Board of Commissioners
06/26/23 Meeting Minutes
REGULAR MEETING | June 26, 2023 |
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Dean W. Villone, President | Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director |
H. Edward Black, Vice President | David Holl, Public Safety Director |
Jennifer Caron | Richard A. Grove, Finance Director |
Joshua Nagy | Steven P. Miner, Township Solicitor |
Charles Brown | Leon G. Crone, Police Captain |
Nathaniel Sterling, Administrative Secretary | |
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary | |
President Villone called the June 26, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:00 PM. He announced that Proof of Publication for the meeting was available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2023 Regular Meeting.
Commissioner BROWN made the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
PRESENTATION: Employee Recognition
On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President Villone presented the following employees with commendation letters to recognize their years of service to the Township:
- Donald Coffee II, Police Detective – 15 years
- Jeremy Reed – Corporal -10 years
- Rebecca Davis, Director of Public Works – 5 years
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: Any item on the agenda.
President Villone advised the audience that if there were any item on that evening’s agenda that they wish to comment on, to please indicate as such. Mr. Joe Swartz indicated a potential interest in speaking on item 9.
President Villone stated that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion, they could do so at that time. There were none.
Items on the Consent Agenda:
a. Department Reports for the month of May for Community Development, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance (April and May), Public Works, and Public Safety.
b. Check Register of June 19, 2023 in the amount of $334,349.31.
Commissioner NAGY moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Resolution 2023-R-28
President Villone requested a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-R-28 promoting Laurie A. Nissel to the position of Police Records Supervisor in the Police Department, effective June, 27 2023.
Commissioner CARON made the motion to adopt RESOLUTION 2023-R-28. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Resolution 2023-R-29
President Villone requested a motion to adopt RESOLUTION 2023-R-29 appointing Donavan J. Glasser to the position of Patrol Officer in the Police Department, effective June, 27 2023.
Commissioner BROWN moved to adopt RESOLUTION 2023-R-29. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
President Villone noted that if anyone wished to speak at that time, there would be 10 minutes allotted per person to speak at the podium. There were none.
LD 2023-04 Trinity Gyms
Mr. Brian Engle, Township Engineer, introduced the plan to construct two detached auxiliary gymnasiums at Trinity High School. Each building is 5,120 square feet. He highlighted some additional parking for handicap accessibility and support for a sidewalk deferral, noting that a deferral, instead of a waiver, provides for the Township to request sidewalks in the future. He said the plan was ready for recommend conditional approval along with the identified conditions.
The applicants, Grant Anderson of Site Design Concepts, and Mike Manning, Trinity’s School Board President, along with the project sponsor, Mr. Josh Gray, presented additional information on the project. Mr. Gray described his vision for the project, inspired by a pole barn constructed for the purpose of providing appropriate on-site spaces for wrestling and volleyball practices. Mr. Gray presented a design and funded fifty percent of the project.
President Villone noted his attendance at the Planning Commission meeting where the plan was first discussed and ultimately recommended to the Board of Commissioners for approval.
Commissioner Brown asked for additional detail on the alternative methods proposed for stormwater management. The engineer discussed peak rate and volume control, noting the testing had shown the site soils infiltrated poorly, therefore the design includes a managed release concept which mimics infiltration, with an above ground stormwater basin, which complies with DEP design criteria.
Vice President Black asked whether each facility included its own locker and restroom facilities. The applicant replied that they did. It was also noted the facilities would be available to other sports for use during the off seasons for volleyball and wrestling.
Commissioners also discussed some concern raised about student pedestrian traffic when leaving the main building and walking to the auxiliary buildings and suggested directional guidance and traffic controls to direct students along a safe pathway. The applicant demonstrated the planned safe travel route and indicated there would be directional markings painted on the pavement.
Mr. Joe Swartz, resident at 1706 Letchworth Road, noted that his questions had been answered during the presentation and was encouraged to hear the Planning Commission and President Villone address the issue of traffic safety in the parking lot at dismissal time. He made positive remarks and expressed support for the project but also noted that the Trinity campus has limited facilities for access by foot.
Hearing no further discussion, Commissioner BROWN made a motion to approve waiver from Section 192-30.A Submission of a Preliminary Plan. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Commissioner CARON moved to approve deferral of Section 192-57. C.9 to install sidewalk along road frontage, except for the section noted on the plan to be completed during construction of the gym. She noted the deferral runs in perpetuity with the filing. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner BROWN moved to approve waiver for Sections 192-57. B.2.h.2 and 192-57. C.13.c.1 to provide additional right- of-way and cartway along the frontage of St. Johns Road. Commissioner NAGY seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Commissioner BROWN moved to approve waiver from Section 184-19. A. 2.requiring the embankment to be 1 ft freeboard within the spillway. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Commissioner BROWN moved to approve waiver from Section 184-14 requiring the increased volume of runoff be managed on the site. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Brown noted that the baseball fields located down gradient along Gettysburg Road always flood, noting that the excess stormwater is likely coming from the Trinity property, and suggested the possibility of future discussions regarding potential solutions.
Commissioner CARON made a motion to approve LD 2023-04 Trinity Gyms with the following conditions:
a. All certificates are completed prior to recording.
b. A corrected, signed and sealed cost estimate, financial security, and Financial Security Agreement are provided.
c. A Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plan and signed Agreement are provided.
d. A post-construction maintenance and monitoring plan is established.
Vice-President BLACK seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
Records Specialist Position
Director Holl introduced the item for discussion for the appointment of Molly Feldman, CSO, to the position of Police Records Specialist to fill the vacancy created by the promotion of Laurie Nissel. A resolution will be submitted in July for action on the personnel action.
FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant (AFG)
Director Holl introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to authorize the Township to submit a grant application for funds that will be used to purchase a new ambulance at a projected amount of $350,000. If the grant is awarded, it would be a savings to the Township.
Commissioner NAGY moved to direct staff to apply for the FEMA grant. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion passed 5-0.
Payment to Monarch Products Co., Inc.
Director Davis introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to authorize payment in the amount of $70,220 for stormwater structures for the 2023 stormwater infrastructure replacement projects. She noted that the Stormwater Authority had approved the payment when they met on April 6, 2023. The purchases represent slightly more than fifty percent of the inventory necessary to complete the project.
Commissioner NAGY made a motion to approve the payment. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion was approved 5-0.
Mower Purchase
Director Davis introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to approve the purchase of an Ultra Cut Flex Wing Exmark zero turn mower for use at Lower Allen Community Park, at a cost of $64,720.28. She explained that the existing mower, purchased in 2017, has become problematic requiring frequent repairs due to design flaws and challenges in obtaining replacement parts. The mower is no longer under warranty. The pricing for the equipment is under a state contract. As the expenditure is not in the budget, it would require the shifting of funds that were planned for parking lot paving in the parks.
Commissioner Villone expressed his support for the purchase but also recommended a discussion soon about paving the parking lots.
Vice President BLACK offered a motion to approve the purchase. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
President Villone noted that following reports, the Board of Commissioners would adjourn to executive session for discussion of one item and that no action would be taken.
Captain Crone noted the upcoming “Coffee with a Cop” event.
Director Holl noted an upcoming discussion on Township properties that need official address changes.
Commissioner Caron expressed her enthusiasm for the upcoming “Coffee with a Cop” event.
Commissioner Nagy thanked Director Davis for stepping in the meeting to cover for the Township manager.
Vice President Black reported on the recent meeting of the PA State Association of Township Commissioners Executive Board.
President Villone asked staff to provide an update on the banner program introduced by a representative of the VFW.
With no further business to address, President Villone announced adjournment to executive session for discussion regarding a police personnel matter.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 PM.