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2-8-21 Minutes

Board of Commissioners
2-8-21 Minutes


 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                    LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP

REGULAR MEETING                                      FEBRUARY 8, 2021


The following were in ATTENDANCE:


BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS                                     TOWNSHIP PERSONNEL

Dean W. Villone, President                                                  Thomas G. Vernau, Jr., Township Manager

Edward Black, Vice President                                              Erin G. Trone, Assistant Township Manager

Richard F. Schin                                                                    Richard A. Grove, Finance Director

Thomas H. Kutz                                                                    David Holl, Public Safety Director

                                                                                               Dan Flint, Engineer

                                                                                               Brad McCullough, Public Works Director

                                                                                               Charlie Reynolds, Fleet Manager

                                                                                               Leon Crone, Police Captain                                                                                                 

                                                                                               Tony Deaven, EMS Captain

                                                                                               Steven P. Miner, Solicitor

                                                                              Tina Thomas, Recording Secretary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


President Villone called the February 8, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 6:00 pm via the Zoom platform.  He instructed any members from the public wishing to speak during the Zoom meeting to notify the hosts. President Villone noted that Commissioner Holtzman is absent and that Proof of Publication for this meeting is available for review. This was followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.



Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the minutes from the January 25, 2021 Regular Meeting as amended.  Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


Resolution 2021-R-06:  Promotion of Michael J. Scarlato

Vice President BLACK moved to approve Resolution 2021-R-06, appointing Michael J. Scarlato to the rank of Corporal of the Lower Allen Township Police Department, effective February 8, 2021. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. 



Captain Crone and other members of the Command Staff were present with Corporal Scarlato and his family.  MDJ Delozier administered the Oath of Office for the swearing in of Corporal Scarlato, and Scarlato’s wife pinned on his Corporal’s chevrons.  He was congratulated by the Commissioners.


AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION:  Any item on the agenda.

There were no public participants who wished to speak at that time.



Check Register

Vice President BLACK moved to approve the Check Register of January 29, 2021 in the amount of $238,070.62.  Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Revised Retirement Date for Wendy Hayden

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the revised retirement date of Wendy Hayden to March 5, 2021. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Resignation of Recording Secretary Tina Thomas

Commissioner SCHIN moved to accept the resignation of Recording Secretary Tina Thomas, effective March 31, 2021, with regret. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion, with regret. Motion carried 4-0.



There was none.  



Bid Advertisement for Replacement of HVAC (RTU-2)

Mr. Flint spoke about the need to replace an HVAC rooftop unit at the Municipal Services Center. He said that this is a repeat item from last year when the bid came in higher than anticipated. This item was included in the 2021 budget with a higher anticipated cost. He is seeking permission to advertise for bids. Commissioner SCHIN moved to authorize staff to prepare and advertise for bids for replacement of the rooftop HVAC unit (RTU-2) at the Municipal Services Building. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.

2021 Fun Fort Reconstruction Project Bid

Mr. Flint referred to the single bid that was received last month from Kinsley Construction, Inc., and to a memo which explained the process by which Fun Fort Reconstruction was to be funded. The cost for repair estimate from 2017 is significantly lower than the bid that came in. This is in part due to a 50% increase in some of the lumber needed in the past two years. Mr. Flint said that some cost saving changes can be made via Change Order after a contract is awarded. He explained the funding breakdown as follows:

$192,000   DCNR Grant

$40,000     Cumberland County Land Partnership Grant

$173,000   LAT 2019 borrowing

$102,241   LAT Rec Fee Fund (potentially $77,241 following change orders)

$507,241   Total (potentially $482,241 following change orders)


Vice President Black noted that Kinsley is a good contracting firm. Commissioner SCHIN moved to award the 2021 Fun Fort Reconstruction Project contract supported by the memo from the Township Engineer. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. Mr. Flint requested that the name of the contractor and the cost be included in the motion. Commissioner SCHIN amended his motion to include that the contract be awarded to Kinsley Construction, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $507,242.00. Vice President BLACK seconded the amended motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Resolution 2021-R-07:  Banner Placement Across Arcona Road

Mr. Flint spoke about a request from Charter Homes to place an informational banner across Arcona Road, a state-owned road, and Strong Road, which is to be a Township dedicated street. He said that Charter Homes is seeking a permit from PennDOT to do this but must have a Resolution from the Board of Commissioners to apply for the permit. Commissioner Schin expressed concern over the statement “No more than 20% of the message may relate to naming or advertising a commercial product, enterprise, business, or company” as he does not want this used for advertising. Mr. Flint said he believes that the name refers to the business where the event will be taking place, not anything outside of the Arcona. Commissioner Schin asked for clarification of the line naming Lower Allen Township as being the responsible party for the banner as well as any liability for damages associated.

with it. Mr. Flint said that it is written with that wording due to PennDOT requirements. He noted that the last sentence is an indemnity agreement between the Association and the Township, giving the responsibility back to Charter Homes. Commissioner Schin wanted to make sure that the banners are not selling anything. Mr. Flint said that he will speak with Charter Homes about rewording parts of the Resolution and bring it back at a future meeting. Mr. Flint said that the banners are only allowed in the specific locations noted on the plan. He said that zoning permits from the Township must also be obtained in addition to the other agreements. He said the supports will be permanent when placed but the banners can be changed. Commissioner Kutz asked to see the exact locations of the banners on the plans and Mr. Flint said he would provide that at the next meeting.


Resolution 2021-R-08:  Reimbursement Agreement for Gettysburg Road Relocation Project

Mr. Flint explained that during the Gettysburg Road Relocation project, additional costs arose. He said that they are eligible for reimbursement by PennDOT, and HATS (Harrisburg Area Transportation Study) has approved the costs. PennDOT requires a resolution authorizing the Manager to sign a modified reimbursement agreement. Vice President Black asked if the work is done and Mr. Flint replied that it is ongoing but can continue while the reimbursement is in process.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to authorize the Township Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Reimbursement Agreement with PennDOT for the Gettysburg Road Relocation Project. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Approval of a License Agreement for Sewer Facility on Hartzdale Drive

Mr. Flint provided an orientation of the site for this facility on the map. He pointed out a vacant lot at the corner of Hartzdale Drive and Slate Hill Road where construction of a home is being planned. He said that the part of the street coming off the ramp is state owned, and part is a Township road. Mr. Flint said that the location for the house to be connected to the existing sewer is some distance away and will require the builder to run a force main along the right-of-way. He said that this will require two permits from PennDOT for the driveway and the sewer, as well as a permit from the Sewer Authority for the connection, and a right-of-way permit from the Township. Mr. Flint added that due to the location being privately owned but in the public right-of-way, a license agreement is required with the Township that will be recorded in the Courthouse. President Villone asked Mr. Miner if he has reviewed this and if he had any questions about it. Mr. Miner said there is an insurance indemnification clause which is standard for this type of agreement and he has approved it. Commissioner Schin asked if there would be any cost to the Township and Mr. Flint said there would not be. President Villone asked about the parcel size and Mr. Flint responded that it is 1/3 acre but has limited buildable area due to there being a flood plain. A BMP will be installed on the property.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the License Agreement to allow installation and maintenance of a privately owned sanitary sewer facility in Hartzdale Drive. Commissioner KUTZ seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.



Purchase of a 2021 Ford Ranger Pickup

Mrs. Trone spoke about the purchase of the fourth and final replacement vehicle for Community and Economic Development to replace a 2005 Ford Explorer. She said this is a scheduled replacement budgeted at $30,000. The quote for the 2021 Ford Ranger pickup is $28,445.00 including the cap. Commissioner Kutz asked if purchasing a brand-new model is more cost effective than purchasing a used vehicle and Mrs. Trone responded that the warranty comes with new vehicles and they do not have mechanical issues from a previous owner. Mr. Vernau added that used trucks have been purchased in the past and do not last as long. Commissioner Schin complimented staff for keeping a vehicle for 16 years.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the purchase of the 2021 Ford Ranger pickup truck to replace a 2005 Ford Explorer for Community and Economic Development. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.

President Villone recognized Joni Shenck who had joined the meeting and invited her to speak. Ms. Shenck said that she is Representative Cheryl Delozier’s new District Office Manager. She said that she is a resource for residents living in the Township who are having difficulties obtaining unemployment compensation.



Civil Service Activation Approval Request

Director Holl spoke about the upcoming police consortium testing March 27th and 28th. He is asking for permission to activate the Civil Service Commission as the 2021 Budget contains a provision for hiring a police officer in July of 2021. Commissioner Kutz asked if this is a replacement or addition to the police department and Mr. Holl said it is an addition. President Villone asked for a summary of the process. Mr. Holl said that Board must activate the Civil Service Commission so it can begin meeting and authorize the testing. It takes several weeks then for the oral interviews and a couple more weeks for backgrounds to be done. The Civil Service Commission then certifies a list of three candidates. He noted that the process is designed to provide the best candidates.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve activation of the Civil Service Commission to establish a new list for Police Officer for the July 1st hire date. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0.


Resignation of Retired Chief Dave Crossley from EMS service

Mr. Holl spoke about Mr. Crossley’s involvement in teaching CPR classes. Due to COVID, the classes are not taking place and he notified the Township of his desire to resign. He hopes to have Chief Crossly attend a future in person meeting to be recognized. Mr. Vernau added that Mr. Crossley started in 1966 as a volunteer with the fire department and retired as EMS Chief in 2005. Commissioner SCHIN moved to accept the resignation of Retired Chief Dave Crossley with regret. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and wished his wife well. Motion carried 4-0.



Purchase of a 2021 Mack Dump Truck

Mr. Vernau spoke about the budgeted replacement of a 2003 GMC Dump Truck for $195,000. He said that it is above the budgeted amount of $182,000.00 which was set about five years ago and has gone up since. He said that throughout the year opportunities will arise where surplus amounts in other areas could be applied to the over budgeted item. One of these is the software purchase for Finance. Mr. Grove agreed that there would be surplus available and coming in under budgeted amounts is the norm for most departments. Mr. Vernau noted that Mr. Reynolds took the anti-ice pretreatment system off the list for the new dump truck to save money. The Commissioners expressed that they would like the anti-ice pretreatment system to be added back to increase functionality. President Villone added that the residents and businesses benefit from the great service of the roads during snowstorms. Mr. Reynolds noted that they could treat more roads faster with brine as the tank is twice as large. Commissioner Kutz asked when the truck would arrive, and Mr. Reynolds said the truck would be delivered in the Fall. Mr. Reynolds said that the price including the ice pretreatment system would be $217,000.

Commissioner KUTZ moved to approve the purchase of a 2021 Mack Dump Truck to replace a 2003 GMC Dump Truck including the anti-ice pretreatment system not to exceed $218,000. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and motion carried 4-0.

Purchase of Three 2021 Ford F-350 Trucks

Mr. Vernau said there are three pickup trucks that need to be replaced:  a 2005 Ford F-350 for Fleet Maintenance, a 2006 Ford F-350 for Public Works, and a 2010 F-350 for the Parks Department. He noted that the truck for Public Works was under budget by $6,000 coming in at $50,000 but the other two trucks are over their budgeted amount by $16,000. He said that the utility body for the Fleet truck was removed due to its additional expense. The total budgeted amount is $122,000 and the COSTARS contract quote is $138,449.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to authorize staff to purchase three 2021 Ford F-350’s to replace a 2005 Ford F-350 for Fleet Maintenance, a 2006 Ford F-350 for Public Works, and a 2010 F-350 for the Parks Department, not to exceed $139,000. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion. Commissioner Kutz asked about the need for the utility body for the Fleet truck which was removed from the purchase and Mr. Reynolds said that the utility body is useful for accessing tools without climbing in and out of the truck. Mr. Reynolds said that the cost of the utility body is $14,500. Motion carried 4-0.

Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the addition of a utility body to the new Fleet Maintenance Ford F-350 in an amount not to exceed $15,000. Vice President BLACK seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-0. Mr. Reynolds thanked the Board for approving the purchases.



President Villone noted that after Commissioner Reports, the Board would be recessing to Executive Session.

Captain Crone thanked the Board for their support in getting the command staff shuffling done.  

Director Holl also thanked the Board for their support. He said that most of the Public Safety staff have had the opportunity to receive COVID vaccinations. He said he has learned that the Walmart on Hartzdale Dr. may be receiving vaccines but does not know the details yet.

Director Flint thanked the Board for their support in approving the purchase of the trucks and equipment. He added that the trucks last a long time because the Fleet Maintenance staff does a great job maintaining them.

Mr. Vernau said that the Governor is again trying to assess a fee on every municipality for use of the State Police, even when the municipality has its own police department. He said that the fee charged to Lower Allen Township would be $8 per capita or $156,000. He would like to write letters protesting this fee to our Representative and Senator again this year. The Board is in favor of this.

Trent Gravely was in attendance in the meeting from the public. He asked what the Township does with its used vehicles when they are replaced. President Villone responded that they are sold with a return that is budgeted and Mr. Vernau added that the vehicles are sold on a bidding website and the Township usually does well getting money for the sale.

Vice President Black said that he feels the Board did the right thing tonight regarding the vehicle purchases. He noted that prices are going up dramatically.

Commissioner Kutz congratulated Corporal Scarlato on his promotion and congratulated the Captain and Director for getting their numbers on target for service levels. He added that he is impressed by how long the Township vehicles last and he felt that there were good discussions held tonight between the Commissioners and Township staff.

Commissioner Schin expressed that it is a pleasure to serve on the Board and he feels that the Zoom meetings are going well.

President Villone congratulated Corporal Scarlato as well as the Captain and Public Safety Director for achieving their service levels and noted it is appreciated by the residents. He said that Public Works is also important to the residents and they are appreciative of their work when snow is forecast. He expressed his gratitude that the building addition could be completed for the Public Works Department to be able to do their jobs more efficiently. He added the meetings will continue to be held in a Zoom format until it is determined to be safe to meet in person again.



The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners recessed to Executive Session at 7:37 pm to discuss candidates for the Recreation and Parks Board and the Tax Collector’s compensation.



The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners reconvened at 8:03 pm. President Villone announced that there was no need for action following the executive session. There being no more business, he adjourned the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners at 8:03 pm.