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9-14-2020 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
9-14-2020 Minutes


 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                         LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                                          SEPTEMBER 14, 2020


The following were in ATTENDANCE:

BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                     TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Dean W. Villone, President                                                  Thomas G. Vernau, Jr., Township Manager

Edward Black, Vice President                                           Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager

Richard F. Schin                                                                    Richard Grove, Finance Director

Thomas H. Kutz                                                                    David Holl, Public Safety Director

Carolyn Holtzman                                                                 John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator                            

                                                                                               Leon Crone, Police Captain

                                                                                               Tony Deaven, EMS Captain

                                                                                               Steven P. Miner, Solicitor

                                                                                               Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary


President Villone called the September 14, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.



Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the minutes from the August 24, 2020 Regular Meeting. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Holtzman abstaining due to absence.



President Villone said that Public Safety Director Holl, EMS Captain Deaven, and Vice President Black who serves as liaison to Public Safety would be making the presentations. Mr. Holl spoke about being very proud of the actions of the EMS personnel and police officers, and the collaborative teamwork that is often needed in these situations. He said the events being recognized tonight were cardiac saves. Paramedic Houser and EMT Peters received an award as well as Paramedic Etter, EMT Chambers, and EMT Dougherty. A unit citation was presented to Paramedics Schware and Etter, EMT’s Hivner and Chambers, PSO Landis, Fire Chief Murdoch, and Officers Moore and Rennie. Director Holl said that saving the lives of three patients so that they were able to be discharged to home was outstanding. President Villone thanked all the First Responders for their service to the community.




Mr. Vernau introduced Brian Zimmerman from Benecon who would speak to the Board about High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) and Health Savings Accounts. Mr. Vernau spoke about the expense of providing healthcare benefits and the need to look for something less expensive that would also be reasonable for the employees. Mr. Zimmerman explained the federal requirements of HDHP plans, such as a minimum deductible and maximum out of pocket amounts as determined by the IRS. He said the current deductibles are $1,400 per individual and $2,800 per family; the maximum out of pocket is $7,000 per individual and $14,000 per family. Co-pays and coinsurance would still apply after the deductible is met. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the HSA is owned by the employee and is a way to grow savings tax-free; it follows the employee if they leave or retire. Employees would contribute to the HSA either by payroll deduction or lump sum payment from their tax return. It rolls over each year. He explained that there are many eligible expenses that the HSA can be used for including dental and vision expenses. Mr. Zimmerman said that the current limit for contributions is $3,600 for individual and $7,200 per family. He also spoke about combining the Township’s 457(b) plan and the HSA to provide a retirement planning solution. 


Mr. Vernau said that this type of health plan is not new to businesses but is a newer concept in the municipal realm. President Villone expressed that it would be important to educate the Township employees on the details of the HDDP and HSA plans. He feels that these plans encourage people to take care of their health. Mr. Zimmerman said that he would be happy to meet with employees that had questions and he also encouraged employee education.


AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda

A request was made to speak on agenda item #10, regarding Liberty Forge and Lucky Bear, LLC.



President Villone asked that any Commissioner, staff member or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion request so now. There was no response.

  • Approve payment of Invoice No. 6 to JVI Group, Inc., in the amount of $88,377.43 for the Gettysburg Road Relocation Project.
  • Approve payment of Invoice No. 2 to TRC Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $17,511.79 for construction inspection services on the Gettysburg Road Relocation Project.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.



Check Register

Commissioner KUTZ moved to adopt the Check Register of August 28, 2020 in the amount of $547,746.43. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to adopt the Manual Check Register of August 2020 in the amount of $773.00. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0 with Vice President Black abstaining due to family involvement.


Resolution 2020-R-23

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve Resolution 2020-R-23, approving the destruction of certain Township records in accordance with the Pennsylvania Records Retention Schedule. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.



Commissioner KUTZ moved accept the resignation of Tina L. Harbold, Receptionist, effective October 1, 2020. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.



There was none.



Liberty Forge and Lucky Bear LLC

Mr. John Eby, who was filling in for Mr. Dan Flint, spoke about the situation that has led to Liberty Forge and Lucky Bear LLC to ask for help from the Township. They have a mini golf course, driving range, and snack shop located in the flood plain. He said that when FEMA revised their Flood Insurance Rate Map, the flood plain level was decreased by two feet, but the width of the flood plain area was greatly increased. Mr. Eby said that Liberty Forge hired Scott Aikens of Aikens Engineering Associates, Inc. to do a flood plain analysis. He said that one of the owners of Liberty Forge, Ben Haugh, was also in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Eby said that they need the Township to endorse their challenge to FEMA of the flood plain map revisions.


Mr. Aikens provided an explanation of his results on the overhead screen. He explained the reduction of two feet in flood plain elevation is appropriate due to the removal of some dams and streambank restoration projects, but the expansion of the flood plain width by 150 feet is inaccurate. The expansion of the floodplain would prevent future development on a portion of Liberty Forge’s property. Mr. Aikens said that it does not appear that FEMA took topography into account when determining the width of the flood plain. A challenge to FEMA must come from a municipality and Liberty Forge would like the Township to endorse the study and forward it to FEMA for reconsideration. Mr. Haugh spoke about the plans to develop the restaurant area with a deck and bathrooms, and said they are already taking appropriate measures due to being in a flood zone.


Mr. Eby said that Mr. Flint is in favor of supporting the study and asking FEMA to reconsider the mapping of the area. He said that FEMA has indicated that they are anticipating revisions being sent in.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to endorse the request from Liberty Forge and Lucky Bear LLC to submit a request to FEMA regarding Flood Insurance Rate Map revisions. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.



Promotion of EMT Ian Chambers

Mr. Holl spoke about EMT Ian Chambers attending classes at HACC to become certified as a Paramedic, which he was on August 13, 2020. He is therefore eligible to be reclassified as a Paramedic and to be paid at the training rate of $18.16 per hour. He will be under the training rate until he is cleared to function as a single paramedic. Mr. Holl said that this figure would remain well under the budgeted EMT wages for 2020. Mr. Chambers will provide a flex position in that he can operate as an EMT or Paramedic.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the reclassification of EMT Ian Chambers to Paramedic at a training rate of $18.16 per hour. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Mr. Vernau added that if Mr. Chambers is functioning as an EMT, he is still paid at his training rate. He also reminded the Board of the request for pay to be retroactive to August 13, 2020. Commissioner Schin amended his motion to include the date of retroactive pay as August 13, 2020, and Commissioner Kutz seconded it. Motion carried 5-0.


Hiring Paramedic Heather Kireta Full-Time

Mr. Holl said that Heather Kireta is currently working as a part-time paramedic for the Township and full-time for Hershey Life Lion. She has expressed a desire to work full-time for the Township. He said that the budget includes the funds for four full-time paramedics and 7 EMT’s. He said that EMS does not anticipate asking for any additional personnel in 2021.


Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve hiring Heather Kireta as a full-time paramedic and Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. President Villone thanked Captain Deaven for the tour of the new ambulance before the meeting.



Additional Amendments to Chapter 180, Solid Waste Ordinance

Mr. Vernau spoke about the advertisement of the Amendments to Chapter 180 of the Solid Waste Ordinance being approved at the last meeting. He said that Mrs. Trone was working with DEP to be sure the ordinance met the requirements for grant eligibility. Mr. Vernau said that he provided the Board with another copy of the Ordinance with some changes needed to meet DEP’s requirements. He said the ad is scheduled to run on Thursday if the Board does not have any concerns. Commissioner Schin agreed that the motion made at the previous meeting should stand.


2020 Trick or Treat

Mr. Vernau said this was discussed earlier in the year and the Board was in favor of keeping Trick or Treat on the last Thursday in October. He provided results from a survey which the Council of Governments had undertaken, and most nearby municipalities are also having it on the last Thursday.


Upcoming Employee Recognitions

Mr. Vernau spoke about eight employees that will be recognized at the next BOC meeting for length of service with the Township.


HDHP and HAS Discussion

Mr. Vernau said that this program is being considered to save the Township money. He said that a 25% participation rate at first would save around $36,000 per year. He said that it would be offered voluntarily to existing employees but possibly mandatory for new hires. He anticipates younger employees being more interested. When a participant has less claims, it is a way to save tax money and build up savings. Older employees are more concerned about out of pocket costs. Mr. Vernau said that most people choose $2,000 deductible for individual and $4,000 for family. The more employees who participate in the HDHP, the more money the Township can save. Mr. Vernau said that it could be started by funding the difference in the deductibles of employees 100% for the first year, 50% the second year, etc. President Villone said that he would like to see some models showing what the Township can save in the future. He feels that the education piece is critical. Mr. Vernau said that the Township’s 457 plan is pre-tax as well as the HDHP, which can provide a tax shelter for savings.


Vice President Black said that he is not in favor of the HDHP being mandatory as a lot of employees are frustrated currently due to Covid-19. Commissioner Holtzman supported Vice President Black’s position. Mr. Vernau and Mr. Grove will put some scenarios together to show the Board at the next meeting.


President Villone noted that the Board would be recessing to Executive Session following tonight’s meeting.



Mr. Eby had nothing to report from the Zoning Hearing Board from August. He does have a docket that is possibly going to be heard at this week’s meeting. He said that Solicitor’s input is not required.


Mr. Grove spoke about not seeing any major effects on the budget due to COVID. He said the previous estimates of $220,000 revenue loss and $380,000 in deferrals still stand. He said that tax money is coming in and local services tax is only $16,000 behind last year’s amount. Park rentals are down but pace has resumed. Ambulance pace has resumed to a normal level. Mr. Grove does not anticipate seeing a savings in expenses; it is currently at 63% of the budget.


Commissioner Kutz commended First Responders from Police, Fire, and EMS on their awards tonight. He also enjoyed seeing the new ambulance and the litter. He said it is a great improvement over the previous system.


Commissioner Schin echoed Commissioner Kutz’s comments and said he is proud of Lower Allen Township employees.


Commissioner Holtzman spoke about meeting a resident who lost her son in Afghanistan and thought it would be nice for the Township to acknowledge her loss. She would like the Board to send flowers and a card. She said the resident lives at 5 Cedarhurst Drive. Commissioner Schin is also familiar with this family.


Vice President Black said that he appreciates the comments that were made tonight regarding First Responders and he is proud of Lower Allen’s Public Safety members.


President Villone spoke about EMS and thanked Captain Deaven for his leadership. He said that residents are happy with the services provided. He said that someone from the Sheepford Road Bridge group had contacted him about the option of moving the bridge to the Township Park. Mr. Vernau said that it was not a feasible option because the park is greenspace and a moving it causes a potential liability. President Villone said that a meeting between York and Cumberland Counties is being held in York County on Tuesday at 6pm and it will also be live-streamed.



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners recessed to Executive Session at 8:41 pm to discuss a consolidation of Capital City Associates and Global Video ZHB appeals.


The Board reconvened at 8:53 pm. Vice President BLACK moved to authorize the solicitor to enter a stipulation with opposing council to consolidate the appeals of the Lower Allen Township Zoning Hearing Board in the Capital Plaza and Global Video matters pending in the Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0.




The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned back to Executive Session at 8:55 pm to discuss updates on the Lower Allen Commons and Collective Bargaining.