You can help in many ways! If you are interested in working with the Township to increase public awareness or get involved in one of our public participation programs (a few are outlined below), please call us at 717-975-7575 ext. 1010.
2024 Timeline for Basin Retrofits Projects:
January – Three (3) Basin Retrofit Projects are advertised separately
February – Bids are received
March – Bids are awarded for each project (Kinsley Construction was the lowest responsible bidder for all 3 projects)
March – Contracts and agreements are discussed and executed
April – Estimated start of construction
Basins must be completed by August 2, 2024.
Please stay tuned to this page for more information on the progression of these projects.
Marking storm drain inlets within neighborhoods and developments can create more awareness with our residents, especially children. This is particularly impactful because it is a hands-on project for those who are involved, but also one that leaves behind a visual reminder to everyone that notices the drains marked with catchy phrases like “Only Rain Down the Drain” or “Drains to Stream, Keep it Clean.” This can also be effective in encouraging our residents to keep watch of what is flowing into our drains and waterways, a critical objective of our Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination program. Additional assistance from residents can help identify pollutants early and initiate a prompt cleanup response from the Township and/or emergency responders.
Lower Allen Township owns and operates equipment that is used for removing leaves and other tree debris from Township streets. A scheduled leave pick-up program is scheduled in the fall of every year. The leaves are collected and composted at the Township composting facility. The final composted material is made available to Township residents and is available for sale to commercial entities.
To reduce the amount of material going to landfills, the Township actively participates in recycling as much natural material as possible. Grants obtained through PA Department of Environmental Protection allowed the Township to construct a 1.4-acre pad for the staging and processing of yard waste material. Each Township residence can drop off four truckloads of yard waste and four bulk items per year at no charge. Public Works personnel periodically grinds this pile into wood chips. The Township shares the use of recycling equipment owned by Cumberland County with several other municipalities. Finished wood chips are made available to Township residents as the material becomes available.