping a nice appearance on township roads and streets, but more importantly is needed to prevent drainage difficulties. The machine collects debris and is used to clean inlet drains.
Sidewalks in residential areas are inspected on a periodic basis to verify they are in good condition. If there is a problem, a notice is mailed to the owner of the property. Three criteria are used when inspecting walks: horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, and surface deterioration. If a sidewalk is deemed unsafe, it must be repaired or replaced. Specifications for repairing or replacing sidewalk block can be obtained from the township.