Stormwater Authority
09/07/23 Meeting Minutes
SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 |
The following were in ATTENDANCE: |
Timothy Johnson, Chairman |
Rebecca Davis, Public Works Director |
Lloyd Bucher, Vice Chairman |
Steven P Miner, LATSA Solicitor |
Alison J Shuler, Secretary |
Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary |
Richard Schin, Treasurer |
Commissioner Charles Brown |
Robert Edwards |
Chairman Johnson called the September 7, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Stormwater Authority to order at 7:30 pm. He announced the meeting had been duly advertised for publication.
Ms. SHULER moved to approve the minutes from the July 6, 2023, Regular Meeting with correction. Mr. SCHIN seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Miner presented an update on the West Chester Borough and University case, noting that the state system brief was due September 14, 2023 and that a decision was likely at least six months away.
He also reported three stormwater liens had been satisfied within the previous month.
Mr. Schin reported the total cash balance, as of August 28, 2023 was $3,396,304, an increase of $321,374 since the prior meeting.
Below is a summary report of Stormwater billing accounts deemed “Uncollectable” with total balances through 7/31/2023. These balances include past due principal amounts plus penalties through the lastbilling period (2023-Q3). Late penalties for 2023-Q3 are reflected in the figures.
Delinquent accounts
Property Owner |
Accts |
Balance |
Commonwealth of PA |
8 |
$9,964 |
PennDOT |
4 |
$1,044,012 |
PA Turnpike |
1 |
$126,928 |
PA Industrial School (SCI/Prison) |
1 |
$373,852 |
14 |
$1, 554,756 |
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Next, Mr. Schin reported a transfer in the amount of $344,507 for Q1 and Q2 transfers. Director Davis also noted that the original transfer was $750,295 but was offset by $405,788 in grant revenue, which paid for the stormwater infrastructure for the projects in Highland Park and Allendale.
Mr. SCHIN motioned to approve the transfer. Ms. SHULER seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Credit and Appeals Monthly Report
Director Davis reported there were no credit approvals issued and no appeal applications submitted since the prior meeting.
2023 Infrastructure Repair/Replacement and paving project
Director Davis provided an update on the project. She also provided photographs of the disintegrated pipe that had been removed from the underground. That old material is being scrapped and generating revenue to be put back into the stormwater fund and has earned nearly $10,000. Kinsley Construction is currently installing new aluminized corrugated metal pipe and associated structures in the lower end of the Highland Park neighborhood. They have installed 4 new manholes and 18 new inlets and laid 1200 linear feet of pipe so far. They will next move into the Allendale development to begin work.
Chairman Johnson expressed appreciation for the stormwater program, noting the value of the program and fee to provide the funding necessary to make the much-needed improvements.
Portnoff Collections Update
First, Director Davis noted that Mr. Miner was still assisting in satisfying liens for the Authority. Next, she referenced a memo describing the status of collection of delinquent stormwater and refuse accounts by Portnoff Associates. Those accounts were sent to Portnoff on August 22, 2023.
Water Environment Federation Award
Director Davis announced that Lower Allen Township had been selected as the recipient of the “MS4 Phase II Innovation Award.” The award recognizes an organization’s ability to surpass regulatory requirements and demonstrates and commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing innovative solutions. It is a nationwide award and only three recipients are selected. She will receive the award on behalf of the Township in October at an event in Chicago. No municipality in Pennsylvania has received the award before.
Members of the Authority expressed their congratulations to Director Davis for her leadership and efforts in the program.
Other Business
Director Davis noted that bids would be opened the next day for the three BMP projects, and those will be presented to the Board of Commissioners at their meeting on September 11, 2023. The bid results will be presented to the Authority at the October meeting. She also noted that a preliminary budget would be presented for review at the next meeting. Lastly, she reported that a property owner with a BMP had requested relief from the no-inspection fee due to non-receipt of Township notices regarding the inspection. She noted that three notices were sent between December and February. When the resident does not complete the self-inspection, the Township completes the inspection and charges a $50 fee, which is included in the O&M agreement. Ms. Davis noted the resident made a good suggestion which was to leave door hangars as notice to property owners regarding the inspection. Members of the Authority expressed consensus they were not in favor of granting relief from the fee.
With no other business pertinent to the Authority, the Regular Meeting of the Stormwater Authority adjourned at 8:01 PM.