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04/10/23 Meeting Minutes

Board of Commissioners
04/10/23 Meeting Minutes


REGULAR MEETING April 10, 2023
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Dean W. Villone, President Thomas G. Vernau, Township Manager
H. Edward Black, Vice President Erin Trone, Assistant Township Manager
Joshua Nagy Steven P. Miner, Township Solicitor
Jennifer Caron David Holl, Public Safety Director
Charles Brown Richard Grove, Township Finance Director
Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary

President Villone called the April 10, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:00 PM. He announced that Proof of Publication for the meeting was available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the Minutes of the March 27, 2023 Regular Meeting.  A correction was noted on page 1 to change the date of the draft minutes from February 13 to March 13, 2023.  Commissioner NAGY made the motion to approve the Minutes with correction. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion carried 5-0.

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.
President Villone advised the audience that if there were any items on the evening’s agenda that they wish to comment on, to please indicate as such. There were none.

President Villone stated that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion, he could do so at that time. There were none.

Items on the Consent Agenda:

a. Check Register of April 7, 2023 in the amount of $471,315.28.
b. Tax Collector’s Monthly Report for January 2023.

Vice President BLACK moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner NAGY seconded. The motion carried 5-0.

President Villone stated that he had no items of business.

President Villone noted that if anyone wished to speak on any issue pertinent to the Township, there would be 10 minutes allotted per person to speak at the podium. There were none.

2023 Agreement with the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority (LATSA)
Director Davis presented the item for discussion and consideration to approve the proposed 2023 Agreement with the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority (LATSA). She reported that the annual agreement was recommended by the auditor, provides clarification for bidding and funding of stormwater projects, and was approved by the LATSA at their recent meeting.

With no further discussion, Commissioner NAGY offered a motion to approve the agreement. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion carried 5-0.

Resolution 2023-R-13
Assistant Manager Trone presented the item for discussion and possible action to approve RESOLUTION 202-R-13, appointing Marcus Brandt as Zoning Officer, and Erin Trone, Richard Lehigh, Craig Doll, and William Yeagley as Assistant Zoning Officers.

President Villone asked if we have taken this type of action in the past.  Ms. Trone noted that it has been done by motion, but a resolution serves to provide clarification to designate and document specific roles and responsibilities and supports the provision of testimony before the Zoning Hearing Board.  Vice-President Black asked who the public should ask for when they had zoning questions.  Ms. Trone clarified that it would be Marcus Brandt.

Commissioner CARON moved to approve RESOLUTION 202-R-13. The motion was seconded by Commissioner BROWN. The motion carried 5-0.

Deferral of Brothers and Sisters Food Services LDP to Lemoyne Borough
Assistant Manager Trone presented the item for discussion and possible action by the Board to consider deferring approval of the land development plan for Brothers and Sisters Food Services to Lemoyne Borough. The site includes a small portion of Lower Allen Township, with the majority located within Lemoyne Borough. While showing the site location on a map, Ms. Trone noted that common past practice has been to give deference to the planning commission of the other municipality and said that Rettew is also the engineering firm for Lemoyne. The plan still must comply with Lower Allen Township ordinances. Director Davis added that the plan includes stormwater management improvements. Ms. Trone suggested that an update on the plan could be requested when it is approved by Lemoyne Borough.

Commissioner CARON made a motion to defer approval of the LDP to Lemoyne Borough. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion was approved 5-0.

Senate Bill 231 – Legal Notice Publishing
Mr. Vernau presented the item for discussion, noting that Senate Bill 231, sponsored by Senator DiSanto is draft legislation that would broaden and modernize the legal notice requirements for items such as meetings and ordinances to allow publishing on the website and/or social media instead of in a newspaper. Mr. Vernau proposed the Board consider offering a letter of support. Mr. Miner expressed his support for the action and noted the Board would need to enact a resolution to adopt the practice if the bill becomes law and advertise the resolution in the newspaper.

Commissioner Nagy asked how much is spent on legal ads annually. Mr. Vernau was unsure but said he would get the figure and let the Commissioners know.  Commissioner Caron expressed her support for the legislation and for a letter of support. Vice President Black agreed and noted it aligns with priorities identified by the PSATC. President Villone also expressed support but noted it would be important to be mindful of residents who may still rely on newspapers for the information.

Vice President BLACK offered a motion to issue a letter of support for SB231 and to provide a copy to Senator DiSanto. Commissioner BROWN seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

Website Redesign Update
Manager Vernau provided an update on the project to redesign the Township website, which had been delayed by factors beyond township control, when the firm selected previously failed to deliver. He reported that staff was going to be looking for proposals from five larger firms familiar with municipal websites. Next steps would be to identify the scope of work and seek proposals.

Commissioner Nagy asked whether the scope of work would include the incorporation of online reservation and payment services for items such as pavilions, licenses, permits, etc.  Mr. Vernau confirmed that the intent and goal of the website was to provide online services for residents.

Commissioners and staff all expressed wishes of good luck for the Cedar Cliff High School Girls Basketball team.

Director Davis expressed appreciation to staff for their efforts in coordinating and participating in the Easter Egg Hunt event at Lower Allen Community Park.

Next, Director Davis announced that the Township had been selected as a recipient for a Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence for our water sampling project, which was partially funded by a grant from PA American Water for the Cedar Run and the Yellow Breeches Creeks.

Mr. Vernau reminded the Board of the Township’s four Governor’s Awards for Excellence in Local Government and noted that although the environmental award was not part of that particular program it is every bit as prestigious and congratulated Director Davis on her achievement.

Mr. Vernau discussed the recent efforts of staff who have stepped up to take on responsibilities left by the recent departure of Kathy Ritter in the Finance department.

Mr. Grove echoed sentiments regarding the Finance department and the efforts by staff to assist in payroll, accounts payable, and utility billing.

Commissioner Nagy thanked those who were assisting with the Finance tasks. He also noted the positive turnout for the Easter Egg Hunt. He noted his participation in the Lower Allen Fire Company training and thanked the volunteers. Lastly, he recognized PA Local Government Week, which highlights capabilities and accomplishments of local municipal government and expressed congratulations to township staff.

Commissioner Brown congratulated Director Davis, thanked Ms. Helen Grundon for her efforts on the Easter Egg Hunt, as well as the other volunteers and everyone who helped with the event.

Commissioner Caron echoed sentiments regarding the egg hunt, staff help for the Finance department and congratulated Director Davis on the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award.

Vice President Black expressed congratulations to Director Davis.

President Villone echoed all the prior sentiments. He also noted his attendance at the Lisburn Community Fire Company meeting. He recognized Commissioner Nagy for his excellent service as primary liaison and noted his observation of Commissioner Nagy’s positive interaction with the firefighters. President Villone expressed gratitude to Commissioner Nagy for his time and efforts.

With no further business to address, President Villone announced adjournment to executive session for discussion regarding the position of Assistant Finance Director.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 PM.