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12/11/23 Meeting Minutes

Board of Commissioners
12/11/23 Meeting Minutes


REGULAR MEETING December 11, 2023
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Dean W. Villone, President Thomas G. Vernau, Township Manager
H. Edward Black, Vice President Steven P. Miner, Township Solicitor
Jennifer Caron Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director
Joshua Nagy David Holl, Public Safety Director
Charles Brown Richard Grove, Finance Director
Nate Sterling, Township Secretary
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary

President Villone called the December 11, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:00 PM. He announced that Proof of Publication for the meeting was available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Villone announced that this would be the last official meeting for Vice President Black, which drew a round of standing applause. Vice President Black expressed his thanks and said that he would continue his involvement with the Township in other roles and was proud of his service, noting the employees and those he has served alongside have made it great. He stated that Lower Allen was indeed a first-class township. President Villone thanked Vice President Black for his mentorship and noted that a formal recognition and celebration would be held at the meeting on January 2, 2024.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the October 30, 2023 Budget Meeting. Commissioner BROWN made the motion to approve the minutes. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2023 Regular Meeting. Commissioner BROWN made the motion to approve the minutes. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

President Villone requested a motion to approve the minutes of the November 27, 2023 Regular Meeting. Commissioner BROWN made the motion to approve the minutes. Vice President BLACK seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

PRESENTATION – Police Department Awards
Director Holl and Captain Crone presented several Unit Citations and Director’s Awards to Public Safety staff, as well as a Lifesaving Award to Officer Lightner, and the John R. VFW Award to Corporal Tamanosky.

PRESENTATIONEmployee Recognition
On behalf of the Board of Commissioners and Recognition Committee, President Villone presented the following employees with commendation letters and relevant awards to recognize their service to the Township:

  • Aaron Duncan – Fleet Maintenance Department – Mechanic- 5 years
  • Thomas Kidd – Public Safety Department – Public Safety Officer – 5 years
  • Edward Curtis – Police Department – Corporal– 20 years
  • Richard Tamanoksy II – Police Department – Corporal– 25 years
  • Dawn Bear – Community & Economic Development Department – Administrative Professional Commendation Letter – Working above and beyond the parameters of normal duties.
  • Suzanne O’Brien – Community & Economic Development Dept. – Administrative Professional Commendation Letter – Working above and beyond the parameters of normal duties.
  • Richard Dillon – Public Works Department – Maintenance Operations Supervisor Commendation Letter – Innovation award for efficiency design and implementation.

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.
President Villone advised the audience that if there were any item on that evening’s agenda that they wish to comment on, to please indicate as such.

Mr. Brian Ariano indicated the intent to comment on Agenda Items 9B, C, and D. Mr. Joe Swartz noted intent to comment on items 7C and E, and 9B and C.

Resolution 2023-R-44
President Villone requested a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-R-44, commending and honoring Richard J. Tamanosky II, Police Corporal, for 25 years of service with the Township.  Vice President BLACK offered the motion, seconded by Commissioner NAGY. The motion passed 5-0.

President Villone presented the resolution to Cpl. Tamanosky and read the resolution into the record:




WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township desires to express its recognition and gratitude for 25 years of service provided by Richard J. Tamanosky II; and 

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II first joined Lower Allen Township in 1998 as a Police Officer in the Police Department; and  

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II became a Field Training Officer in 2002; and 

WHEREAS,  Richard J. Tamanosky II began instruction of the 5th grade D.A.R.E. curriculum in 2002; and  

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II became a Background Investigator in 2005; and  

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II was promoted to the rank of Corporal in 2005; and  

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II became an instructor in 2010 for TEAM which transitioned from D.A.R.E; and  

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II was the primary Defensive Tactics instructor in 2011; and  

WHEREASRichard J. Tamanosky II became a certified Krav Maga instructor in 2012; and  

WHEREAS, Richard J. Tamanosky II has received many letters of appreciation for a variety of reasons.    

NOW, hereby resolve that 

Sincere gratitude and appreciation be and are hereby extended to Richard J. Tamanosky II for his 25 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, and that this recognition be spread upon the minutes and records of Lower Allen Township for perpetuity. 

ADOPTED, into a resolution this 11th day of December 2023. 

Check Register of 12/1/23
President Villone requested a motion to approve the Check Register of December 1, 2023, in the amount of $261,601.49.  Commissioner BROWN made the motion, seconded by Commissioner NAGY. The motion passed 5-0.

Ordinance 2023-06
President Villone requested a motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-06, an Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, repealing Chapter 21 of the Codified Ordinances of Lower Allen Township in its entirety and enacting a new Chapter 21 establishing the governance, rules and regulations for all fire rescue service activities within Lower Allen Township.

Discussion on the proposal ensued. Commissioner Brown inquired as to whether section 21-11 (regarding volunteer support vehicles) might be better served as a policy matter instead of embedded within the ordinance. Commissioner NAGY expressed his comfort in removing the subsection. Director Holl agreed it could be incorporated into policy.

Commissioner Nagy requested confirmation of the implementation plan. Director Holl indicated the ordinance directs the plan to be implemented thirty days following the enactment. Commissioner Nagy recommended meetings be scheduled with both Lisburn and Lower Allen fire companies to review the plan. Director Holl also noted he would be distributing a Director’s Brief to the executive committees of each fire company which addresses the details of the plan.

President Villone emphasized the importance of openness, clear communication and transparency in ensuring the transition is smooth and successful.

Commissioner Nagy further elaborated on his viewpoint, that the interest of the Township lies with promoting and ensuring the continuance of volunteers in the fire service, while blunting the volunteer shortage. The change to a proactive approach will ensure the Township can provide service to its residents. He reiterated the importance of being open to feedback and flexible to make changes to address concerns.

Commissioner NAGY made the motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-06, as amended, striking section 21-11.

The Secretary called the roll:

Commissioner Caron – AYE
Commissioner Nagy – AYE
Commissioner Brown – AYE
Vice President Black – AYE
President Villone – AYE

The motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-06, as amended, passed 5-0.

Ordinance 2023-07
President Villone requested a motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-07, an Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, to authorize, establish, implement, and enforce a standardized system of property address numbering for emergency services and the enforcement thereof.

Commissioner NAGY made the motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-07.

The Secretary called the roll:

Commissioner Caron – AYE
Vice President Black – AYE
President Villone – AYE
Commissioner Brown – AYE
Commissioner Nagy – AYE

Ordinance 2023-08
President Villone requested a motion to enact Ordinance 2023-08, an Ordinance of the Board Of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the municipal government during the Fiscal Year 2024.

Commissioner BROWN made the motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-08.

The Secretary called the roll:

Commissioner Nagy – AYE
Commissioner Brown – AYE
Vice President Black – AYE
President Villone – AYE
Commissioner Caron – AYE

The motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-08 passed 5-0.

Ordinance 2023-09
President Villone requested a motion to enact Ordinance 2023-09, an Ordinance of the Township of Lower Allen, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, amending the Codified Ordinances of Lower Allen Township, 1997, as amended, Section 32-7, dealing with Compensation of the Township Manager.

Commissioner BROWN made the motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-09.

The Secretary called the roll:

Commissioner Caron – AYE
Vice President Black – AYE
President Villone – AYE
Commissioner Brown – AYE
Commissioner Nagy – AYE

The motion to enact ORDINANCE 2023-09 passed 5-0.

President Villone noted that if anyone wished to speak at that time, there would be 10 minutes allotted per person to speak at the podium.

Mr. Joe Swartz reflected on the earlier discussion related to the fire service, noting the biggest challenge would be keeping communications open between the fire companies, staff, and the Board of Commissioners. He encouraged all to remain open to adopting proposals that might be recommended by the new Fire Chief once one is on board and has had the opportunity to assess and evaluate the changes.

Former Commissioner Richard Schin expressed his appreciation for Vice President Black’s service to the Township as well as his gratitude to the Board and staff for their time and efforts put forth for the benefit of the Township.

Ms. Megan Rokowski, resident at 15 Colgate Drive, expressed concern about increased speeding through the neighborhood, which seems to be used as a thoroughfare, and requested if increased patrols might be possible to deter the issue. President Villone asked if the deployment of speed control devices was possible, to which Director Holl replied those are regulated by PennDOT and must be considered by the traffic committee. He noted that state law requires speeds more than 10 mph over the speed limit before officers can act. He noted there might be a few options on the policing side and could also look at speed humps.

Resolution 2023-R-45
Director Holl presented for discussion and possible action, the adoption of Resolution 2023-R-45, hiring Shane Katrancha as a Public Safety Officer/EMT for the Public Safety Department, effective December 15, 2023. He noted that Mr. Katrancha has been one of the live-in volunteers and has also been employed as a part-time EMT and is highly recommended for the position.

Commissioner NAGY made the motion to adopt Resolution 2023-R-45. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

Organizational Chart for the Department of Public Safety
Director Holl presented for discussion and possible action, approval of the Organizational Chart for the Department of Public Safety. He described the overall scope, purpose, and chain of command structure underlying the chart, which adds the Division of Fire Rescue Services to the Department. The chart depicts the Fire Chief, District Chiefs and Assistant Fire Chiefs, noting the structure would be altered by policy with input from the Fire Chief.

There was discussion regarding issues related to lines of reporting and streamlining command and control. Director Holl clarified that the chart was not intended to be utilized as a fire ground chart, but rather for business operations and administrative functions. Manager Vernau added the main difference between the existing structure and the proposed structure is a paid Fire Chief who will have overall administrative authority for the division.

President Villone confirmed that the SOGs will define the authority in command and that fire ground command will follow ICS principles, a published national standard. He also noted that the Board will continue to have oversight. The organizational chart does not reflect a commitment to expend resources now or in the future.

Commissioner NAGY made a motion to approve the organizational chart, seconded by Commissioner BROWN. The motion passed 5-0.

Job Descriptions for Chief of Fire & Rescue Services and District Fire Chiefs
Director Holl introduced the item for discussion, noting there was no intended action requested at this time. He referenced the job descriptions and relevant policies.

Mr. Brian Ariano inquired as to whether there was an opportunity to provide feedback or suggest modifications to the job descriptions. Director Holl indicated he would accept comments.

Commissioner Nagy asked how the process would work for volunteer district chiefs to provide input and noted the need to ensure they are incorporated into the operational structure. Director Holl indicated that the command staff meets regularly for planning and discussion and would continue to do so. Commissioner Nagy also clarified that volunteers who work full-time jobs elsewhere will not preclude them from serving in any of these roles. He also emphasized the need to establish opportunities for leadership training and mentoring within the organization, important for the recruitment and retention of volunteers.

Commissioner Caron asked for a timeline on implementation of the job descriptions. Director Holl said the intent is identify the district fire chiefs within the 30-day period following enactment of the Ordinance.

Authorization to advertise for Township Chief of Fire & Rescue Services
Continuing discussion, President Villone asked for a realistic time to fill the role of Fire Chief. Director Holl said the funding availability begins in 2024, and that advertisement for the position, if approved, could begin in January or sooner. He noted that it was a six-month process to hire the coordinator position.

Members discussed the method by which interim district chiefs would be selected. Director Holl indicated that he and Manager Vernau would be discussing that process, with input from the Board, and committed to keeping the Board informed with regular updates.

Mr. Ariano raised the issue of upcoming fire company elections and asked how those would impact the installment of interim fire chiefs. Director Holl noted that his Director’s Brief would include detailed information. Commissioner Brown noted his expectation that there would be some continuity regarding the district chiefs, at least until a new Fire Chief is hired. Commissioner Nagy agreed, noting that per discussion, he was under the impression that some continuity would continue for organizational leadership, with a goal of minimizing changes.

Commissioner Brown noted that he was comfortable moving forward with advertising for the Fire Chief position and noted his concern about the district chiefs within the context of elections and keeping continuity for the organizations during the interim period. President Villone agreed and urged consideration of honoring organizational elections.

Manager Vernau noted the importance of leadership principles, stating it was incumbent upon them to discern the kind of leadership that will be provided by those appointed to ensure the successful implementation of the transition.

With no further discussion, President Villone requested a motion to authorize advertisement for Township Chief of Fire & Rescue Services.

Commissioner CARON made the motion to advertise for a Chief of Fire & Rescue Services and defer the timing of the advertisement to the Director and Manager, noting that time is of the essence. Commissioner NAGY seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.

President Villone expressed the desire of the Board to receive updates and a commitment to transparency. Vice President Black encouraged Director Holl and Manager Vernau to publish the advertisement as soon as possible.

Financial security reduction for SALDO #2020-11
Director Davis presented the item for discussion and possible action, to consider financial security reduction for SLD Plan #2020-11 Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan for 3709 Hartzdale Drive to a new amount of $19,556.77 and a new expiration date of December 11, 2024. She noted that the developer had requested an inspection. Rettew visited the site and observed outstanding items, so the recommendation is for a partial reduction.

Commissioner CARON made the motion to approve the partial security reduction in the amount of $19,556.77 with the new expiration date of December 11, 2024. The motion was seconded by Commissioner NAGY and passed 5-0.

90-day time extension for SALDO #2023-02
Director Davis presented the item for discussion and possible action, to consider 90-day time extension for SLD Plan #2023-02 Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Cedar Run Business Park. Director Davis reported that the developer had requested the extension to work through items to clean up the plan prior to presentation.

Commissioner Nagy noted it was the developer’s second request for an extension. Director Davis confirmed and said the developer had been seeking a sidewalk waiver, but staff had recommended installation of sidewalk for improved walkability. Therefore, the developer is including it in the revised plan.

Commissioner CARON moved to grant the 90-day extension for SLD #2023-02, which was seconded by Vice President BLACK. The motion passed 5-0.

Resolution 2023-R-46
Manager Vernau introduced for discussion and possible action, adoption of Resolution 2023-R-46, 2024 Fee Schedule. He referenced the proposed fee schedule, which he noted was circulated among each department for review and recommendation. President Villone noted the increases which had been discussed at prior meetings.

With no further discussion, Commissioner BROWN made a motion to adopt Resolution 2023-R-46. The motion was seconded by Commissioner CARON and passed 5-0.

Director Holl expressed thanks to the Civil Service Commission for their efforts and dedication.

Mr. Miner noted congratulations to Vice President Black on his upcoming retirement and noted the significant contributions he has made over his time of service. Mr. Miner said he looks forward to their continued work together on the Development Authority.

Manager Vernau announced that Marcus Brandt had passed the Zoning Inspector exam and expressed appreciation to the Board for the opportunity. He noted the upcoming COG dinner on January 15, 2024 and that RSVPs were due. He also expressed his appreciation for the privilege in working with Vice President Black.

Vice President Black commented that it was difficult for him to leave, having very much enjoyed his work with fellow commissioners and staff. He noted appreciation for the opportunities afforded through his roles and looks forward to good things from the new commissioners.

President Villone noted his thanks to Vice President Black for his mentorship and friendship and noted gratitude for the continued work on the Development Authority. Next, President Villone gave an update on the Cumberland County Tax Bureau issue regarding the collection of local income tax and the disbursement of quarterly payments. As reported previously, there was a coding error in previous years which resulted in a misallocation of funds to the Township instead of to the West Shore School District in the amount of approximately $9,000-$10,000. A correction has been issued and the Township does not need to issue a refund.

Commissioner Nagy expressed his thanks to all the fire service volunteers for their attendance and ongoing input. He also noted appreciation for Vice President’s colorful commentary during his tenure and for sharing his wisdom.

Commissioner Brown expressed gratitude to Vice President Black for his service and graciousness of time and advice during the past year, describing him as a “true gentleman.”

Commissioner Caron echoed the sentiments of others regarding Vice President Black and wished everyone a happy and healthy holiday season.

President Villone announced the Board would recess to Executive Session to discuss an upcoming retirement. The meeting was recessed at 8:21 PM.

The meeting was reconvened at 8:52 PM.

Commissioner NAGY offered a motion to accept, with regret, the retirement of Finance Director Richard Grove, effective April 7, 2024. Commissioner CARON seconded the motion, with regret. All commissioners expressed their appreciation to Mr. Grove for his years of service. The motion passed 5-0.

Commissioner NAGY moved to authorize staff to advertise for the position of Finance Director. Commissioner CARON seconded. The motion passed 5-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 PM.