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3-12-18 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
3-12-18 Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                                     LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                                                              MARCH 12, 2018

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

H. Edward Black, President Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager
Jack R. Simpson Jr., Vice President Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Richard F. Schin David Holl, Public Safety Director
Dean W. Villone Daniel Flint, Public Works Director
Carolyn Holtzman Richard Grove, Finance Director
John Eby, Building & Zoning Coordinator
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary           

President Black called the March 12, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.

Commissioner VILLONE made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 26, 2018 meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

There was no response.

The following bids & bid bonds were received for the 2018 street pavement recycling and resurfacing project:
           1. Kinsley Construction – $569,984.00
           2. Pennsy Supply, Inc. – $598,378.40

Rebecca Davis provided a presentation to the Board on the Township’s Stormwater Management Program as part of the National Pollutant Discharge System (NPDS) Phase 2 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. She provided a background on why and how the program works. She discussed example pictures where pollutants were able to infiltrate the storm sewer system. Storm water pollutants were discussed, including sediments. She discussed the following Township storm water program Minimum Control Measures (MCMs):
          1. Public Education and Outreach
          2. Public Involvement/Participation
          3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
          4. Construction Site Runoff Control
          5. Post-Construction Storm Water Management
          6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
She spoke about the annual report and permitting process for the Township. She discussed the Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Program for the Township including the requirement to reduce pollutants within the next 5 years by 10%.

Commissioner Schin asked how the Township could control some of the issues discussed including oil on the street. Mrs. Davis stated that educating the public is the best way to help control these issues. Commissioner Simpson asked about how the stormwater fee would affect places like the Capital City Mall. Mr. Vernau spoke about the consultant study and how they would be assisting the Township with developing a fee. Commissioner Simpson asked about the requirement we have about no grass clippings in the street but then ask the residents to rake all their leaves into the street. He thought maybe having the leaves put in the yard close to the street would be better. Mr. Flint discussed the pickup program the Township has and hadn’t considered leaving them in piles in the yards. The Board thanked Mrs. Davis for her presentation.

President Black stated that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion can request so now. There was no response.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

1. SLD Docket No. 2017-06, Revised Overall Master Plan (OMP) for Arcona. Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) on 247 acres.
2. Modification of the requirement contained in Section 192-57.C(9) to provide sidewalks along all street frontage for SLD Docket No. 2017-07, Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3, to allow: construction of a bituminous path in lieu of a concrete sidewalk along the west side of Arcona Road and the east side of Strong Road; and to allow construction of sidewalk on one side of Market House Lane and Ruth Way, in the locations shown, such that no sidewalk would be constructed along the Arcona Green frontage with these streets.
3. Waiver of the requirement in Section 192-57.B(2)(b) that new lots have frontage and access on a street for SLD Docket No. 2017-07, Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3, to allow frontage and access from alleys.
4. Modification of the curb construction requirements in Section 192-63.A(3) for SLD Docket No. 2017-07, Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3, to allow construction of Belgian Block Curbs in the locations shown on the plan.

These waivers and modifications are not contrary to the public interest, and they maintain the purpose and intent of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.

5. SLD Docket No. 2017-07, Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3. Proposed mixed-use development of 13.331 acres with: 99 attached single-family dwelling units; 18,000 square feet of commercial space; and 1.75 acres of open space.
6. Modification to the requirement in Section 192-51,C for SLD Docket No. 2018-03, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3, to allow the Final Plan to be recorded prior to issuance of a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) by PennDOT. The HOP must be issued prior to occupancy of any units within the Plan.
7. Modification to the requirements of Section 192-60.I for SLD Docket No. 2018-03, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3, to allow fees in lieu of recreation land to be paid as construction permits are issued, rather than before the plan is recorded.

These waivers and modifications are not contrary to the public interest, and they maintain the purpose and intent of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.

8. SLD Docket No. 2018-03, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Arcona Phase 2.3. Proposed mixed-use development of 13.331 acres with: 99 attached single-family dwelling units; 18,000 square feet of commercial space; and 1.75 acres of open space contingent upon the following:
        a. Providing the executed Developers Agreement and related Improvement Security.
        b. Approval by Cumberland County Conservation District.
        c. Approval by Lower Allen Township Authority and PaDEP.

9. Release Fire Captain Frank Wirth from Probationary Period.

Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Check Register
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the Check Register of March 1, 2018 in the amount of $166,553.04, Voided Check Register of February in the amount of $2,588.69 and Replacement Check Register of February in the amount of $277.50. Commissioner VILLONE seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Wass Park – Memorial for Jim Chianos
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to name Field #2 at Wass Park Chianos Field in memory of Jim Chianos. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Vernau stated that there would be a dedication and spoke about the funds received in his honor. He stated that Greg Black would donate a tree for the field. He spoke about the history of memorial requests for the Township and our policy that plaques be limited in size.

There was no response.

Ordinance 2018-02, amending Chapter 61, Alarms
Director Holl spoke about the needed changes in the Alarm Ordinance. He spoke about the language update to include changes in technology. He discussed some corrections and additions that were needed and added.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to authorize the advertising of Ordinance 2018-02, deleting Chapter 61, Alarms, of the Codified Ordinances of Lower Allen Township and enacting new Chapter 61, Alarms. Commissioner VILLONE seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Permission to activate the Civil Service Commission.
Director Holl asked the Board to activate the Civil Service Commission. Staff would like to participate in the Cumberland County Police Testing Consortium in May. While there are no new officers budgeted, participating would provide the ability to create a list of eligible candidates in case a need arises.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to activate the Civil Service Commission. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Purchase three Ford AWD Police Interceptor Utility (SUV) Explorer Vehicles.
Director Holl discussed the purchase of three Ford All-Wheel Drive Police Interceptors as outlined in the 2018 budget. He stated that the budgeted amount per vehicle is $40,000, and they are available for $30,565.68 each. This will leave funds to change over the equipment and outfit the vehicles with replacement equipment where necessary. The Board agreed to the purchase.

Preemption Device Addition to Carlisle Road and Gettysburg Road Intersection.
Director Holl discussed his memo for upgrading the Carlisle Road and Gettysburg Road signal with an Emergency Vehicle Preemption device. The cost of $7,500 is less than the $10,000 budgeted. The Board agreed to the purchase.

Sidewalk Inspection Program
Mrs. Trone discussed her memo outlining the changes to the Sidewalk Inspection Program staff would like to make. In 2018, the sidewalk inspections would be done in western Highland Park. She discussed the current system and how they would like to start to inform the residents in January that sidewalks need to be replaced. She spoke about the goodwill and time it would provide the residents to save for the repair/replacement. Commissioner Simpson asked if there was a list of contractors that could be provided to residents. Mr. Vernau stated that in the past they did an RFP and presented it to the residents if they wanted to use that contractor. He spoke about the issues this presented and how contractors may not want to participate. Commissioner Simpson and Villone asked if they could include an expected price by foot in the letter to help the resident. Mr. Flint stated that staff can offer help at the site and we normally give 60 days to repair the sidewalks.

Zoning Hearing Board Report
Mr. Eby discussed Docket #2018-01 for Ruby Partners for the property located at 4937 Gettysburg Road. He showed the Board the location on the map. He spoke about their request to exceed the maximum building height requirements in the C-2 zone from 40’ to 46’. He stated that the request is reasonable and in character to the surrounding area. He asked the Board to authorize the Solicitor to attend because of the unaddressed blight conditions of the property over the past 2 years.

Commissioner SIMPSON made a motion to authorize the Township Solicitor to attend the Zoning Hearing Board meeting on March 15, 2018. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Public Hearing – Monday April 9th – Weis Market – Restaurant Liquor License
Mr. Vernau asked the Board for permission to advertise a public hearing to discuss the request by Weis Market to transfer a restaurant liquor license into the Township. He stated that they did this in the past with their location on Simpson Ferry Road.

Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to advertise a public hearing for 6:00pm on Monday April 9th, on the request by Weis Market, Inc to transfer Restaurant Liquor License R-15960 from New Cumberland Borough to Lower Allen Township for use at their store at 1195 Lowther Road. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.

Employee Recognitions
Mr. Vernau stated that Carole O’Keefe would be recognized for 5 years and Ken Rocuskie for 35 years of service at the next meeting.

Mr. Flint stated that they checked out Belmont Ave from the resident’s comments last meeting. They will be making improvements once the winter is over.

Mr. Eby spoke about the stakeholders’ meeting held to discuss the upcoming summer and proper use of the water trail. The County will make public announcements. Messiah will use social media to inform the public when they are closed. He spoke about the upcoming Trout Day March 31st and the events for the day including cleanup efforts. Mr. Vernau reminded the Board about the Strategic Planning scheduled for March 31st at the Hershey Country Club. He will send a reminder.

Commissioner Villone spoke about the training with PML and the MS4 portion of the training. He provided the Township a signed book by James Hunt who wrote The Amazing City. He spoke about the great turnout for the Lisburn Fire Turkey Dinner. He asked about the Authority memo of the cost to connect being $19,000 and waiving $13,000 and asked where the monies came to waive it. Solicitor Miner stated that the Authority manages their monies well and these residents will have additional costs.

Commissioner Schin spoke about the letter the Board received from Lisburn Fire about Lisburn Road being closed and their festival. Mr. Vernau suggested that it may not be as bad as they think, and it will be a simple detour. Director Holl stated that he is working the Chief to develop trail blazer signs to help them find the detour. Commissioner Simpson asked if the soccer associations were notified of these detours. Commissioner Schin asked about the house across from the Capital City Mall. Mr. Eby stated that it is in living trust and not sure anyone is living there.

Director Holl stated that the Fire Companies did a great job with the fire last night on St. John’s Road.

Mrs. Trone stated that she would be presenting at the March 23rd PA Summit on bike and pedestrian connections.

President Black stated that he attended the Lisburn Turkey dinner yesterday and was asked if for the New Year’s Eve Celebration with raising the yellow breeches if it would be cheaper to change out the flag pole versus renting a lift each year. Also, residents are concerned about the increased truck traffic and speed on Lisburn Road. Director Holl stated that he reached out to PennDOT about lowering the speed on the road and they said no. President Black asked if we could send a letter about the trucks as there is little room for the residents to get their mail or cut their grass and are concerned for safety with the trucks. Commissioner Schin agreed with President Black.

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:52 pm.