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07/24/23 Meeting Minutes

Board of Commissioners
07/24/23 Meeting Minutes


The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Dean W. Villone, President Thomas G. Vernau, Township Manager
Jennifer Caron Richard A. Grove, Finance Director
Joshua Nagy Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director
Charles Brown Tony Deaven, EMS Captain
Frank Wirth, Fire Captain
Steven P. Miner, Township Solicitor
Nate Sterling, Administrative Secretary
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary

President Villone called the July 24, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:00 PM. He announced that Proof of Publication for the meeting was available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. President Villone noted that Vice President Black was absent with excuse.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2023 Regular Meeting.  Commissioner BROWN made the motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion carried 4-0.

PRESENTATION: Employee Recognition
On behalf of the Board of Commissioners and Recognition Committee, President Villone presented the following employees with commendation letters and corresponding monetary awards to recognize their service to the Township:

Barbara Arnold, Environmental Coordinator – recognized for working above and beyond the parameters of normal duties in doing accounts payable for the Finance Department.

Nate Sterling, Administrative Secretary – recognized for working above and beyond the parameters of normal duties in helping out with sewer & refuse billing in the Finance Department.

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.
President Villone advised the audience that if there were any items on that evening’s agenda that they wish to comment on, to please indicate as such. Mr. Joe Swartz indicated a potential interest in speaking on items 7B and 9B.

President Villone stated that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance who would like to have an item on the Consent Agenda removed for further discussion, they could do so at that time. There were none.

Items on the Consent Agenda:

a. Department Reports for the month of June for Community Development, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Public Works, and Public Safety.

b. Check Register of July 14, 2023 in the amount of $508,253.17.

Commissioner NAGY moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner BROWN seconded. The motion carried 4-0.

Resolution 2023-R-33
President Villone requested a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-R-33, commending and honoring Linda D. McCool, Police Records Supervisor, for her 29 years of service.

Commissioner CARON made the motion, and Commissioner NAGY seconded. President Villone presented the resolution to Ms. McCool and read it into the record.

WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township desires to express its recognition and gratitude for 29 years of service provided by Linda D. McCool; and 

WHEREAS, Linda D. McCool joined Lower Allen Township in 1994 as a part-time Community Service Officer in the Crossing Guard division of the Police Department; and 

WHEREAS, Linda D. McCool started a new part-time position in 1996 as a Records Clerk in in the Police Department; and  

WHEREAS, Linda D. McCool was promoted to a full-time Records Clerk in 2002 in the Police Department; and  

WHEREAS, Linda D. McCool was promoted to the Clerical Supervisor position in 2009 in the Police Department; and  

WHEREAS, Linda D. McCool has received many letters of appreciation for a variety of reasons. 

NOW, hereby resolve that 

Sincere gratitude and appreciation be and are hereby extended to Linda D. McCool for her 29 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, and that this recognition be spread upon the minutes and records of Lower Allen Township for perpetuity. 

The motion passed and RESOLUTION 2023-R-33 was adopted by a vote of 4-0.

Resolution 2023-R-34
President Villone requested a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-R-34, requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant in the amount of $227,527.00 from the Commonwealth Finance Authority for Rossmoyne Road Safety Improvements.

Director Davis presented background information regarding the Department of Economic and Community Development grant for improvements to the Rossmoyne Road corridor, including rapid rectangular flashing beacons (RRFB) and warning lights to alert drivers and pedestrians. The Township and the West Shore School District will share in the 30% match requirement.

Mr. Joseph Swartz, resident at 1706 Letchworth Drive, expressed support for the project and the relevant grant funding effort.

President Villone noted that the resolution gives both the President and the Township Manager authority to execute the documents.

Commissioner BROWN moved to adopt Resolution 2023-R-34. Commissioner CARON seconded and asked for the specific amount of the match funding responsibility for the Township. Director Davis said the Township’s monetary responsibility would be $34,000. The motion passed 4-0.

Commissioner Villone thanked Director Davis for her ongoing efforts to seek opportunities of grant funding for investments in the Township.

Final SLD for Cedar Run Business Park
President Villone requested a motion to accept an initial 90-day extension for the Board of Commissioners to render a decision on the Final SLD for Cedar Run Business Park, with a new deadline of September 11, 2023.

Commissioner CARON offered the motion, which was seconded by Commissioner NAGY. The motion passed 4-0.

President Villone noted that if anyone wished to speak at that time on any matter, there would be 10 minutes allotted per person to speak at the podium. There were none.

Parking lot paving at Lower Allen Community Park
Director Davis introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to authorize staff to prepare and solicit bids for parking lot paving at the Lower Allen Community Park. She presented an exhibit showing the parking areas in need of paving, to include areas by the Barn, Fun Fort, boat launch, and behind the Fernlawn pavilion. She explained that the

bid specifications would be written so that the Commissioners have the right to accept and/or reject any portion(s) of the bid proposal specific to each paving location. There is $100,000 remaining in the budget for the project.

President Villone expressed appreciation for the way the bids would be prepared, making it possible to get some portion of the paving completed. Commissioner Caron asked if the identified areas required new paving or repaving. Director Davis noted that all areas are currently stone and require new paving. Commissioner Brown asked which of the areas was of highest priority. Director Davis said the boat launch area is the highest priority, and the Fernlawn pavilion the lowest.

Commissioner BROWN made a motion to approve the payment. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion was approved 4-0.

McMahon Associates Proposal
Director Davis introduced the item for discussion and possible action, to approve a proposal from McMahon Associates to prepare design and construction documents for replacement of the traffic signal at the intersection of Carlisle Road and Center Drive. She explained the signal was the oldest in the Township and requires upgrades. The cost for the proposed design work is $33,150. There is $205,000 budgeted in the Highway Aid account for this signalized intersection.  The construction will not occur in 2023, so the construction costs will be accounted for in the 2024 budget.  The project will require public bidding once the Township receives the deliverables from McMahon.

Commissioner NAGY moved to approve the proposal. Commissioner BROWN seconded.

Mr. Swartz asked whether there might be any consideration given, in association with these improvements, to reassessing or restricting the intersection, noting some timing issues with the lights. Director Davis explained that there would be an assessment and review of the timing conducted. President Villone added that it might be an area to consider improvements for through future grants. Ms. Davis agreed and noted it would require coordination with PennDOT since it involves a state road. Commissioner Caron asked if there would be any improvements made to the crossroads at the intersection, given the pedestrian traffic associated with Highland Elementary and Cedar Cliff High School. Ms. Davis said the project would include an assessment for that.

With no further discussion, the motion to approve the McMahon Associates proposal passed 4-0.

Disposition of Vehicles and Equipment
Mr, Vernau noted that staff would be presenting for approval during the August 14 Board of Commissioners meeting a resolution to approve the disposition of vehicles and equipment. He noted they had adopted a similar resolution previously and there were three additional pieces being sold.

Updated Code of Ordinances
Mr. Vernau reported that staff had spent considerable time in cooperation with General Code Publishers to update each section of the Township code of ordinances. He noted that many of the changes were standardizing the language and penalties. Regarding all fees associated with the code of ordinances, those are identified and described in the fee resolution.

Mr. Miner further explained that updates had not been implemented since 1997. There are no new laws contained within the updated document but is merely a clean up and restatement of ordinances already enacted.

Mr. Vernau guided the Commissioners through the document, briefly describing where updates had been made.

Notice of Proposed Code Update Ordinance
Mr. Vernau presented the item for discussion and possible action, to authorize staff to advertise a Notice of the proposed Code Update Ordinance.

Commissioner BROWN offered the motion, seconded by Commissioner NAGY. The motion passed 4-0.

I-83 Bridge Project Grant
Mr. Vernau presented the item for discussion and possible action, to approve a letter of support for a federal grant related to the I-83 Bridge Project. He explained that a Cumberland County delegation of legislators were drafting a joint letter of support and asked if the Commissioners would like to offer an additional letter of support, which would be sent to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Commissioner Nagy noted there was no harm in supporting federal grant funding that would help Township residents by making improvements to the bridge. He asked whether neighboring municipalities were providing support letters. Mr. Vernau agreed there was no reason to oppose it and committed to inquiring with surrounding municipalities.

Commissioners expressed their support by consensus and President Villone directed Mr. Vernau to draft the letter of support.

VFW Banners
Noting the item was not on the agenda, Mr. Vernau provided an update on the VFW banners that will be placed within the Township. He noted that the Township would not be responsible for maintenance, and that banners were expected to last approximately 5 years. He provided a map identifying where banners would be located.

Commissioner Nagy commended the volunteers of the Lisburn and Lower Allen Fire Departments for their response to the recent tractor trailer fire on Route 581. He also announced the upcoming National Night Out event taking place at Christian Life Assembly from 6-8 PM on August 1st as well as the Lisburn Festival on August 9-12, 2023.

Commissioner Caron noted the recent “Coffee with a Cop and Commissioners” event that took place at Idea Coffee in Arcona. She thanked the Public Safety Department for their participation.

President Villone also expressed gratitude related to the “Coffee with a Cop” event, noting it was an honor to participate, and was well attended by Township staff and residents. Next, he complimented the efforts of the Yellow Breeches Watershed Association and volunteers for their success during their kayak and clean-up event on the creek over the weekend. He also spoke about the upcoming Lisburn Festival, noting its 70th anniversary, and encouraged everyone to consider volunteering. Finally, he congratulated the recipients of staff recognition awards.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM.