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11-7-19 Minutes

Stormwater Authority
11-7-19 Minutes


 STORMWATER AUTHORITY                                           LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

 REGULAR MEETING                                                          NOVEMBER 7, 2019


The following were in ATTENDANCE:


Gordon E. Wilson, Chairman                                                Rebecca Davis, MS4 Coordinator

Timothy Johnson, Vice Chairman                                        

Lloyd Bucher, Treasurer                                                 

Alison J Shuler, Secretary

Richard Schin, Assistant Secretary


Also in attendance: Jennifer Boze, Steven P. Miner, Esquire, LATSA Solicitor, and Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary.                                     


Chairman Wilson called the November 7, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority to order at 8:20 pm. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. Tina Thomas completed a Roll Call of the Board members present. 



Ms. Shuler moved to approve the minutes from the October 3, 2019 meeting of the Stormwater Authority with the change requested by Mr. Schin. Mr. Bucher seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Jennifer Boze was in the audience and wished to address the Board about stormwater issues near her property. She lives at the corner of Somerset and Maple Streets in Shiremanstown. She spoke about stormwater running down her street and the existence of many sinkholes. She stated that her property has had to have extensive repair for sinkholes and she wondered if a study could be done on why so many form there. Ms. Boze also said that many of the sinkholes are located right by the storm drains. Mrs. Davis said that she is aware of the issues in that area. She spoke about plans to televise pipes in problem areas of the Township such as this area next spring. This would help to determine what infrastructure repairs may need to be completed.


Mr. Miner informed the Board that he is not seeking an increase in pay for 2020. The Township has been paying him in the past but he will now be getting paid through stormwater funds.


Ms. Shuler mentioned that there are twelve meetings on the schedule but it may not be necessary to meet each month now that the stormwater program is established. Mrs. Davis agreed that the meetings could be changed to quarterly for the money transfers and credit reports. Chairman Wilson commented that he is in favor of continuing to meet monthly in case someone wants to bring an issue before the Board. Mr. Miner suggested that it is more cost effective to advertise all 12 meetings initially, and then cancel the meeting if there is nothing new to report. Mr. Schin asked what time the meetings would be advertised to start since the Sewer Authority is moving their meeting start time to 7:00 p.m. Mr. Miner said that the Sewer Authority would prefer an hour for their meeting and the stormwater authority meeting could be advertised with an 8 p.m. start time if the Board preferred.

Ms. Shuler moved to approve the 2020 LATSA meeting dates and Mr. Bucher seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Mr. Miner spoke about the Board of Commissioners denying the appeal by Mr. Peiffer on behalf of the Peiffer Memorial Arboretum and Nature Preserve. Mr. Peiffer may choose to pursue his case with the County Court but it is not known if he plans to do that. Mr. Miner also said that the Shumans’ thirty day period for their appeal is over. They did not wish to appeal to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Johnson thanked Mr. Miner for the letters he sent and finishing things up.


Mr. Bucher spoke about meeting with Mrs. Davis and Mr. Grove, Township Finance Director, this month. They improved the design of the Treasurer’s Report so it is easier to read and understand. Copies were provided in the Board’s packets. There is a Disbursement Request of $139,527.00 by the Township from the Stormwater Authority. Mr. Bucher included the itemized breakdown of the request. The costs are budget estimates and will be collected quarterly. Mr. Bucher moved to approve the requisition for $139,527.00 and Ms. Shuler seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Mrs. Davis stated that one new credit application and thirteen appeals were received in the past month. The appeals pertain to parcels in the common area which are owned by the Homeowners Association in the Beacon Hill Development. The residents are already paying the stormwater fee for their individual properties. The Homeowners Association will be refunded for the overage.  




There being no more business, Mr. Wilson adjourned the Stormwater Authority meeting at 8:42 pm. The next meeting of the Stormwater Authority will take place on Thursday December 5th.   

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Thomas

Recording Secretary