Stormwater Authority
11/02/23 Meeting Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Timothy Johnson, Chairman | Barbara Arnold, Environmental Coordinator |
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman | Steven P Miner, LATSA Solicitor |
Alison J Shuler, Secretary | Commissioner Charles Brown |
Richard Schin, Treasurer | Nate Sterling, Township Secretary |
Robert Edwards, Assistant Treasurer | |
Chairman Johnson called the November 2, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to order at 7:35 pm. He announced the meeting had been duly advertised for publication.
Ms. SHULER moved to approve the minutes from the October 5, 2023, Regular Meeting. Mr. EDWARDS seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Chairman Johnson abstained from voting due to absence at the meeting.
Mr. Miner presented an update on the West Chester Borough and University case, noting that the state system brief extension was not accepted due to the brief not being filed in time.
Mr. Schin reported the total cash balance, as of October 26, 2023, was $3,770,330, an increase of $206,162 since the prior meeting.
Below is a summary report of Stormwater billing accounts deemed “Uncollectable” with total balances
through 10/30/2023. These balances include past due principal amounts plus penalties through the last
billing period (2023-Q3). Late penalties for 2023-Q3 are reflected in the figures.
Delinquent accounts
Property Owner | Accts | Balance |
Commonwealth of PA | 8 | $9,964 |
PennDOT | 4 | $1,044,012 |
PA Turnpike | 1 | $126,928 |
PA Industrial School (SCI/Prison) | 1 | $373,852 |
TOTALS | 14 | $1, 554,756 |
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Credit and Appeals Monthly Report
Environmental Coordinator Arnold reported there were no credit approvals issued and no appeal applications submitted since the prior meeting.
Meeting Dates
The Board had a brief discussion regarding the times of the Stormwater meetings for 2024. The Board decided to keep the same times and days into 2024.
Ms. SHULER motioned to approve the dates and times as 7:30 PM the first Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted. Mr. SCHIN seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
2023 Proposed Budgets
Environmental Coordinator Arnold presented the 2024 budgets to the Board for MS4 (414), Street Cleaning (431), and Storm Sewers (436). Discussion and review of each department took place. The Board directed a question to Commissioner Brown regarding changes in the billing. Commissioner Brown responded that billing will be handled the same in 2024. A question regarding what would be done with the old street sweeper was directed to Environmental Coordinator Arnold. Environmental Coordinator Arnold informed the Board the old street sweeper would remain with the Township. When reviewing the Storm Sewers (436) budget, the Board asked for the location of Harrisburg Manor as there is a plan for a study in that area. The Environmental Coordinator referenced the location for the Board with the help of Mr. Schin and pointed out to the Board that at this time there is no stormwater infrastructure in that area.
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the 2024 proposed Budgets as presented. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Invoice for a Bucher 2024 Street Sweeper
The invoice was provided by U.S. Municipal in the amount of $322,416.00 for a new street sweeper. This was a budgeted expense for 2023.
Mr. BUCHER motioned to approve the payment of the U.S. Municipal invoice in the amount of $322,416.00 for the new street sweeper. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Term Expiration/Reappointment of Lloyd Bucher
Chairman Johnson read the reappointment letter for the Board. Mr. Johnson noted a typo in the letter in paper packets. Environmental Coordinator Arnold acknowledged the typo and stated that the update was made in the electronic packet that was sent as an update.
Ms. SHULER motioned to approve the reappointment letter for Mr. Bucher. Mr. EDWARDS seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Johnson requested to sign a letter on bonded paper. Environmental Coordinator Arnold stated that it would be made available.
2024 Officer Nominations and Appointments
Ms. Shuler read the current officers and nominated them for appointment in 2024 to the same positions. Ms. SHULER motioned to nominate all members of the Board to the same positions. Mr. JOHNSON seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Ms. SHULER motioned to appoint the current officers to the same positions for 2024. Mr. SCHIN seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Other Business
Mr. Bucher thanked the Board for his reappointment.
Mr. Johnson sent condolences and thoughts to Director Davis from the entire Stormwater Authority.
With no other business pertinent to the Authority, the Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority adjourned at 8:02 PM.