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2018 Comprehensive Plan

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Fact Sheet click here

Online Survey

As part of public outreach, an online survey was conducted in May 2017. In total, more than 650 people completed the survey. A summary of the survey results can be viewed here


January - March

Research & Data collection to establish existing conditions
CAC Meetings Commence
Stakeholder interviews and focus groups

April - June

Online public survey
Visioning Week public participation
Issue identification and prioritization

July - September

Goals and objectives
Implementation strategy

October - December

Draft plan
Public Open House
Plan adoption

The Comprehensive Plan is updated about every ten years and involves a thorough public outreach process to determine priorities for the Township. The action items developed in the plan specify where the Township will allocate time, funding, and resources. Comments on the draft plan will be taken until February 12th at 6 PM at the public hearing prior to its adoption.

Executive Summary

Lower Allen Township 2018 Comprehensive Plan


Lower Allen Township is updating its Comprehensive Plan to identify and prioritize the Township’s strategic goals and objectives for the next 10-year horizon.  The plan will identify the top 5-10 key issues or challenges that are present in Lower Allen today and determine an implementation strategy to address each. compplan

  • The planning process began in January 2017 and is anticipated to conclude in December 2017.
  • The Township has organized a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to support the planning process. The CAC is comprised of 13 residents who meet monthly with the Township and consultant team to contribute guidance and input.
  • The issue identification process will be informed through data collection, stakeholder interviews and focus groups, and a robust community engagement effort.

Be Involved!
There will be several opportunities for residents and stakeholders to participate in the planning process.

  • Online Public Survey.  An online survey was conducted in May 2017.
  • Visioning Week. During May 1st – 4th, 2017, we held a week-long visioning week for public involvement.  In total, we had nearly 70 participants throughout six event.
  • Public Open House. A Public Open House will be scheduled in early fall 2017 to unveil the draft comprehensive plan to the public.

All updates and informational flyers will be posted here, so be sure to check back over the course of the year to stay up-to-date on how you can participate!

Learn More
Have questions or would like to learn more? We’d love to hear from you!

Erin Trone, Assistant Township Manager

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