Stormwater Authority
7-1-2021 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Timothy Johnson, Chairman | Rebecca Davis, Stormwater Program Manager |
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman | Steven P Miner, LATSA Solicitor |
Richard Schin, Treasurer | Michelle Kilgore, Recording Secretary |
Alison J Shuler, Secretary | |
Robert Edwards, Assistant Treasurer | |
Chairman Johnson called the July 1, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to order at 7:39 pm. He announced that proof of publication was available for review.
Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes from the May 6, 2021 Regular Meeting. Ms. Shuler seconded. Mr. Schin pointed out that the May 6, 2021 minutes did not include Finance Director Richard Grove in attendance, however the minutes reflected his presence. The motion carried 5-0, provided the correction is made.
Mr. Miner noted there were 28 lien notice letters mailed. Of those, 12 payments have been made and 16 are outstanding. He added that the deadline outlined in the letters is July 2nd, and he planned to file the liens the following week. Mr. Miner stated he would have an updated report ready for the August LATSA meeting.
LATSA Financial Reports:
Mr. Schin stated the June 23, 2021 cash balance of the Fund was $2,104,833.00. This balance does not include interest due to it not being posted at the time of the report.
Mr. Schin made a motion to offer this as the Treasurer’s Report. Ms. Shuler seconded the motion. Mr. Edwards inquired as to how the balance sheets reflect that total. He noted a disparity in the totals after having added the four accounts together – he arrived at $1,930,573.74. Ms. Davis suggested it is most likely interest that is not reflected and would contact Mr. Grove for answers and report back to Mr. Edwards. The motion carried 5-0.
Credit and Appeals Summary:
Ms. Davis stated there has been 1 new credit application submitted since the previous LATSA meeting in May, for a building being constructed at 1201 Saint John’s Road. The owner received a 50% credit in the stormwater fee for inclusion of an infiltration basin. No further discussion was had on this topic.
Ms. Davis stated she had discussions with Mr. Peiffer for his Arboretum property and the potential for a stormwater credit. Mr. Peiffer submitted a credit application and had attached some information provided by Penn State Extension regarding tree canopy. The document outlines the benefits of canopy for stormwater run-off, including studies reporting that the canopy mitigates up to 50% of the run-off. She added that Mr. Peiffer has 99% tree canopy at that location, and that if he can maintain that percentage, he may potentially be eligible for a credit on that property. Ms. Shuler asked if Mr. Peiffer understands he must employ an engineer to provide Ms. Davis an official report of those equations. Ms. Davis confirmed that is her understanding. Mr. Schin asked how the Township would manage monitoring the area for compliance of the canopy. Ms. Davis stated she would pull Google Earth imagery, in addition to requiring Mr. Peiffer submit to LATSA annual reporting of the property. Chairman Johnson asked if the Township is seeing this type of practice elsewhere. Ms. Davis responded yes, and that the max LATSA offers is a 50% credit. Chairman Johnson asked if this is something worth advertising on the website. Ms. Davis stated it is already planned to include an article in the next LATSA newsletter providing information on where and how credits are made available. She added that it is possible to revamp the existing credit policy to include other scenarios that would be beneficial to the Township, but not currently part of LATSA, but that the management of those programs would need to be considered. Ms. Davis offered to send the board a copy of the existing policy for review. Chairman Johnson agreed, and asked Ms. Davis to include an example of a policy being used by another municipality in the area, and to include a recommendation. Ms. Davis agreed.
Moreland Basin Construction Update
Ms. Davis said that the project is near completion. She stated that it took place in the Oxford Manor development across from Wass Park. This included the excavation of 20 inches of existing soil by AllStar Ecology out of West Virginia. They pulled the bottom layer of soil and mixed it with compost to create a more porous product. Vegetation was removed from the slopes, replaced by a seed mixture, plus jute matting was added to the mulch so that it stays in place during a rain. Over 6000 plugs were added the last week in June. Hand-pulling of weeds will take place every other month, with an occasional herbicide application. A final payment was submitted by AllStar Ecology, and Ms. Davis is waiting on a letter of credit from their bank. She added that AllStar must put up 5% of project costs for a year to guarantee the plants. Once she gets the letter, Ms. Davis stated she will come back to the LATSA board and request approval to pay. Vice Chairman Bucher asked about the rust on the fence surrounding the basin. Ms. Davis stated the fence belongs to LAT and would need to be esthetically enhanced.
Letter of Support – Western PA Conservancy
Ms. Davis requested ratification of a letter signed by Chairman Johnson on behalf of LATSA to support the Western PA Conservancy’s grant application to DEP’s Growing Greener Program for the Southcentral Stream Restoration Partnership for a stretch of property off Woodcreek Drive. The applicant intends to restore eroding streambanks within Southcentral PA, including parts of LAT. The letter offers LAT’s commitment to repair a stormwater outfall and accompanying severely eroded swale within the project area to cost between $7,500-$10,000. Ms. Davis added that due to the access roads available by the pump station, the Public Works department would be able to complete their work without accessing residential property.
Ms. Davis asked for a motion to ratify the letter of support. Ms. Shuler made the motion. Mr. Edwards seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
The Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority adjourned at 8:29PM.