Stormwater Authority
10/05/23 Meeting Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman | Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director |
Alison J Shuler, Secretary | Steven P Miner, LATSA Solicitor |
Richard Schin, Treasurer | Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary |
Robert Edwards | Commissioner Charles Brown |
Vice Chairman Bucher called the October 5, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to order at 7:45 pm. He announced the meeting had been duly advertised for publication.
Ms. SHULER moved to approve the minutes from the September 7, 2023, Regular Meeting. Mr. EDWARDS seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Miner presented an update on the West Chester Borough and University case, noting that the state system brief deadline was delayed until October 16, 2023 so he may have a more detailed update at the next meeting. He also noted more recent press coverage of the issue.
He also reported three stormwater liens had been satisfied within the previous month.
Mr. Schin reported the total cash balance, as of September 28, 2023 was $3,564,168, an increase of $167,864 since the prior meeting.
Below is a summary report of Stormwater billing accounts deemed “Uncollectable” with total balances
through 9/30/2023. These balances include past due principal amounts plus penalties through the last
billing period (2023-Q3). Late penalties for 2023-Q3 are reflected in the figures.
Delinquent accounts
Property Owner | Accts | Balance |
Commonwealth of PA | 8 | $9,964 |
PennDOT | 4 | $1,044,012 |
PA Turnpike | 1 | $126,928 |
PA Industrial School (SCI/Prison) | 1 | $373,852 |
TOTALS | 14 | $1, 554,756 |
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Next, Mr. Schin reported a transfer in the amount of $344,507 for Q1 and Q2 transfers. Director Davis also noted that the original transfer was $750,295 but was offset by $405,788 in grant revenue, which paid for the stormwater infrastructure for the projects in Highland Park and Allendale.
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the transfer. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Credit and Appeals Monthly Report
Director Davis reported there were no credit approvals issued and no appeal applications submitted since the prior meeting.
2023 Infrastructure Repair Payment Estimate
Director Davis provided an update on the project and staff recommendation for approval of the payment estimate number one to Kinsley Construction Inc. is for $1,909886.00. The estimate represents the work performed, inspected, and approved by the Township to date. The Township retains 10% of the payment amount until the project reaches 50% completion, and then retainage is reduced to 5%. A breakdown of the amount of stormwater funds and liquid fuels funds was provided. Ms. Davis noted recommendation for approval of the estimate by the Board, in the amount of $376,191,23. The amount to be paid from Stormwater Funds is $260,637.25.
Ms. SHULER motioned to approve the payment in the amount of $260,637.25. Mr. SCHIN seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
2023 Basin Retrofit Project Update
Director Davis reported that the project bids were opened at a publicly advertised meeting on 9/8/23 at 11:15 AM and that the Board of Commissioners rejected the bids. The hope is that if the projects are rebid separately in 2024, it will result in more bidders and lower cost results.
2024 Meeting Dates
Director Davis provided a schedule of 2024 dates and asked for consideration of moving the meeting time to 6 or 6:30 pm versus following the Sewer Authority meetings, to avoid the lateness of the meetings. If the Stormwater meetings started earlier, the Sewer Authority could meet immediately after. There was discussion about 6 PM being too early due to work schedules, but 6:30 PM was a possible option. It will be added to the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
Audit Engagement Letter
Director Davis provided the engagement letter provided by Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz to conduct the financial audit for the year ending December 31, 2023. She affirmed the proposed cost was in line with prior years.
Ms. SHULER motioned to approve the engagement letter. Mr. BUCHER seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Other Business
Director Davis referenced a draft document prepared by Chairman Johnson that could be potentially used for a press release regarding the efforts of the Stormwater Authority and the resulting Water Environment Federation’s MS4 Phase II Innovation Award. The document is provided to solicit feedback from the members. Edits or comments can be directed to Chairman Johnson.
With no other business pertinent to the Authority, the Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority adjourned at 8:03 PM.