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7-13-2020 Meeting Minutes

Board of Commissioners
7-13-2020 Meeting Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                         LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                                           JULY 13, 2020


The following were in ATTENDANCE:  

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                     TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Dean W. Villone, President                                                  Thomas G. Vernau, Jr., Township Manager

Edward Black, Vice President                                              Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager

Richard F. Schin                                                                    Richard A. Grove, Finance Director

Carolyn E. Holtzman                                                             David Holl, Public Safety Director

Thomas H. Kutz                                                                    Dan Flint, Public Works Coordinator

                                                                                               John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator 

                                                                                               Leon Crone, Police Captain

                                                                                               Steven P. Miner, Solicitor

                                                                                               Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary


President Villone called the July 13, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.  



Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the minutes from the June 22, 2020 Regular Meeting.  Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Mr. Miner pointed out a spelling error. The motion carried 5-0 with the noted correction.


AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.

There was none.



Check Register

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the check register of July 3, 2020 in the amount of $497,478.31. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Vice President BLACK moved, with regret, to accept the resignation of Building Inspector David Yount from the Community and Economic Development Department effective August 14, 2020. He will be moving to Texas. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and wished Mr. Yount well. The motion carried 5-0 with President Villone also expressing regret and thanking Mr. Yount for his service to the Township.



Janice Lynx, 2036 Sheepford Road, thanked the Township Manager and the Commissioners who were able to attend the recent Sheepford Bridge meeting where options for the bridge’s future were discussed. She spoke about receiving information from the Fairview Police Department in response to cars parking on the Fairview side of the bridge. She was told that since the signs indicate the bridge is closed but the road is not, they cannot keep people from parking on the road. She was told to call if she saw criminal activity taking place. Ms. Lynx anticipates that the July 27th Fairview Township Supervisor’s meeting will have the Sheepford Bridge on the agenda. She requested that it be discussed a different week by Lower Allen Township’s Board. President Villone said that it will be discussed further in the future by this Board.



Invoice No. 3 to JVI Group, Inc.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve payment of Invoice No. 3 to JVI Group, Inc. in the amount of $147,211.00 for the Gettysburg Road Relocation Project. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Invoice No. 5 to Shannon A. Smith, Inc.

Mr. Flint said that Shannon A. Smith, Inc. is providing the mechanical work for the Public Works Building addition and he anticipates one final invoice after this payment as they are finishing things up. Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the payment of Invoice No. 5 to Shannon A. Smith, Inc. in the amount of $16,474.20 for their work on the Public Works Building addition. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Final Invoice for Stewart and Tate, Inc., Hartzdale Drive

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve payment of the final invoice to Stewart and Tate, Inc. in the amount of $18,671.11 for the Hartzdale Drive Microsurfacing project. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Final Invoice for Stewart and Tate, Inc., Wilson Lane

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve payment of the final invoice to Stewart and Tate, Inc. in the amount of $16,200.44 for the Wilson Lane Microsurfacing project. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2018-03, Arcona Phase 2.3

Mr. Flint said that Charter Homes has requested a reduction in their Improvement Security based on work they have completed. This is balanced against a yearly increase for renewing the Improvement Security, establishing a new amount of $315,423.63 and a new expiration of July 13, 2021. This security is being held for trails and a final wearing course on the streets. Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve a new Improvement Security of $315,423.63 and new expiration of July 13, 2021 and Vice President BLACK seconded the motion.


Jeff Logan, 3212 Emerson Way, wished to speak on the subject. He asked if Arcona Phase 2.3 includes just Spring Gate and the Pizza restaurant. Mr. Flint replied that it also includes the residential area of Highpoint between Arcona Road and Strong Road. He added that the security is extended for a year but the paving could be finished this year. Motion carried 5-0.



Midyear Virus Impact

Finance Director Grove spoke about the effects of the COVID-19 virus on the economy. He feels that the Harrisburg area in general has fared better than other parts of the country and will recover faster. There are still some unknown factors, but Mr. Grove estimated the Township’s financial loss at around $200,000. This factors in revenue that is not going to come in as well as expenditures that will now not be made. He estimates delayed money coming in, such as real estate transfer tax, at $380,000. Mr. Grove said that these impacts could change if more shutdowns occur. He said that the Township could delay spending but it is not a must due to having adequate reserves. He referred to a list of items that can be deferred which was created by the Township Manager.


Commissioner Comments:

President Villone said that he feels more discussions need to be held with the involved departments before cuts are discussed.


Commissioner Kutz thanked Mr. Grove, Mr. Vernau, and the Department Heads for looking for ways to save money and to prevent the burden on the taxpayers.


Commissioner Schin thanked Mr. Vernau for his memo.


Mr. Vernau added that grant programs that the Township is applying for have not been factored in. This will help with some of the expenditures.


President Villone spoke about appreciating the updates that the Board has received from the Township Manager and Finance Director regarding where the Township is at during the course of the pandemic. He would like to see deficits backfilled by budget cuts and feels it is owed to the taxpayers.


Vice President Black feels that it is too early to make decisions due to increased numbers of cases. He said that the financial numbers would be affected if businesses are forced to close again.


Mr. Grove concluded by saying that staff will continue doing what they are planning to according to the budget. He will continue to pass along updates.


Mr. Vernau said that he does not anticipate hiring this year. He also thanked Mr. Grove for staying on top of things and keeping the Township up to date financially.



GIS Services Contract with Dawood Engineering

Mrs. Trone spoke about the need for Community Development to contract with Dawood Engineering for Geographic Information Services. The cost would be $45,000 for the remainder of the year. Mrs. Trone said that the mapping and data that would be available online would benefit multiple departments. It was included in this year’s budget and is made up of $10,000 from Community Development, $10,000 from Public Safety, and $25,000 from collected Stormwater fees. She said that during the first year, the consultant would update the base mapping and make sure the information is correct. Each department also has specific projects that they need help in planning. Mrs. Trone said that company has good reviews. Commissioner Kutz asked about ongoing costs for this contract. Mrs. Trone said that it is an ongoing need but we will only be contracted through this year. Commissioner Schin said that he would prefer to defer this purchase to next year. Discussion ensued regarding the urgency for the updated GIS software as the current system is already a long ways behind. Commissioner Kutz pointed out that it is not currently on the list for possible cuts. He asked if Public Safety is also in favor of the update to the GIS system and Mr. Holl said that they are in favor and it would allow for integration of various departments. Vice President Black asked if the consultant can update the information remotely or if they will work in the Township offices and Mrs. Trone said it would be virtual and desktop.


President Villone noted that a member of the audience would like to comment on this item. Mrs. Joan Lenker asked if the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has a GIS system and if it can be shared. Mr. Holl said that the PA Maps program was defunded under the Rendell administration. Currently the state is working on creating a GIS program to support Next Generation 911 which will rely on cellular signals to locate people. He said that Dawood Engineering would be the Township’s link into the state system. Mr. Flint added that they currently use what is available to them from the state system.


Vice President BLACK moved to authorize Lower Allen Township to enter into a contract with Dawood Engineering for GIS services not to exceed $45,000. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-1, with Commissioner Schin opposed.


Zoning Hearing Board Report

Docket 2020-03: Capital Plaza Associates, 6465 Village Lane, Suite 7, Macungie, PA 18062

Mr. Eby spoke about the hearing which occurred for the Excitement Video and Smoking business signs which was an appeal of his decision that the signs at 3401 Hartzdale Drive are in violation of the Township Zoning ordinances. The appeal was denied by the Zoning Hearing Board. The applicant withdrew the request for a variance at that time. Mr. Eby said that the case can be appealed to the Court of Common Pleas within thirty days of the decision if desired.


Docket 2020-01:  Global Video, Inc. 910 Harvest Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422

David Betesh, along with Amee S. Farrell and Daniel P. Rowley, are appealing the zoning officer’s decision to deny a zoning permit for a replacement sign that was installed at 3401 Hartzdale Drive for use by Excitement Smoking & Excitement Adult Superstore. Mr. Eby said that the applicant is requesting a variance to sign size limitations for freestanding signs located in the C-4 zoning district. Mr. Eby added that Solicitor Miner’s participation is required as Mr. Eby will be testifying on behalf of the Zoning Department. This hearing will take place Thursday July 16th at 7:00 pm.


Docket 2020-05:  McDonalds, 1014 Wesley Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Mr. Eby said that the McDonald’s restaurant at 1014 Wesley Drive is planning a minor building addition which would require additional off-street parking. It would include some additional indoor seating and a dual drive thru. He said the applicant is requesting a special exception to the need to provide more off-street parking. He said this is a common request for fast food restaurants in the Township as the requirement for parking is higher than it needs to be. Mr. Eby expects that the applicant will provide traffic data to show that the current number of parking spaces would be adequate with the addition. The Solicitor’s help is not requested for this case.


Election Campaign and Opinion Signs

Mr. Eby provided a review of the recent discussions regarding campaign and opinion signs on public and private properties. He said that the staff have made changes to the ordinance and sign tables based on suggestions from the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Eby said that if the draft ordinance is approved, a public hearing can be advertised and held for public input. He explained that campaign signs would be allowed in all districts, with two signs for candidate or opinion per property. A 16 square foot sign limit would apply to all zoning districts.


President Villone asked if there have been many issues with signs in the Township and Mr. Vernau said that the sign ordinance gets violated often. Mr. Eby pointed out that allowing 16 square foot campaign signs could lead to commercial uses of this size of sign.


Mr. Vernau pointed out that the right-of-way issue has been settled; what is left to be determined is sign size and how many on private property.


Commissioner KUTZ felt it best to keep the ordinance as it is and moved to table the sign ordinance discussion indefinitely. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Mr. Vernau clarified that signs are still limited to 6 square feet in residential areas and will continue to be handled as they have in the past.



Future Township Services Focus Group

Mr. Vernau spoke about discussing what changes may be made to Township services following the COVID-19 pandemic with President Villone. It was decided that a focus group made up of residents and businesses would be beneficial. It was advertised on social media and one volunteer resident has come forward. Mr. Vernau would like to send letters out to the business community to encourage participation and is requesting money for postage to accomplish this. Mr. Vernau said that the Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee planning is going well with a good number of volunteers. He is hoping this can start later this summer. President Villone expressed that he thinks it would be a good investment if it brings in information from our Township residents and businesses.


President Villone noted that there is an executive session following the adjournment of the regular meeting.



Mr. Holl spoke about the new ambulance arriving on July 2nd. It has been inspected and licensed and will soon be operational. He offered to bring it down from the ambulance bay prior to a meeting for the Board to look at. Mr. Holl also said that the Stryker stretchers have been purchased. He spoke about the new part-time PSOs, many of whom are firefighters elsewhere, being in training. This was delayed somewhat due to COVID-19 but is now going well.


Commissioner Kutz welcomed Commissioner Holtzman back. He spoke the importance of infrastructure and the paving projects that are currently in progress. Commissioner Kutz spoke about attending the Sheepford Road Bridge meeting. He said that the Slate Hill Bridge is going to be closed later this year and this is concerning to residents who live near the closed bridges for accessing Township services. Commissioner Kutz also spoke about touring the Public Works Facility building addition and said it was very impressive. He said he had visited C & P Professional Detailing on Hummel Avenue, which opened July 1st. This is part of his Summer of Small Businesses Tour.


Commissioner Schin said he was unable to attend the Sheepford Bridge meeting due to lack of space. He also noted that the COG Auction will be held in South Middleton Township Municipal building next Monday. It usually starts around 8am and goes all day. Commissioner Schin also spoke about his plans to attend the first CapCOG meeting since COVID-19. He noted that Senator Regan would be there and he would like to discuss his fireworks concerns with the other municipalities present, if the Board approves. He would like vendors who sell the fireworks to explain the rules of where they can be used to the purchasers. Commissioner Holtzman and Vice President Black are in favor of the discussion. President Villone feels that guidance needs to come from the state. Commissioner Schin asked Mr. Holl if there were any EMS calls due to injuries from fireworks. He said none that he knew of but Captain Crone said there were 9 calls complaining of fireworks on top of the calls police were already handling on July 4th. He said that it is very difficult to find who has set them off after the fact. Mr. Holl noted that many of the usual firework shows were canceled this year and that could have contributed to the problem. President Villone said that it quieted down after 11 pm. In response to Commissioner Schin’s question, Captain Crone replied that if a violator is caught, police can issue a warning or a citation.


Commissioner Holtzman mentioned a resident who is having an issue with heavy vegetation growing on the overhead wires. She invited Cheryl Martin, 9 Citadel Drive, to speak to the Board about the wires being pulled downward by the vines. Ms. Martin said that she has spoken with the electric, phone, and cable companies and they do not clear lines. The vine is coming from a neighbor’s yard who does not wish to remove it. Mr. Flint said that the Township does not have authorization to do anything to the lines. Mr. Vernau will have the Codes Department look into the possibility of an ordinance violation, but it is usually a civil matter between property owners.


Joan Lenker thanked the Board for support of the Sheepford Road Bridge. She said that Sheepford Road has not been repaired from the pipeline damage. President Villone and Mr. Flint said that they have met with the pipeline company and it is planned for September. Mrs. Lenker is concerned that they will not fix all of the damage that was created on the road by the heavy trucks.


President Villone spoke about the Sheepford Rd. Bridge meeting being a good discussion. He said there were County Commissioner representatives from both York and Cumberland Counties, the project engineer, and residents in attendance. He also said that the Lisburn Fire Company will not be having their regular festival but will have a drive-thru food event. Volunteers will be needed if anyone is interested in participating to contact him. President Villone also spoke about attending the tour of the Public Works Building. He feels it was the right decision to do the addition project in 2019-2020 as costs have continued to go up every year. He also asked Mr. Vernau if there has been any contact from the Cohen Group regarding the FCC issue and Mr. Vernau said that he has received the updated ordinance from the attorney working with the Township. He feels that COVID-19 has stopped everything for now, but it will come up again. There is no legislation currently up for a vote.



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:56 pm to discuss the following:

  1. Lower Allen Commons update
  2. Collective Bargaining update