Board of Commissioners
10-12-2020 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
Dean W. Villone, President | Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager |
H. Edward Black, Vice President | Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager |
Richard F. Schin | David Holl, Director of Public Safety |
Thomas H. Kutz | Daniel J. Flint, Public Works Coordinator |
Carolyn E. Holtzman | Leon G. Crone, Police Captain |
Tony Deaven, EMS Captain | |
Richard A. Grove, Finance Director | |
John M. Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator | |
Steven P. Miner, Solicitor | |
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary |
President Villone called the October 12, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm. He followed with a prayer and the Pledge of the Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review. He spoke about the seating arrangement of the Board and staff for social distancing as much as possible. He noted the livestream and microphones weren’t working for tonight’s meeting.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 28, 2020 meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1, with Commissioner Holtzman abstaining due to her absence from that meeting.
Mr. Jesse Snyder, Manager and GIS professional, spoke about working with the staff on the GIS system for the Township. He explained how GIS works and can map out assets, signs, demographics, etc and how it allows the public to participate. He stated that there are 55 mapping applications with 24 different types of data available through the system.
He showed the Board an example of the Township’s Parks page. He illustrated how a resident could click on the Parks page providing a map of the parks. The GIS system shows details about the park including pictures and provides directions to the park.
He showed another example of the GIS system showing the leaf collection routes for the Township on a map. This would allow real time updates if desired allowing residents to know when the leaves would be picked up or if they had been picked up on their street by special coloring on the maps. He provided another example of the GIS system where street signs could be mapped, and a condition assigned to them. The condition assigned to them could assist in budgeting by putting a price on those that are in poor conditions and automatically assigning a total cost for budget time for replacement. He noted that pictures could be uploaded of the signs to help with location and condition.
He stated the GIS system could help with Public Safety with illustrating why, when and where things are happening. He gave an example of a hotspot for accidents and the data that could be provided for areas in the Township. It could track reasons for the increase/decrease, including infrastructure changes, traffic changes and other factors. He spoke about having all this information in one place for accessing information. He said the reasons for using the GIS System include efficiencies, workflow, public communication, and engagement, assisting with grants and improved evaluations of situations based on data. He stated this allows the information to be accessed in one application. He mentioned some of the items that can be tracked on GIS including stormwater, disaster management, blighted properties and so many other items.
He spoke about the next steps including updating data and developing a process for maintaining the data. Commissioner Kutz was impressed with the system and can see how it would help staff. President Villone thanked staff for the time they have put into the system and sees it as a valuable tool.
There was no response.
President Villone advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request. There was no response.
Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:
- Adopt Resolution 2020-R-30, a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County Pennsylvania, recognizing, commending, and honoring Nathan Abdelmalek for the attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.
- Permission to advertise Ordinance 2020-06, an Ordinance of the Township of Lower Allen amending Chapter 187 of the Code of the Township at Article VIII, Temporary Right-of-Way Obstructions, and Article IX, Violations and Penalties.
- Release of Stormwater Program Manager Rebecca Davis from probation retroactive to July 20, 2020.
Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners recessed at 7:26 pm to discuss the following:
- Offers of employment
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners reconvened at 7:48 pm.
Check Register
Commissioner KUTZ made a motion to approve the Check Register of October 9, 2020 in the amount of $350,750.63. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the manual Check Register of September 10, 2020 in the amount of $648.00. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1. Vice President Black abstained as a relative was the recipient of the check.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to enact Ordinance 2020-04, authorizing, among other things, the issuance of General Obligation notes in the aggregate principal amount of $6,632,000, with proceeds thereof to be applied toward the refunding of certain outstanding indebtedness of the Township, as set forth in the Ordinance.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Schin – Aye
Commissioner Kutz – Aye
President Villone – Aye
Vice President Black – Aye
Commissioner Holtzman- Aye
Ordinance 2020-04 was approved by a 5-0 vote.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-R-31, confirming that adequate analysis has determined that risk levels are acceptable relating to Lower Allen Township’s guaranty of the Lower Allen Township Authority’s proposed issuance of the Guaranteed Sewer Revenue Bond Series of 2020. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to enact Ordinance 2020-05 authorizing, among other things, incurrence of lease rental debt in the principal amount of $8,345,000 in connection with the refunding of the Guaranteed Sewer Revenue Bond Series of 2017 by the Guaranteed Sewer Revenue Bond Series of 2020 as set forth in the Ordinance.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner: Holtzman – Aye
Vice President Black – Aye
President Villone – Aye
Commissioner Kutz – Aye
Commissioner Schin – Aye
Ordinance 2020-05 was approved by a 5-0 vote.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the Guaranty Agreement with Adams County National Bank to guarantee all principle and interest payments of the Series of 2020 Bond of the Lower Allen Township Authority. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-R-32, hiring Rhonda Shenk as Township Receptionist for the Finance Department, effective October 13, 2020. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Vice President BLACK made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-R-33, hiring Neil A.E. Chimel-Freeburn as a Police Officer for the Police Department, effective October 26, 2020. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Vice President BLACK made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-R-34, hiring Robert A. Fitzkee as a Police Officer for the Police Department, effective October 26, 2020. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Ms. Janice Lynx, 2036 Sheepford Rd, provided an update on the efforts to save the Sheepford Road bridge. She provided some history of the bridge and how they have met with York and Cumberland Counties. They are working on preservation of the bridge and have been featured in the York Dispatch, Pennlive and ABC News. She thanked the Board for their support they have given them in trying to preserve the bridge.
Time Extension- SLD Docket No. 2020-12: 1604 Main Street
Mr. Flint stated as we reviewed this plan, we discovered that the applicants would need to submit a plan and seek relief through the Zoning Hearing Board. Action was tabled at the Planning Commission and the applicant has asked for time extension for their plan.
Commissioner KUTZ made a motion to approve the requested time extension for SLD Docket No. 2020-12 Land Development Plan for 1604 Main Street, establishing a new deadline of March 8, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Gettysburg Road Relocation Project Payment
Commissioner KUTZ made a motion to approve payment of Invoice No. 7 to JVI Group, Inc. in the amount of $330,841.81 for the Gettysburg Road Relocation Project. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Zoning Hearing Board Report
Mr. Eby stated there are two dockets for the Zoning Hearing Board this month. The first Docket (#2020-06) is for 5215 Eton Place where the applicant is requesting to have a hair salon in their single-family dwelling. After meeting with staff, the applicant realizes she needs more time to prepare for the hearing and will ask for the delay. The second docket (#2020-07) is for 3422 Canyon Creek who is proposing to install a backyard swimming pool. The pool plus the patio exceed the maximum 30% lot coverage in a R-2 district. The applicant is proposing to install stormwater mitigation features to take care of the issue. Mr. Eby stated they have the information they need for the hearing and will not be requesting the Solicitor to attend the Hearing.
ZOA 2020-02 Permission to Authorize Public Review Process.
Mr. Eby spoke about the request for Sleepy Hollow Enterprises for a property located at 701 Belmont street. The applicant has an agreement of sale to purchase the property and is requesting a zoning map designation of the property be changed from R-1 Single-Family to R-3 Multi-Family Residential. He showed the Board the location on the map. He asked the Board if staff could be authorized to start the public review process and schedule the public hearing.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion authorizing preparation of a map amendment ordinance. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1. Vice President Black abstained, as his business maybe involved with this project.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion authorizing distribution of the ordinance to the Township and Cumberland County planning agencies. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1, with Vice President Black abstaining.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion establishing a public hearing date of November 23, 2020 at 6:30pm. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1, with Vice President Black abstaining.
Permission to Advertise the 2021 Meeting Dates
The Board discussed the public meeting dates for 2021. After discussion, the consensus of the Board was to change the start time of the public meetings to 6:00 pm for 2021. The Board discussed the November 1, 2021 Budget meeting which is the night before the election. The consensus of the Board was to eliminate this meeting understanding a special budget meeting may need to be scheduled.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to authorize the advertising of the amended 2021 meeting dates. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Director Holl thanked the Board for the vote for hiring the two new officers. They should be at the next Board meeting to be introduced to the Commissioners. Vice President Blacked appreciates the vote tonight on adding the officers.
Commissioner Kutz spoke about Spring Gate, Amore Pizza and Blaze Pizza opening in the Township. He spoke about his emphasis on the small businesses in the Township and his summer tour. He will be part of the roundtable meeting happening this week with Representative Delozier and Senator Regan. Small business owners will be there to share concerns about their business and the effects of the COVID shutdowns.
President Villone stated he appreciates staff and the Board. He spoke about good things coming to the Township.
Vice President Black noted the Board received a letter from Mr. Gordon Wilson, who is resigning from the Sewer Authority after 31 years effective December 31st. He thanked Mr. Wilson for his years of service.
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:36 pm to discuss the following:
- Board and Commissions Appointments and Reappointments.