Lower Allen Township’s 2018 General MS4 Permit is effective from March 16, 2018 through March 15, 2023. The Township is required to report annually to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP), since the entirety of the township is located within the urbanized area. The Township will monitor the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and update it as necessary, including the Good Housekeeping Operation & Maintenance Program targeting Minimum Control Measure (MCM) #6. As part of the Township’s authorization to discharge runoff from the MS4 to surface waters of the Commonwealth, there are specific requirements that include pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations to improve water quality.
MS4 Program Near Term Efforts
- • Complete and submit annual report
• Refine and continue implementation of the SWMP
• Increase program documentation
• Evaluate new permit requirements and prepare implementation schedule
• Implement Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan (PRP)
- • Revise and update target audience list as needed
• Step up our public involvement and participation and outreach programs
• Prepare for the changes in the new PAG-13 Permit (2018-2023)
• Put a greater emphasis on water quality
- • Lower Allen Township prepared the Pollution Reduction Plan by using Instructions from PA Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP).
• Lower Allen Township is required to reduce pollutants within the next 5-year permit term period by a 10% reduction in sediment.
• The PRP proposes to retrofit 10 Stormwater Management Basins to bioretention areas/basins in the Township to reduce pollutants to the waters of the commonwealth. Four of the areas where the basins are located are owned by Lower Allen Township. Six of the locations are privately owned and will require easements.
• The details of the retrofit projects will be determined after the PRP is approved by PADEP.