Board of Commissioners
7-11-16 Minutes
The following were in ATTENDANCE:
H. Edward Black, President | Thomas G. Vernau Jr., Township Manager |
Peddrick M. Young, Sr, Vice President | David Holl, Director of Public Safety |
Richard F. Schin | Daniel Flint, Community Development |
Carolyn E. Holtzman | Richard Grove, Director of Finance |
Jack R. Simpson Jr. | Leon Crone, Lieutenant, Police Department |
John Eby, Building and Zoning Coordinator | |
Vicky Ann Trimmer, Assistant Solicitor | |
Julie Echterling, Recording Secretary |
President Black called the July 11, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 pm. He followed with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that Proof of Publication was available for review.
Director Holl asked for a moment of silence for the five police officers who honorably served and were ambushed and killed in Dallas. A moment of silence was observed for these officers.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 13, 2016 meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
President Black recognized Kathy Ritter for 20 years of service with the Township in the Accounting Department. Gary Gabriel was recognized at the meeting for completing 2,500 hours of service in the Parks Department. Marie Calaman, EMT, Mark D’Agostino, Public Works, and DJ Sentman, Police Department, were unable to attend the meeting but were recognized for their 15 years of service.
Director Holl spoke about an incident in February where officers apprehended suspects that fled on foot after a traffic stop. Officers Katie Justh, Edward Curtis, and Torrie Shiley, and Corporal Douglas Foltz were recognized at the meeting for their work in the incident.
Director Holl spoke about an incident in the Township whereby three suspects were arrested with over 100 pieces of mail from local business with checks amounting to $9,600. The following officers were involved with the arrest: Officers Michael Scarlato, Laura Castle, and Bryan Rennie, Corporal Mathew Claeys, Detective Troy McNair and Lieutenant Gregory Thomas.
The Board thanked the employees and Police Officers for their service to the Township.
There was no response.
President Black advised that any Commissioner, staff member, or anyone in attendance could request any item on the Consent Agenda be removed for further discussion and asked if there was such request. There was no response.
Commissioner SCHIN moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:
- Authorize staff to advertise Ordinance 2016-03, amending Section 187-52, Snow Removal, to require clearing fire hydrants of ice and snow.
- Reduction of Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2015-04, Final Land Development Plan for 4530 Lena Drive, establishing a new amount of $41,277.50 and a new expiration date of July 11, 2017.
- Renewal of Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2005-24, Final Subdivision Plan for Liberty Point, establishing a new amount of $70,599.95 and a new expiration date of July 1, 2017.
- Release of Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2013-07, Final Land Development Plan for Brooks Edge.
- Department Reports for the month of May for Township Engineer, Public Works, Fleet Maintenance, Public Safety, and Assistant Manager. Department Reports for Community Development for the months of January, February, and March.
- Payment to Hempt Bros., Inc. in the amount of $257,772.87 for the 2016 Street Pavement Maintenance Resurfacing Project.
- Resolution 2016-R-22 Motion to appointing Alex J. Milletics as a Police Officer, effective July 5, 2016 at a starting hourly wage of $23.1269.
- Tax Collector’s Monthly Reports for June 2016.
Vice President YOUNG seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Check Register
Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the Check Register of June 27, 2016 in the amount of $216,032.38. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the Check Register of July 8, 2016 in the amount of $264,880.43. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve a manual check register for June 2016 in the amount of $4,526.94. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1. President Black abstained as the check was written to a relative of his.
Mr. Jack Wolfe, 10 Rockaway Drive, spoke about a sinkhole in his backyard. He stated that there was a similar issue in 1968 and the Township took care of it then and he asked the Township to do something about it now. He spoke about a similar issue with a home on his street and the Township took care of it. He feels the Township is responsible for it since they installed the storm drains in the past few years. He stated that the development he lives in was built in the 1950s. His property has a carport which was there when he bought the house. He asked if the Sewer Authority could use their cameras and see if there is an issue with the pipe or the box underground. Commissioner Holtzman shared pictures she took of the hole with the Board.
Mr. Flint stated that this issue came up about 4-5 years ago and the Township installed storm drains to help with the water flow. He stated that there are no public easements for the area. He stated that they reviewed the public records for the development and some records state the storm drain should go to Palmer Avenue, however they haven’t been able to find it on Palmer. He stated that there were not as many code requirements in the 1950s as there is now. Mr. Vernau stated that there were no public easements provided by the developer. He stated that the policy of the Township is not to work on private property without having the easements. He discussed the flow of the pipes with this area and the project completed there a few years ago. He stated that the project was to divert water from the streets and back yards into the storm drains.
Commissioner Simpson discussed the issue with easements and the carport. He stated that if there was an easement and work was to be done, the carport would have to go because of the heavy equipment that would need access to the backyard. Extensive discussion ensued. President Black asked Mr. Flint to scope out the site and report back to the Board.
SLD Docket No. 2016-03, Final SLD Plan for Highpoint, Phase 1.2, Revision No. 2
Mr. Flint showed the Board the approved plan and revisions on the map. He stated that they propose building four fewer homes in exchange for more open space. He showed the Board the trail and spoke about it constituting transportation versus recreation in exchange for the sidewalk. He stated that the Planning Commission approved the modifications.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the requested modification of the requirement contained in Section 192-57.C(9) to provide sidewalks along all street frontage, to allow construction of a bituminous path across Open Space Lot OS-15B in lieu of sidewalk along Longview Road and Mission Hill Road frontages and the modification of the requirement contained in Section 192-57.C(9) to provide sidewalks along all street frontage, to allow construction of a bituminous path across Open Space Lot OS-8A in lieu of sidewalk along Rocky Way frontage for SLD Docket No. 2016-03, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Highpoint, Phase 1.2, Revision No. 2. Commissioner SIMPSON seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve SLD Docket No. 2016-03, Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan for Highpoint, Phase 1.2, Revision No. 2. Vice President YOUNG seconded them motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Improvement Security: SLD Docket No. 2007-05 – Marzoni’s Restaurant
Mr. Flint discussed the history of this plan and how it was never built. He stated that they are now prepared to build it and need to establish the security.
Vice President YOUNG made a motion to approve the Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2007-05, Final Land Development Plan for Marzoni’s Restaurant, in the amount of $91,790.00 with an expiration date of July 11, 2017. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Improvement Security: SLD Docket No. 2003-06 – Manor at Fair Oaks Phase 2, Lot 6
Commissioner SCHIN made a motion to approve the release of Improvement Security for SLD Docket No. 2003-06, Final Subdivision Plan for Manor at Fair Oaks Phase 2, Lot 6. Vice President YOUNG seconded them motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Application to Pennsylvania American Water Company for new fire hydrants
Vice President YOUNG made a motion authorizing Staff to sign and submit the Application for New or Replacement Public Fire Service to Pennsylvania American Water for two new hydrants in Highpoint, Phase 1.2. and two new hydrants in Highpoint, Phase 1.5. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Gettysburg Road/Hartzdale Drive Sidewalk Project
Vice President YOUNG made a motion authorizing the advertising and bidding process for construction of the Gettysburg Road/Hartzdale Drive Sidewalk Project. Commissioner SCHIN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Beacon Hill Trail Extension Project
Vice President YOUNG made a motion authorizing the advertising and bidding process for construction of the Beacon Hill Trail Extension Project. Commissioner HOLTZMAN seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Zoning Hearing Board
Mr. Eby discussed Docket #2016-01, an application of MKPH Holding, LLC, requesting a special exception. He requested the ZHB to require acknowledgement from the current lot owners that selling lot 161 to the applicant would significantly impair their ability to sell or develop 162 as requested by the Board last month. The wife of the applicant wasn’t present at the hearing. The public hearing was continued until July 21, 2016 so that both the husband and wife can be present and provide testimony.
Accident Review Board
Mr. Vernau discussed the idea of reviving the Accident Review Board. He stated that the reason for the Board is to reduce accidents. He asked if any Board members would like to serve on the Board. Commissioners Schin and Simpson will serve on this Board.
Update on Cedar Spring Run Trail through Norfolk Southern right-of-way.
Mr. Vernau spoke about the original design for a safe crossing under the railroad in regards to the trail. He stated that the Township spent approximately $11,000 for Norfolk’s engineers to review and comment on the original design. Once the design was okayed by the engineers, the Harrisburg office denied the request. He stated that Solicitor Miner has asked for a hearing with the PUC to discuss this. Mr. Flint has designed another way for the safe crossing of a bridge, which provide a dry walkway for pedestrians. He spoke about Norfolk Southern’s concern for liability. He stated that there would be a cost associated with the review of the new design. He stated that there are three options, drop it completely, go to the PUC with the original or present the new bridge design. Commissioner Simpson spoke to several residents and some would use the crossing while others would not walk down to the crossing. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Eby spoke about the upcoming July 17th Yellow Breeches Watershed cleanup of the creek. He spoke about the cards with the rules printed by Messiah College.
Commissioner Simpson appreciated the conference the Commissioners attended. Commissioner Schin thanked the police for their service especially after recent events. He asked if the budgets could be printed this year with larger fonts.
Director Holl thanked the Board for their support of the police officers.
Dean Villone, resident, spoke about floating down the creek over the Memorial Day holiday and how polite everyone was but noticed the trash left by some. He stated that his wife grew up in the Township and how polite the police are which comes from the top.
President Black spoke about the car accident in which his granddaughter was injured. She spent eight days in ICU and now is home with rehab. He was thankful for the off-duty nurse who saw the accident and provided medical care to her until first responders arrived. He thanked and feels fortunate to have the first responders that Lower Allen has working for them. He thanked the following people for responding to the accident:
EMTS: Eddy Ream, Joe Peters, Jay Whitall, Captain Chris Yohn and Medic Tim Mihoerck, Paramedic.
Fire: PSO Bryce Landis, Deputy Chief Dave Murdock, and Asst Chief Tim Sheely.
Police: Officers Stirling, Shiley, Curtis, and Corporal Foltz. CSO Crane.
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourned at 8:55 pm.