Recreation and Parks Board
08/23/23 Minutes
REGULAR MEETING | August 23, 2023 |
The following were in ATTENDANCE: | |
Greg Mahon, Chair | Helen Grundon, Administrative Assistant |
Robert Pelles | Tom Vernau, Township Manager |
James Kaiser | Renee’ Greenawalt, Recording Secretary |
Megan Klenzing | Tom Stambaugh |
Commissioner Josh Nagy | |
Mr. Mahon called the August 23, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Lower Allen Township Recreation and Parks Board to order at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Pelles motioned to approve the minutes from the July 26, 2023 Regular Meeting. Ms. Klenzing seconded. The motion carried 4-0.
PUBLIC COMMENT – Lower Allen Community Park
Mr. Stambaugh noted that paving of the parking lots may be occurring in the fall.
Highland Park
Several residents presented public comments regarding concerns they have about activity occurring at Highland Park.
Katie and Conner Hall, residents at 1403 Letchworth Road, expressed safety concerns arising from an increase in graffiti, vandalism, and loitering incidents occurring at the park. They also noted that the tennis courts were not ADA friendly. They suggested potential solutions such as resurfacing tennis courts and making them ADA accessible. They also suggested the addition of pickleball nets and lines to the existing courts to increase park use by neighbor residents. They suggested these may improve the park and reduce negative incidents.
Debra Grace, resident at 1500 Chatham Rd expressed concern over the vandalism in the park and noted her support for removal of the basketball hoops as a solution to deter the groups of individuals causing the vandalism and littering. She also noted she felt there were insufficient public safety patrols.
Arne Kotte, resident at 1490 Letchworth Road shared his observations of the activity of concern, including fighting, jumping fences, and trespassing in yards, spitting, taunting pets, intimidation of residents. littering, illicit drug use, noise disturbance and presence of people in pavilions in the middle of the night. He asked the board to consider removing the basketball nets, enforcing the dusk curfew, installing security cameras as a deterrent to pursue corrective action against those who are creating the problems. He also noted the walkway from the park that runs by homes provides access to trespassers. He observed the pavilion light remains on at night but other lights in the park are not lit.
Mr. Mahon noted that board members and township staff were cognizant graffiti is occurring in the parks and are trying to address them as much as possible, and mentioned specifically repairs for the broken bench and swing, and the possibility of using a special paint that would deter the graffiti activity. He also explained that the township was assessing the feasibility of adding more pickleball courts and prioritizing locations for those. He expressed appreciation for the idea that more amenities draw more residents and minimizes unwanted activity. He also noted there have been increases in patrols. Other potential solutions include better signage and security cameras. These elements will be part of the upcoming fall budget discussions.
Ms. Grundon presented the Recreation and Parks Staff Report. She noted that mowing was ongoing. Baseball field maintenance needs have slowed down. There have been some fallen trees to be addressed. In Beacon Hill, the pavilion was pressure washed and painted. The electric access was rewired at the pavilion at Petes’s Field and the steps were removed along Church Road. Finally, the signs at the LACP boat ramp and lower soccer field were replaced. She reported preparations were nearly finished for the upcoming soccer tournament at LACP for Columbus Day weekend. The rentals for the pavilion and barn have slowed down, but once the Board of Commissioners approves the fee schedule for 2024, she will move forward with rentals for next year.
Next, further discussion about the situation at Highland Park ensued. Mr. Stambaugh noted that security cameras were under consideration in next year’s budget for Highland, LACP and Wass Park. Ms. Klenzing suggested recommending to management and the Board of Commissioners to remove the basketball nets on a trial basis to see if it deters the negative behavior. Commissioner Nagy also noted that the park was a high priority location that deserves increased patrols. Recreation and Park Board members agreed that Mr. Mahon will communicate the recommendations of basketball net removal on a temporary basis, increased public safety patrols and enforcement of the curfew.
Commissioner Nagy announced the birth of his first child, who was born the night of the previous meeting. He also thanked Board members for including him in the summer park tours.
Yappy Hour Update – September 21, 2023 4:30-7 PM
Ms. Grundon reported that arrangements for the event were coming together well. She reviewed the list of vendors participating and noted a winery had recently been added. Also, a pet photographer will be there. Promotion of the event is ongoing. Ms. Grundon will reach out one more time to potential vendors and then distribute flyers. She will follow up with board members by email with final details about set up.
Recreation and Parks Board Recommendation letter to Board of Commissioners
Ms. Grundon referred to the draft letter that was distributed to all members. The letter captures the recommendations discussed during the review and the park tours. She urged transmittal to the Board of Commissioners as soon as possible for timely consideration in preparation of the budget meetings. Ms. Klenzing requested addition of ADA compliance and painting for Highland Park, but also noted it was important to consider ADA compliance generally throughout all parks in the township. Mr. Mahon also noted his desire to add extension of the perimeter trail at LACP.
Ms. Grundon noted she would revise the letter and recirculate it to Board members.
The Regular Meeting of the Recreation and Parks Board was adjourned at 8:28 PM. The next meeting will be September 27, 2023 at 7:00PM.