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03-22-2021 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
03-22-2021 Minutes


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                    LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                                    MARCH 22, 2021

The following were in ATTENDANCE:

 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                     TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Dean W. Villone, President                                           Thomas G. Vernau, Jr., Township Manager

Edward Black, Vice President                                      Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager

Richard F. Schin                                                             Richard A. Grove, Finance Director

Thomas H. Kutz                                                              David Holl, Public Safety Director

Daniel J. Flint, Public Works Coordinator

Brad McCullough, Public Works Coordinator

Tony Deaven, EMS Captain

Steven P. Miner, Solicitor

Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary

President Villone called the March 22, 2021 virtual Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:02 pm. He instructed any members of the public wishing to speak during the Zoom meeting to notify the hosts. President Villone announced that Proof of Publication for this meeting is available for review.  Commissioner Holtzman was absent. Before the prayer, President Villone asked for a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the tragic car accident in the Township as well as the Atlanta shootings. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the amended minutes from the March 8, 2021 Regular Meeting. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


President Villone said that there were three members of the EMS Department being recognized for length of service. Since they were not in attendance, he read their names and length of service for the Board. He said that Amy Nye and Joseph Peters each have 15 years of service, while Scott McClintock is being recognized for 20 years.

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.

President Villone explained how to notify the meeting hosts if anyone from the public wished to speak. Betsy Davison said that she is in the audience representing H. Edward Black & Associates for agenda item 8c, if anyone has any questions.


Check Register

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the Check Register of March 12, 2021 in the amount of $527,608.10.  Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2021-R-11:  Retirement of Lieutenant Thomas

Vice President BLACK moved to adopt Resolution 2021-R-11, recognizing, commending, and honoring Lieutenant Gregory S. Thomas on his retirement after 28 years of service. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. Following the motion, President Villone read the Resolution for Lieutenant Thomas, who was in attendance. The Commissioners thanked Lt. Thomas for his years of service to the Township, his honesty and work ethic, and his leadership. Mr. Vernau thanked him for being a good member of the management team, and Director Holl thanked him for assisting him when he began working in his current position and for everything, he takes care of for the police department. Lt. Thomas thanked the Board and expressed that he was grateful for the opportunity to serve. He said that he has had a great career and has never taken the good relationship between the Board and Police Department for granted. Lt. Thomas said that he appreciates the positive culture and feels he is leaving the department in good hands with the current leadership.

Appointment of Bradley E. McCullough, P.E.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the appointment of Bradley E. McCullough as Township Engineer, effective April 1, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.

Appointment of Beth Ann McCoy

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the appointment of Beth Ann McCoy, 5 Clemson Drive, Camp Hill, to the West Shore Recreation Commission as an Alternate Delegate. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Schin thanked Ms. McCoy for being willing to serve.

Department Reports for February

The Department reports for the month of February include Community Development, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Township Engineer, Public Works, and Public Safety, as well as the Community Development 2020 Year End Report. Commissioner Kutz asked about the $250 permit fee charged for demolition of a house that burned and whether it could be waived for a circumstance such as a house fire. Mrs. Trone responded that it is a normal fee for demolition and the homeowner’s insurance company probably paid the fee. Mr. Vernau added that the fee is charged to the contractor performing the work and that to waive the fee, the ordinance would need to be amended. Solicitor Miner said that following the department policies and procedures helps to protect from accusations of discrimination. He added that waiving of fees is generally reserved for related agencies. Commissioner Kutz would like to look into adding language for certain instances in the future.

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the Department Reports for the month of February and Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. President Villone pointed out a typographical error in Permit #2021-0024. Commissioner KUTZ amended his motion to include staff correction of the report error and Commissioner SCHIN seconded the amended motion. Motion carried 4-0.


There was none.


Award Contract for RTU-2 Replacement Project

Mr. McCullough spoke about the bids for the Packaged Rooftop Unit/Outdoor Air Handling Unit No. 2 project being opened at the previous meeting. He said that the Frey Lutz Corporation was the lowest bidder at $99,970.00 and he is requesting the contract be awarded.

Vice President BLACK moved to award the contract to Frey Lutz Corporation in the amount of $99,970.00.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2021-R-12:  Safe Digging Month

Commissioner KUTZ moved to adopt the month of April 2021 as “Pennsylvania Safe Digging Month” and Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

SLD Docket No. 2021-03:  1229 Rossmoyne Road

Mr. McCullough spoke about this corrected land development plan which was presented at the last Board meeting. He said that the Plan was available if anyone wished to see it and reminded the Board that Betsy Davison was available for any questions about the plan. Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve SLD Docket No. 2021-03, the Revised Final Minor Subdivision Plan for the Lands of Richard and Linda Hammon, 1229 Rossmoyne Road. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0 with Vice President Black abstaining due to his firm designing the Plan.


Local Noise Enforcement of Liquor Licensed Establishments

Mr. Vernau spoke about the hearing that was held with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to continue local noise enforcement of licensed liquor establishments. They heard testimony from Mr. Vernau, Captain Crone, and Mr. Flinchbaugh and approved the local control for another five years. Mr. Vernau said that this benefits the business community and is appreciated. Mr. Miner added that local enforcement does a good job, and the Township has a good relationship with the Liquor Control Board. Commissioner Schin said a lot of thought was put into it and that it is a good cooperative effort between the businesses and the Township.

2020 PMHIC Claim Fund Performance and Rebate

Mr. Vernau explained that the Township is part of the Pennsylvania Municipal Health Insurance Cooperative (PMHIC), which helps to spread out risk across more people. This year due to COVID, claims were much lower than usual, and the Township will be receiving a large rebate. He said that the Township paid $1.2 million last year for health insurance premiums for all employees which, including stop loss and reinsurance, totals $1.4 million in available funds. The total claims paid out by the fund was $947,456. This leaves a surplus of $457, 343.00 before cross-share. Mr. Vernau said that cross-share, which helps municipalities in the cooperative who have gone over their premiums in costs, comes to $18,905. The final rebate for the Township is $438,438. President Villone asked if this is anticipated in the budget and Mr. Grove said that it is not. Mr. Vernau said that typically the rebate goes toward funding the post-employment health benefits for police officers. Since this benefits uniformed employees, he has asked the Board to consider waiving non-uniform premium contributions for a few months. Commissioner Schin asked how much money is needed to pay for the employees’ premiums for the remainder of the year 2021 and Mr. Vernau said it would be $93,000 for the year. He added that he and Mr. Grove could present some options to the Board in the future.


President Villone noted that after Commissioner Reports, the Board would be recessing to Executive Session.

Recording Secretary Tina Thomas said that this was her last meeting and thanked the Board for the experience of working together with them.

Director Holl reminded the Board that Police Testing is coming up this weekend at Cedar Cliff High School and anyone is welcome to attend. He said that physical agility testing will be held out on the track and the written testing in the cafeteria.

Mrs. Trone spoke about the Codes report being the first one with their new computer system. They are working on learning the new system.

Mr. Miner congratulated Greg and Tina Thomas on their retirement and upcoming move to Florida.

Trent Gravely said that as the rebate from the health insurance was being discussed, he recalled a prior discussion on the purchase of Township vehicles and toolboxes that came in above budget. He wanted to add that for future consideration.

Vice President Black congratulated the Thomas’s for their work with the Township. He also spoke about Attorney Jerry Duffy, who has presented before the Board many times, passing away.

Commissioner Schin thanked the Public Works Department for the new stop sign that they installed at Scarsdale and Plainview today. He also spoke about seeing the Police, Fire, and EMS from Lower Allen Township working at the accident scene on Lisburn Road. He said they were very caring, and he is proud of them.

Commissioner Kutz congratulated Greg and Tina Thomas on their retirements and service to the Township. He agreed with Commissioner Schin that all staff involved did a great job getting one of the victims of the accident to safety and working with the power company.

President Villone congratulated the Thomas’s on their upcoming move to Florida and for their service to Lower Allen. He also congratulated the EMS members who received years of service awards tonight and said that he is proud of the fact that employees want to continue working for the Township. He also welcomed Mr. McCullough as the new Township Engineer. He hopes that having Ms. McCoy as an alternate will provide a break to Vice President Black. He looks forward to more involvement between the Township and West Shore Rec in the future. President Villone said that he could see the emergency vehicles working on the accident on Lisburn and he appreciates the message that went out to the residents about keeping their trees trimmed. Mr. Vernau said that the ordinance currently only refers to branch height, but discussions are being held about ways to improve the ordinance such as including dangerous trees. Finally, President Villone spoke about a letter he received from the Fredrickson Library announcing, with regret, the resignation of Library Director Bonnie Goble. She was a great asset to the library, and they will be searching for a new director. The assistant director is filling in during the interim.


The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners recessed to Executive Session at 7:06 pm to discuss the candidates for the Development Authority.


The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners reconvened at 7:54 pm. President Villone noted that there would be no action taken on the appointment tonight and the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 7:54 pm.